Bekenov Erulan
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: y.bekenov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
After finishing KazPTI (Satbayev university) worked for more than 3 years at the Alma-Ata heavy engineering plant in 1 mechanical assembly workshop. Since 1986, at the KazPTI (Satbayev university) at the department "Resistance of materials and TMM". Positions: engineer, junior research assistant, graduate student, teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, acting Head of Department, Professor, Associate Professor. Readable disciplines in Kazakh and Russian for undergraduates, postgraduates and the institute of distance education: material resistance, applied mechanics, theoretical mechanics, theory of mechanisms and machines, design fundamentals and machine parts, strength and reliability of machines, statics and strength of materials, physics and mechanics of materials, strength physics and materials science. Published more than 50 scientific and educational works, including the impact factor Thomson Reuters, Scopus, as well as the author of 6 inventions. A training manual, educational and methodical work, teaching materials and syllabuses on readable disciplines. Hirsch index h = 1. The scientific and pedagogical experience is 36 years, the experience in the specialty is 40 years.
Conducted trainings for teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of distance learning at Satbayev University, January 2020.
State awards, compliments, certificates and others: 2 medals of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev "for special merits" in 2009 and in 2014, "letter of appreciation" signed by the rector of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev; Diploma of Satbayev University signed by the rector I.K. Beisembetov, for participation in sports and mass events on presidential tests, Certificate of Honor "30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on behalf of the rector of Satbayev University M. Bergentayev, 2021; Medal for the 85th anniversary of KazNRTU, 2021
Higher, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, Faculty of Engineering, specialty - "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools", qualification - mechanical engineer, diploma with honors, (1977 – 1982), KazPTI graduate student with a separation from the production of the department “Resistance of materials and TMM” with a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, (1988-1991).
Scientific projects
Research interests and current projects: mechanics of a deformable solid; Dynamics and strength of machines, instruments and equipment; Theory of mechanisms and machines.
1. Project of the GF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018-2020 No. AP05132743. "Design and development of asymptotic models of the field of surface waves in deformable solid media with complex mechanical properties, coating and their sources of excitation" (supervisor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Khadzhiev L. A.), 2018-2020; The amount of financing in 2019 is 8 million tenge. Senior Researcher.
2. Agreement “Development of modeling methods and analysis of the drilling of geotechnological wells” (supervisor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Khadzhiev L. A.), 2019. Senior Researcher.
3.Project GF MES RK № AP08857255-OT-20 "Development of mathematical models and methods of analysis of mechanical deformable systems with complex nonlinear properties and variable structure in the dynamics of machines", SNA. 2020-2022
1.Исследование влияния точек ветвления в антропоморфном механизме на систему дифференциальных уравнений движения. Сборник докладов и материалов Х Международной научно-практической конференции «Инновации в отраслях народного хозяйства, как фактор решения социально – экономических проблем современности» -Москва, декабрь 2019 г. -С. 312-2-327/ Борисов А.В.Чигарев А.В.,Бекенов Е.Т.
2. Білік-тістегерішті Компас-3D бағдарламасының APM FEM беріктік анализ жүйесінде есептеу. Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Инновационнфе технологии – ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК» Том 1 -Алматы, 2019. -С. 1450-1453/ Ибадулла А.Б.,Бекенов Е.Т.
3. Тұзутісті цилиндрлі берілісті модулінде есептеу. Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Инновационнфе технологии – ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК» Том 1 -Алматы, 2019. -С. 1453-1457. Ибадулла А.Б.,Бекенов Е.Т.
4. Determination of Reduced Mass and Stiffness of Flexural Vibrating Cantilever Beam, Tamerlan Omarov, Kuralay Tulegenova, Yerulan Bekenov, Gulnara Abdraimova, Algazy Zhauyt, Muslimzhan Ibadullayev, Department Mechanical Engineering, Satbayev University, Almaty, 050013. Journal of Measurements in Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2018, - p. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.21595/jme.2018.19545
5. Kinematic synthesis of initial kinematic chains [IKC] Yerulan Bekenov, Serikbai Kosbolov, Kuralay Tulegenova, Algazy Zhauyt, Batyr Naurushev 15th International Scientific Conference «Engineering for Rural Development». Impact Factor: Thomson Reuters: 0,436 Elsevier SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, AGRIS, CAB ABSTRACTS, CABI full text, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, 25.-27.05.2016. Jelgava, LATVIA –P 155-169
6. Развитие современных методов моделирования и анализа буровых скважин в добывающей промышленности. Бекенов Е.Т., Абдраимова Г.А., Сергалиев А.С., Хаджиева Л.А. VIII-й международный научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы урановой промышленности», Астана, 3-5 августа 2017г, -с.94-100.
7. Determination of the reduced moment of inertia and torsional stiffness of the rod of variable cross-section. Bekenov E.T., Omarov T.I., Tulegenova K.B., Naurushev B.R. Вестник КазНИТУ, - Алматы, Республика Казахстан, № 6 (118), 2016 г. – С. 165-169.
8. Кинематический синтез пространственных шестизвенных перемещающих механизмов на основе исходных кинематических цепей. Бекенов Е.Т., Косболов С.Б. Вестник научно-технического развития РАН РФ, №6(70) 2013 г., Москва, www.vntr.ru, -С. 30-38.
9. Математическое описание колебаний консольного грузоподъемного устройства. Бекенов Е.Т., Омаров Т.И., Тулегенова К.Б. Международный науч.-техн. сборник «Теоретическая и прикладная механика», Минск, 2014 г. –С. 137-142
10. Синтез пространственных кулисных механизмов по задним движениям входного и выходного звеньев. Бекенов Е.Т., Молдабеков М.М., Косболов С.Б. Известия МОН, НАН РК. Серия физ.-мат. 2002 г. № 5 – С. 59
11. Kinematic synthesis of spatial lever motion–generating mechanisms by use of initial kinematic chain. S Kosbolov, M Moldabekov, E Bekenov. The 9-th IFToMM, International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. 2005/9/1. –р. 245-250
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