Barmenshinova Madina
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Head of Department
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: m.barmenshinova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Barmenshinova Madina Bogembaevna, candidate of technical sciences, head of the department "Metallurgy and mineral processing" NAO KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev since June 1, 2017. The experience of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity is more than 22 years.
Has experience in research institutes and university in the following positions:
- trainee researcher of the department "Metallurgy of precious metals and mineral processing" KazNTU named after K.I. Satpaeva (09/04/2000 - 08/31/2001);
- assistant of the Department of Mineral Enrichment, Zhezkazgan University named after. O.A. Baikonurov (09/01/2001 - 12/01/2001);
- junior and researcher of the laboratory of enrichment and flotation reagents of the Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (01.12.2004 - 26.11.2007);
- manager of the Laboratory of Fluorides and Rare Elements, Leading Manager of the Department of Materials and Nanotechnologies, Pilot-Industrial Technological Test Site at Institute of High Technologies LLP of NAC Kazatomprom JSC (01/03/2008 - 06/01/2010);
- head of the department of scientific and technical programs (06/02/2010 - 07/01/2016), head of the corporate development and asset management department (07/01/2016 - 12/31/2016), assistant-professor of NAO "KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpaev” (01.01-31.05.2017).
Successfully combines organizational, pedagogical and scientific activities. She headed the department of scientific and technical programs of the university and has extensive experience in the field of formation of scientific and technical programs and reports on R&D in the field of mining, mineral processing and metallurgy. She was the scientific supervisor of contractual work (2014-2015) and the project of grant funding for young scientists (2020-2022), the responsible executor of the scientific and technical program and the project of grant funding (2018-2020) of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Barmenshinova M.B. is one of the developers of educational programs for undergraduate-master's-doctoral studies: 6B07203 "Metallurgy and mineral processing", 7M07204 "Metallurgy and mineral processing", 7M07226 "Mineral processing", 8D07204 "Metallurgical engineering", 8D07201 "Mineral processing". She also developed an educational master's program for corporate clients within the framework of the International Scientific and Educational Center for the Nuclear Industry (MENOTSAP) at KazNITU named after. K.I. Satpaeva: OP 7M07137-Chemical technology of inorganic substances and materials (specialization "Technology of processing of uranium raw materials and products"; 1.5 years). In 2022, 8 masters of technical sciences graduated for NAC Kazatomprom JSC. In accordance with the Atlas of new professions in 2022, under her leadership, new undergraduate educational programs were developed: 6B07212 "Recycling in metallurgy", 6B07213 - "Mineral processing", which were approved by ESUVO experts (esuvo.platonus.kz)
Author of more than 60 scientific papers, 4 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an invention and utility model, 1 monograph. Hirsch index for Scopus - 5. Laureate of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2010–2012. (Astana). Since 2018, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Graduate of various professional development programs, among which the following should be especially noted:
- USAID Small Business Development through New Technologies and Innovation Program (USA, North Carolina, Raleigh, 4-30.04.2011);
- Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education "Professional Development Program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan" (Astana, 27.06–4.11.2016);
- Seminar of the International Academy of Management and Technology "Research University" (Germany, Dusseldorf, 3-9.07.2016);
- Seminar of Kazakhstan Nuclear University JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" "Lean production. Advanced level" (Almaty, 19-20.11.2018);
- Seminar of KIMEP University and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Modern educational programs of international standard practice: the experience of KIMEP University” (Almaty, 20-21.02.2020);
- Seminar of JSC “National Center for Advanced Studies “Orleu” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Management in the system of higher professional education” (13-22.01.2021), etc.
Barmenshinova M.B. for exemplary professional activity she was awarded with the badges "Enbek Danky" I, II, III degree of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1995-2000 Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurova, specialty: "Mineral processing", qualification: mining engineer-enrichment. Diplom No. 0004456 of June 30, 2000
2001-2004 Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (full-time graduate school).
In 2006, the Dissertation Council D 53.17.01 at the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation defended a dissertation on the topic: “Improved technology of gravity-flotation benefication of rebellious gold-quartz-bearing ledge ores” (scientific supervisors: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet Kenzhalievich and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ilya Davidovich Raivich, IMiO MES RK, Almaty). Candidate of Technical Sciences (dated February 27, 2007).
2023 Associate Professor (Associate Professor), specialty 20700 – Environmental Engineering.
Scientific projects
Responsible executor of the scientific and technical program implemented as part of targeted funding for 2018-2020: BR05235618 “Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and mining industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rakishev B.R.)
Responsible executor of the project implemented as part of grant financing for 2018-2020: AP05133980 “Development of the technology of flotation concentration of lead-zinc ores of the Shalkiya deposit using the preliminary gravity concentration process” (Ph.D., professor Telkov Sh.A.).
Scientific supervisor of the project carried out by grant financing of young scientists for 2020-2022: АР08052653 "Improving the flotation technology for industry-related raw materials using ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents".
From 2019 to the present, Barmenshinova M.B. in the position of senior scientific researcher, she is the executor of a number of contractual research works devoted to research on enrichment: iron ore of the Ayatskoye deposit (2019); coal mine "Molodezhny" and "Kuu-Chekinsky" (2019); ores of the Mizek deposit (2020); lead-barite ore from the Uzynzhal deposit (2020); manganese ore from the Kulan-Ketpes deposit and development of processing technologies (2021); manganese ore from the Chashma deposit (sample T-2) and development of processing technologies (2021); manganese ore from the Ushkatyn-III deposit (2022); polymetallic ore from the Uzynzhal deposit (2022); manganese ore from the Dalnee deposit (2022); iron-manganese ore from the Zhomart deposit (2023).
Scientific director of the project carried out within the framework of grant financing for 2023-2025: AP19680182 "Development of effective technology of complex enrichment and processing of refractory gold-containing raw materials of Aktobe deposit"
Responsible executor of the scientific and technical program implemented as part of targeted funding for 2023-2025: BR21881939 "Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and creation of an innovative engineering center"
List of scientific papers in international peer reviewed scientific journals, included in Scopus and Web of Science databases
1. A.Yessengaziyev, A. Mukhanova, N. Tussupbayev, M. Barmenshinova. The usage of basic and ultramicroheterogenic flotation reagents in the processing of technogenic copper-containing raw materials / Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2022, 57(6), pp. 1235–1242, ISSN 1314-7978 нет DOI, https://journal.uctm.edu/node/j2022-6/19_22-09_JCTM_57_6_pp1235-1242.pdf CiteScore 1,4, Процентиль = 38, Engineering
2. A.A.Mukhanova, A.M.Yessengaziyev, M.B.Barmenshinova, N.O.Samenova, G.A.Toilanbay, K.N.Toktagulova. Improvement of the technology related gold-containing raw materials with the use of ultramicroheterogeneous flotoreagent / Metalurgija, 2022, 61(3-4), pp. 777–780, ISSN: 0543-5846, нет DOI, https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/397152 CiteScore 1,4 Процентиль = 37, Metals and Alloys
3. Mambetaliyeva A.R., Mamyrbayeva K.K., Turysbekov D.K., Dauletbakov T.S., Barmenshinova M.B. Investigation of the process of sulfiding of gold-arsenic containing ores and concentrates / Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2022, DOI 10.33271/nvngu/2022-3/051 CiteScore 1.7 Процентиль= 50, General Engineering
4. Rysbekov K., Bitimbayev M., Akhmetkanov D., Barmenshinova M., Toktarov A., Baskanbayeva D., Yelemessov K. Substantiation of mining systems for steeply dipping low-thickness ore bodies with controlled continuous stope extraction / Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2022, DOI10.33271/mining16.02.064 CiteScore 2,8 Процентиль= 63, General Engineering
5. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Tu., Barmenshinova M.B., Abisheva Z.S. Study of gravity-flotation concentration of lead-zinc ore at the Shalkiya deposit / Obogashchenie Rud, 2021, DOI 10.17580/or.2021.06.02 CiteScore 1,7 Процентиль = 48, Metals and Alloys
6. Telkov S.A., Motovilov I.Y., Barmenshinova M.B., Medyanik N.L., Daruesh G.S. Substantiation of Gravity Concentration to the Shalkiya Deposit Lead-Zinc Ore / Journal of Mining Science, 2019, DOI10.1134/S1062739119035769, IF=7,14, Q4, Mining & Mineral Processing, CiteScore 1,3 Процентиль = 38, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
7. Motovilov I.Y., Telkov S.A., Barmenshinova M.B., Nurmanova A.N. Examination of the preliminary gravity dressing influence on the Shalkiya deposit complex ore / Non-ferrous Metals, 2019, DOI10.17580/nfm.2019.02.01 CiteScore 1,2 Процентиль = 45, Metals and Alloys
8. Yulusov S., Surkova T.Y., Amanzholova L.U., Barmenshinova M.B. On sorption of the rare-earth elements / Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2018, 53(1), pp. 79–82. ISSN:1314-7471, нет DOI, https://journal.uctm.edu/node/j2018-1/10_17-108_p_79-82.pdf CiteScore 0,9 Процентиль = 42, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
9. Yulusov S., Surkova T.Y., Kozlov V.A., Barmenshinova M. Application of hydrolytic precipitation for separation of rare-earth and impurity elements / Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2018, 53(1), pp. 27–30. ISSN:1314-7471, https://journal.uctm.edu/node/j2018-1/3_17-100_p_27-30.pdf CiteScore 0,9 Процентиль = 42, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Barmenshinova M.B., Raivich I.D., Kenzhaliev B.K., Bekturganov N.S. О графоаналитическом представлении гравитационной обогатимости золотосодержащих руд // Complex use of mineral resources, 2007, No 1, pp. 7–12, ISSN 2224-5243
2. Surkova T.Yu., Yulusov S.B., Barmenshinova M.B. Поведение примесей при извлечении редкоземельных элементов из урановых руд // Vestnik KazNTU, 2010, No. 5, pp.42-45, ISSN 1680-9211
3. Myrzabek G.A., Barmenshinova M.B., Kilibayev E.O., Zheksenbekova N.A. Уранқұрамды кендерді жер асты шаймалауды қарқындату (интенсификация) мәселелері // Vestnik KazNTU, No. 1, 2011, pp.72-75, ISSN 2709-4758
4. Surkova T.Yu., Dulenin A.P., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A. Сопутствующее извлечение молибдена при переработке некондиционных урансодержащих руд // Complex use of mineral resources, 2013, No. 2, pp.37-43, ISSN 2224-5243
5. Surkova T.Yu., Gushchin A.P., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B. Предварительное обогащение карбонатно-фосфатных урановых руд // Vestnik KazNTU, 2013, No.3 (97), pp.258-262, ISSN 1680-9211
6. Surkova T.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A. Влияние примесей на извлечение молибдена из карбонатно-фосфатных урановых руд с преобладающей карбонатной составляющей // Vestnik KazNTU, 2013, No. 4 (98), pp.257-264, ISSN 1680-9211
7. Surkova T.Yu., Mukusheva A.S., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A. Получение триоксида молибдена из некондиционного урансодержащего сырья // Vestnik KazNTU, 2014, No.3, pp.415-420, ISSN 1680-9211
8. Surkova T.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A., Yesimova D.M. Технологические аспекты переработки некондиционных урановых руд // Vestnik KazNTU, 2015, No. 2, pp.453-459, ISSN 1680-9211
9. Yulusov S.B., Koizhanova A.K., Surkova T.Yu., Shukurov B.M., Barmenshinova M.B. Физико-химические исследования золотосодержащей руды месторождения «Актогай» // Vestnik KazNTU, 2016, No. 6, pp.231-237, ISSN 1680-9211
10. Rakishev B.R., Abisheva Z.S., Barmenshinova M.B. Модернизация технологий и производств- решающий фактор в горнодобывающей и горно-перерабатывающей отраслях // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2019, No.12, pp.6-11, ISSN 2227-4766
11. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B. Исследование влияния предварительной концентрации на измельчаемость полиметаллических руд // Vestnik KazNRTU, 2020, No. 4, pp.623-628, ISSN 1680-9211
12. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Nurmanova A.N. Қорғасын-мырыш кенін селективті флотациялаудың корғасын циклін өндеу // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2020, No. 10, pp.34-38, ISSN 2227-4766
13. Есенгазиев А.М., Barmenshinova M.B., Билялова С.М., Муханова А.А., Мухамедилова А.М. Исследование устойчивости эмульсии ультрамикрогетерогенных флотореагентов, полученной методом ультразвукового диспергирования // Complex use of mineral resources, 2020, №3 (314), pp.65-75, ISSN 2224-5243
14. Innovative patent of the RK, No. 24889. Способ извлечения редкоземельных элементов из маточных растворов уранового производства / Surkova T.Yu., Mukusheva A.S., Yunusov S.B., Dulenin A.P., Gushchin A.P., Barmenshinova M.B. publ. 15.11.2011, dated 2011/0548.1
15. Innovative patent of the RK, No. 28702. Способ извлечения урана из руд / Surkova T.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A., Mukusheva A.S., Gushchin A.P. publ. 15.07.2014, dated 2013/0696.1
16. Innovative patent of the RK, No. 28930. Способ разделения урана и циркония / Dulenin A.P., Surkova T.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Yulusov S.B., Beisakhmetov D.A. publ. 15.09.2014, dated 2013/1410.1
17. Patent for Utility model of the RK, No. 6020. Способ измельчения труднообогатимых окварцованных полиметаллических руд с использованием гравитационного обогащения / Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B. publ. 30.04.2021, dated 2021/0202.2
18. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbai E.E., Barmenshinova M.B. Уголь: Инновационная хлорная технология переработки золошлаковых отходов. Monograph - Almaty: Satbaev University, 2023. - 246 p, ISBN 978-601-323-342-0
International research and practical conferences
19. Bekturganov N.S., Barmenshinova M.B., Raivich I.D., Kenzhaliev B.K., Suleimenov I.E. Соответствие гранулометрических характеристик дробленой руды нормальному закону // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers IV - Moscow, March 28-30, 2007, Volume I, pp.206-207, ISBN 5-93121-161-6
20. Bekturganov N.S., Turysbekov D.K., Tusupbayev N.K., Mukhanova A.A., Barmenshinova M.B., Semushkina L.V. О новом депрессоре углистых веществ при флотации труднообогатимых полиметаллических руд // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers IV - Moscow, March 28-30, 2007, Volume II, pp.167-168, ISBN 5-93121-161-6
21. Kopbaeva M.P., Barmenshinova M.B., Sarsenbaeva A.S., Gushchin A.P. Исследование кинетики сорбции урана и молибдена из карбонатных растворов // Collection of reports of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of the uranium industry", Almaty, September 18-20, 2008, pp.343-345, ISBN 9965-9359-6-3
22. Duisebaev B.O., Kopbaeva M.P., Panova E.N., Barmenshinova M.B., Sarsenbaeva A.S. О селективном разделении окисленной никелевой руды с помощью фторидов аммония // Collection of reports of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of the uranium industry", Almaty, September 18-20, 2008, pp.394-396, ISBN 9965-9359-6-3
23. Shautenov M.R., Barmenshinova M.B., Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Askarova G.E., Matkarimova Z.E. Разработка флотационной технологии обогащения полиметаллических медно-цинковых руд // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers X - Moscow, February 17-19, 2015 - Volume II - pp.442-444, ISBN 978-5-904216-14-6
24. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Bukpanov A.K. Изучение гравитационной обогатимости железо-марганцевых руд с использованием кривых обогатимости типа «Анри-Рейнгардта» // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers XI, Moscow, March 13-15, 2017 , pp.92-96, ISBN 978-5-904216-13-9
25. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Zelensky V.P., Malimbayev U.S., Barmenshinova M.B., Smolkova A.I. Технология переработки окисленных и сульфидных свинцово-баритовых руд с использованием гравитационных процессов обогащения // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers XI, Moscow, March 13-15, 2017, pp.97-101, ISBN 978-5-904216-13-9
26. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B., Nurmanova A.N., Daruesh G.S. Определение условий использования процесса обогащения в тяжелых суспензиях для предварительного обогащения дробленных руд меcторождения Шалкия // MATERIALS of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Effective technologies for the production of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals", Almaty, 2018. - pp. 104-108, ISBN 978-601-323-132-7
27. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Bostandykov A.M., Zelensky V.P., Malimbayev U.S., Barmenshinova M.B. Изучение вещественного и гранулометрического состава окисленных свинцово-баритовых руд // MATERIALS of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Effective technologies for the production of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals", Almaty, 2018.- pp.109-114, ISBN 978-601-323-132-7
28. Telkov Sh.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Barmenshinova M.B. Фракционный анализ руд по высокой плотности // CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers XII - Moscow, 2019 - pp. 146-149, ISBN 978-5-904216-13-9
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