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Beysenov Baurzhan Sakkouly

Beysenov Baurzhan Sakkouly

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment

Email: b.beisenov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professor, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Teacher with 37 years of experience, researcher and inventor. Responsible executor of contractual works introduced into production, a number of research grant projects, author of more than 100 scientific articles, including in journals with a non-zero impact factor, 5 study guides, more than 100 methodological developments. He has 9 innovative prepatents and patents, 5 copyright certificates of the USSR. Scientific supervisor of student and master's works, who repeatedly won the various republican and university competitions. Member of the dissertation council, specializing in Processes and Pressure Processing Machines. Along with scientific and pedagogical work, takes an active part in the public life of the institute and the university; curator and mentor of young scientists. Executive Secretary of 12 inter-university collections of scientific papers, has experience in the post of head of department, member of the university’s control committee. He was awarded the Satbayev University medal "Airiksha ebegi үshіn".


1976-1981 KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin, specialty: "Mechanical equipment of metallurgical plants" - mechanical engineer

1982-1986 postgraduate study at KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin, without submitting a dissertation for defense

1999 defending a dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences - KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev

Scientific projects

Research interests: Innovative drives of technological machines

Name of projects:

GF No. 2018 / АР05131236 “Modernization of mining and metallurgical equipment using innovative materials and drive arrangements”,

GF No. 2018 / АР05131363 “Research and development of equipment and technology for pumping productive solutions during underground well leaching using combined jet pumping units


1. L. Krupnik, K. Yelemessov, B. Beisenov., D. Baskanbayevа, E.Sarybaev. Use of air bellows for low-speed drive mechanisms,  International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,  Язык: англ. Volume 9, Issue 11, November-2018 pg.1106-1112.  ISSN 2229-5518. 

2. Е.Е. Елагин, Б.С. Бейсенов, Е.Е. Сарыбаев, Р.З. Тагауова, Технология изготовления форм для литья корпусных деталей из полимербетона, Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях индустрии 4.0» ISBN 978-601-323-168-6

3. Б.С. Бейсенов,  Е.Е. Сарыбаев, С.Ж. Сейiт, Система управления пневматическим камерным проиводом поворотного действия, Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях индустрии 4.0» ISBN 978-601-323-168-6

4. Р.М. Желоманов, Б.С. Бейсенов, Е.Е. Сарыбаев, Особенности применения пневматических камерных подушек для тихоходных приводов технологических машин, Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях индустрии 4.0» ISBN 978-601-323-168-6

5. Абдукаримов Т.Х., Бейсенов Б.С., Сарыбаев Е.Е. Пневмопривод как решение актуальных проблем тихоходного оборудования, Вестник КаНИТУ им.К.И.Сатпаева №2

6. Polymer concrete and fibre concrete as efficient materials for manufacture of gear cases and pumps. E3S Web Conf. Volume 168, 2020. II International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice. Published online. 06 May 2020.

7. Substantiation and process design to manufacture polymer-concrete transfer cases for mining machines. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 14(2), 103-109.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

1. Development and research of a system for preventing clogging of bunkers with crushed ore raw materials based on an electrohydraulic impact effect.

2. Development and study of a system for compensating for the elongation of the traction body of a long-stroke balanced drive of sucker rod pumps during the modernization of serial pumping units

3. Development of methods for controlling the filling of drum mills based on the analysis of the frequency components of the current signal.