Bektilevov Aldabergen Yusupovich
Doctor of philosophical science
Associate Professor
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Transportation Engineering Direction
Email: A.bektilevov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1991-1993 Service in the armed forces 1993-1997 – Mechanic of GATP No. 3008, Dashoguz 1997-2006 – Work in public service From 2007 to August 25, 2019 – Senior lecturer at Zhangir Khan State Technical University From 08/25/2019 to December 25, 2020 – Head of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety of the Kazakhstan University of Information and Telecommunication Systems. From 03/01/2021 to 10/01/2021 – Director of Aktau Transport College named after KazATK. Tynyshpaeva M. From 10.01.2021 to 30.06.2021 – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology, Equipment and Standardization of the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology. Since 08/20/2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Robotics and Technical Automation of KazNTU. Satpaeva K.S. Since 08/23/2023 – Associate professor of the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Logistics in the direction of "Transport".Education
1987-1991 – Yaroslavl Automobile College (qualification: mechanic technician). 1993-1999 – Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after Tynyshpaeva M. (qualification: traffic engineer) 2008-2010 – Master of the Zhangir Khan State Technical University (Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies") 2010-2015 – postgraduate study at the State Research Institute of Technologies and Petroleum Products, Tambov (Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05/20/03 - Technologies) and means maintenance in agriculture). Thesis topic: "Improving the efficiency of diesel fuels in the conditions of agricultural enterprises." In 2017, he was awarded a PhD degree in the specialty 6D080600-Agricultural machinery and technology.Scientific projects
"Transfer and adaptation of technologies in sheep breeding based on", Competition of Economics and agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research within the framework of the targeted financing program for 2018-2020, No. BR06349573-supplementPublications
1. Bektilev A.Yu., Burkhanov B.Zh. On the issue of improving the efficiency of diesel fuel by adding an aqueous solution of carbamide // Scientific journal "Bulletin of KazNITU" – Almaty, 2016, (4)116, – pp. 666-671 ISSN: 2709-4758; eISSN 2709-4766 https://vestnik.satbaev.university/index.php/journal/issue/view/29 2. Bektilev A.Yu., Kornev A.Yu., Mukasheva A.D. On the issue of adding dietary supplements to diesel fuel. to improve environmental and production indicators // Scientific journal Bulletin of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU, 2016, No. 6, pp.340-348 https://old.enu.kz/downloads/iyun/6-2016-2-chast.pdf 3. Bektilev A.Yu. The application of new scientifically based technological solutions for cleaning diesel fuels and improving their efficiency for agricultural machinery // Scientific and practical journal of ZKATU "Kylym zhanne bilim" - Uralsk, 2019, No. 1(54) – pp. 327-333 https://ojs.wkau.kz/index.php/gbj/issue/view/16 4. Ostrikov V.V., Bektilev A.Yu. Increasing the purification of diesel fuels and increasing the efficiency of their economic properties in the conditions of agricultural enterprises: monograph // V.V. Ostrikov, A.Yu. Bektilev. – Uralsk: Western Kazakhstan. Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan 2019. – 144 p. ISBN 9786013191287, http://rmebrk.kz/book/1167940 5. Biniyazov A.M., Byakhov A.N., Bektilev A.Yu., Sadykov R.S., Zakharov V.P., Sarsenbayeva L.H. (2019). "Operation of automotive forced diesel engines with ensuring the functional state of systems operation" International Journal of Research and Development in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Production (IJMPERD) ISSN (ONLINE): 2249-8001; ISSN (PRINT): 2249-6890; IMPACT FACTOR (OCC) (2018): 7,6197; VALUE of the COPERNICUS INDEX (ICV) – (2016 g.): 60.6; NAAN RATING: 3.11;VOLUME – 9, ISSUE – 3; PUBLICATION: JUNE 2019 DOI: https://issuu.com/tjprc/docs/188.ijmperdjun2019188 6. Baltaev T.A., Byakhov A.N., Bektilev A.Yu., Khamzina B.E., Dzhusupkalieva R. I. Mathematical analysis of the process of ultrasonic replacement of residual stresses. in the details of the round plate type // Maintenance of machines. – Moscow, 2020. Vol. 58. N2 (139). - pp. 103-110 ISSN 2618-8287 7. A.Y. Bektilev, L.I. Ramatullayeva, D.K. Zhumadullaev (2019). Improving the characteristics of diesel fuels with a universal additive //. Chemistry and Technology Series, ISSN 2224-5286 Volume 2, Number 434 (2019), 37-43 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1491.16 8. Tuleshov A.K., Ualiev J.R. . . . ., Bektilev A. Yu., Kanapiya M.O., Sansyzbai K. Comparison of the efficiency of a centrifugal pump with a different number of blades // Scientific Journal Bulletin of KazATK - Almaty, 2023, 128(5), pp. 164-175 DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-128-5-164-175 9. Bektilev A., Sabitov T., Tasbolatova L., Rakhmetova P., Kerimkulov D., Algorithm for constructing trajectories of a group of robots moving in two dimensions in an environment with stationary obstacles // Scientific journal Vestnik KazATK, - Almaty, 2023, 128(5), - pp. 268-276. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-128-5-268-276 10. Smailov N., Tsyporenko V., Sabibolda A., Syporenko V., A.K. abdoldina, M. Zhekambayeva, A. Kuttybayeva, A. Bektilev, A. Kasimov, A. A. bdykadyrov (2023). Improving the accuracy of the spectral correlation interferometric direction finding method with the analysis of nonlinear signal processing for incomplete signal processing. Eastern European Journal of Technology, 5 (9 (125)), 14-25. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2023.288397 11. Rakhmetova P., Bektilev A., Kopenov B., Zhamuratova M., Yusupova S. and Toktamyshova T. "The study of the computer issue for manipulators". ", 2023, 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES)), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2023, p. 1-4, domain number: 10.1109/CIEES58940.2023.10378764.
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