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Berdibayeva Gulmira

Berdibayeva Gulmira


Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Robotics and technical means of automation

Email: g.berdibayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

From 1989 to November 1993, she worked as a computer operator in the Kaskelen branch of the Kazpotrebsoyuz Computing Center.  In March 1994, she was accepted to the KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev at the Department of Electronics and Computing Equipment (now the Department of RTITS). At this department she worked as a laboratory assistant, engineer, teacher and in 2007 was elected senior lecturer.

In 2012-2014, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of RTiTSA on a part-time basis as she studied at the full-time department of the magistracy at KazNTU named after K.I.

2014-2015.  she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of RTiTSA.

 2015-2018. worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of RTiTSA concurrently as she studied in the direction of the AUE NAO at the doctoral program of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev in the specialty 6D071600 "Instrument Engineering".

In 2018-2021, according to a tripartite agreement, she worked at the AUE as a senior lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Robotics.

In 2022 , she passed through a competition for three years for the position of associate professor of the Department of RTITS

He has more than 20 scientific publications published in Kazakhstan and international journals, of which 4 publications are in the Scopus database, 6 foreign and Kazakhstani patents.


1986-1989. Almaty Film Technical School specialty "Computer devices and devices". Qualification "electrical technician". 

1995-2001 KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev specialty "Computing machines, systems and networks", qualification "system engineer".

2012-2014 KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev master's degree in the specialty 6M071600 "Instrument Engineering", received an academic Master's degree.

2015-2018. in the direction of NAO AUES, she studied at the doctoral program of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty 6D071600 "Instrument Engineering".

In 2021, she defended her doctoral dissertation and received a PhD in the specialty "Instrument Engineering".

Scientific projects

1) "Development of software and hardware for cryptosystems based on non-positional number system". GF MES RK for 2018-2020, AP05132469-OT-19

2) "Development of methods, models and tools for managing security events and incidents to detect and prevent computer attacks on critical infrastructures of the digital economy" for 2020-2022, АР06851243

3) The project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2026 has been submitted, AP23490658 Development of an unmanned emergency medical care system for the military, including conducting operations to search, rescue and evacuate the wounded in emergency situations.

4) The GF project for the commercialization of RNNTD for 2024-2026 has been submitted. A robot lift for people with disabilities.


G.K. Berdibayeva, O.N. Bodin, K.A. Ozhikenov, R. Berdibayev , “Bionic Method for Controlling Robotic Mechanisms during Search and Rescue Operations”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 2021, p.128-136,  ISSN: 2315-4462. SCOPUS Gulmira K. Berdibaeva, Oleg N. Bodin, Valery V. Kozlov, Dmitry I. Nefed’ev,  Kasymbek A. Ozhikenov, Yaroslav A. Pizhonkov. Pre-processing Voice Signals for Voice Recognition Systems // XVIII International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM2017) (Scopus), processing_ voice _signals_ for_voice_recognition_systems Gulmira K Berdibaeva, Oleg N Bodin, Oksana E Bezborodova,  Andrew N Spirkin, Baianbai Nurlan, Kasymbek A Ozhikenov.    A Bionic Approach to the Construction of a Voice Control System in Emergency Conditions // XXI International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices   (EDM2020) (Scopus), Бердибаева Г.К., Бодин О.Н., Громков Н.В., Козлов В.В., Ожикенов К.А., Пижонков Я.А. Применение искусственных нейронных сетей для распознавания речевых команд // Журнал «Измерение, мониторинг, управление, контроль» - 2017г., (РИНЦ)  Бердибаева Г.К., Бодин О.Н., Фирсов Д.С. Классификация звуков астматического дыхания с использованием нейронных сетей // Журнал «Измерение. Мониторинг. Управление. Контроль»,  – 2018. – №2 (24), (РИНЦ) С. Тынымбаев, Р.Ш. Бердибаев, Т. Омар, Г.К. Бердибаева, “Схемные решения приведения чисел по модулю для криптосистем с открытым ключем”,  Вестник АУЭС, Алматы, №4(3), Алматы, 2018, с. 33-40, ISSN: 1999-9801 Бердибаева Г.К., Ожикенов К.А., Бодин О. Н., Шындали Х.Р. Дауыс командаларын тану жүйелеріне арналған сөйлеу сигналдарын алдын-ала өңдеу // ҚазҰТЗУ ХАБАРШЫСЫ, №4 (128), Алматы, Казахстан, Бердибаева Г.К., Ожикенов К.А., Бодин О.Н. Распознование речевых команд с помощью искусственных нейронных сетей // Сборник трудов МНПК «Научное наследие Шахмардана Есенова», КазНТУ, 2017, М.Н. Калимолдаев, С.Т. Тынымбаев, М. Магзом, М. Ибраимов,            Г.К. Бердибаева, “Умножитель полиномов по модулю с анализом за шаг двух старших разрядов полинома-множителя”,  Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы информационной безопасности в Казахстане», Алматы, 2020, с. 171-175., ISBN 978-601-332-542-2 Berdibaeva G.K., Bodin O.N. Method of conducting search and rescue operations // RU Patent 2694528 July 16, 2019 Berdibaeva G.K., Berdibaeva G.K., Spirkin A. N., Bodin O. N., Bezborodova O. E. Features of Speech Commands Recognition Using an Artificial Neural Network. // Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 2021 (Scopus)  Г.К.Бердибаева, А.Н. Спиркин, О.Е.Безбородова, О.Н. Бодин, К.А. Ожикенов, В.В. Шерстнев, Способ и система бионического управления роботизированными устройствами // Патент № 2759310  от 11.11.2021, Бюл. № 32. Г.К.Бердибаева, А.Н. Спиркин, О.Е.Безбородова, Д.С. Белик, О.Н. Бодин. Способ проведения спасательных работ и беспилотное воздушное судно для осуществления способа // Патент  RU   № 2762052 от 15.12.21г. Тынымбаев С, Мукашева А.К., Досжанова А.А., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Бердибаева Г.К., Умножитель чисел по модулю на шестнадцать  //               Патент на изобретение № 35918 от 21.10.2022 Тынымбаев С, Бердибаев Р.Ш., Мукашева А.К., Шайкулова А.А., Бердибаева Г.К., Умножитель чисел на трехразрядный двоичный код по модулю// Патент на изобретение № 35921 от 21.10.2022 Тынымбаев С, Мукашева А.К., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Бердибаева Г.К., Шайкулова А.А., Умножитель чисел на двухразрядный двоичный код по модулю // Патент на изобретение № 35920 от 21.10.2022
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