Berikbay Unaspekov
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of Engineering Systems and Networks
Email: b.unaspekov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Unaspekov B.A. He began his career as an engineer at the State Design Institute "Kazgiprogaz" from September to October 1976. From October 1976 to December 1978 he worked as a junior research fellow at the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. From December 1979 to 1983 he was a graduate student of the department "Heating and gas supply."
Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. From October 1983 to September 1997 he worked as an engineer, and then as a teacher at the Department of Heat and Gas Use at the Almaty Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering. From 10.1997 - 07.1998 GG. Chief Specialist, Chief Engineer at Alautrangaz JSC. From 08.1998 - 06.2005 - Head of the Operations Department in the State Enterprise "Almatygaz". From 07.2005 - 10.2006 - Leading Researcher at TselSIM LLP. 10.2006 - 07.2007 - Director of the Advanced Training Institute at the Parasat Multidisciplinary Institute. From 09.2007 - 06.2009 - Professor, Department of Engineering Systems and Environmental Protection, KazNTU named after KI Satpayev, and from 09.2009 to 07.2010. - Head of the department "Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities." From 06.2010 - 06.2012 - Professor, Head of the Department of Thermal Engineering at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, and from 06.2012 to 08.2015. - Professor of the department "Design of buildings and structures." From 09.2015 - 05/30/2017 - Professor, Department of Engineering Systems and Networks, Institute of Architecture and Construction, NAO KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev. Since August 2017 - Professor at the Department of Engineering Systems and Networks of Satbayev University.
Professor of the Department "Engineering Systems and Networks" Unaspekov B.A. actively conducts educational work using modern teaching aids. Along with this, in order to improve the educational process and train qualified specialists, he prepared textbooks. In particular, for 2018-2019, he prepared textbooks “Zhyltekhnikasy”, “Zhylu өndіrgіshkondyrgylar” and “Urylysty қ zhylu physicasy”. Currently, by the decision of the University NMS, a textbook in English “GASSUPPLY” is being prepared for publication. Professor Unaspekov B.A. actively conducts research work. The established head of the grant work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020. on the topic “Research, development and implementation of energy-saving heat-shielding and modern heat supply systems of buildings with automated heat points”. I am the supervisor of undergraduates 1 and 2 years of study. He has published over 80 articles on the rational use of gas and energy conservation in buildings. In total, in journals of far abroad countries (Scopus) he published 12 scientific articles for the period 2012-2019, published 5 articles with an impact factor of 0.3. Hirsch Index 2. Under the guidance of Professor Unaspekov B.A. 2 master's and 5 master's theses were defended.
1) 1971-1976 - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Civil Engineering, specialty Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation, civil engineer.
2) 1979 - 1983 - Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, Post-graduate student of the department "Heating and gas supply".
Scientific projects
Energy saving in buildings and structures, rational use of fuel in industrial furnaces.
An automated heat point system for the heat supply system of buildings for various purposes has been developed.
He worked in two research projects.
1. The scientific leader of the project "Scientific and technical substantiation of the possibility of creating an industrial design of an automated heat point (ATP) without the use of external power sources" grant funding of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014.
2. Scientific supervisor of the project "Research, development and implementation of energy-saving heat-shielding fences and modern heating systems of buildings with automated heating units" grant funding of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020.
1) Unaspekov B. A., Sabdenov K.O., Erzada M., Igembaev B.A. Thermal Regime in a Building in the Presence of Mixing of Heat Carriers from Delivery and Return Pipelines. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. - 2014 .-- Vol. 87, No. 1. - P. 75-83.
2) Unaspekov B.A., Sabdenov K.O., Yerzala M., Igembaev B.A. Thermal conditions in the building in the presence of mixing the coolant of the supply and return pipelines. Engineering Physics Journal. Institute of Thermal Engineering named after A.V. Lykov, Minsk, vol. 87. No. 2014. -C.71-78
3) Unaspekov B.A., Sabdenov K.O., Yerzala M., Zarko V.E. Igembaev B.A. A mathematical model of an automatic flow and temperature controller without an electronic control unit and electric drives. Engineering Journal: “Science and Innovation” No. 4 (16) - 2013.
4) Unaspekov, B.A., Zhumadilova, Z.O., Auelbekov, S.S., Taubaldieva, A.S., Aldabergenova, G.B. Investigation of heat distribution processes on the inner surface of the enclosing structure, taking into account the movement of air inthe boundary area between the device and fencing. Periodico Tche Quimica . Volume 16, Issue 32, 2019. р.345-361
5) Unaspekov B.A., Irgibaev T.I.,. Tugelbaeva T.V., Melsov Ә.T. Analysis of the current state of the heat supply system of residential buildings and structures. Vestnik Satbayev University. - Almaty, 2018 .-- No. 4 (128). - S. 362-368
6) Unaspekov B.A., Sabdenov K.O. Studying the heat consumption modes of multi-storey buildings. Vestnik Satbayev University. - Almaty, 2019 .-- No. 3 (133). - S. 230-234
7) Unaspekov B.A., Zhyrgalbaeva N.M. Investigation of the change in the thermal and hydrodynamic conditions at various distances of the heating device from the enclosing wall. Peer-reviewed scientific journal "Trends in the Development of Science and Education". July 2019 No. 52, Part 4 Ed. SIC "L-Journal", 2019. - P.71-78.
8) B.A. Unaspekov, R. Bazarov, S.S. Auelbekov, T.I. Irgibaev, O.D. Seitkazinov, N.K. Kyzylbaev. Numerical simulation of heat transfer processes in lining and optimization of heat work of the unit. PERIÓDICO TCHÊ QUÍMICA, 2018 Vol.15, N.30, p. 609-626.
9) Unaspekov B.A., Irgibaev T.I., Turakhanov A.Sh., Krasyuk A.M., Lugin I.V. Features of metro ventilation systems. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 2 (138), 2020, P. 373-378.
10) Unaspekov B.A., Irgibaev T.I., Tastanova A.E., Krasyuk A.M., Lugin I.V. Model of the ventilation network of the subway line. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 2 (138), 2020, P. 378-385.
11) Unaspekov B.A., Irgibaev T.I., Krasyuk A.M., Lugin I.V., Dzenis Lekh., Kuspangaliev M. Study of the tunnel ventilation system without distillation ventilation chambers. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 6 (142), 2020, P.520-525.
12) Unaspekov B.A., Irgibaev T.I., Krasyuk A.M., Lugin I.V., Dzenis Lekh., Kuspangaliev M. Analysis of the influence of piston action of trains on air distribution in subway tunnels. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 6 (142), 2020, P.525-534.
13) Kiyanitsa L.A., Unaspekov B.A. Determination of air distribution parameters in the near-station ventilation failure of the subway from the piston action of trains. Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal) GIAB. - 2021. - No. 12. - P. 99–109.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Scientific and technical justification of the possibility of creating an industrial design of an automated thermal point (ATP) without the use of external power sources.
Development of the energy technology concept of national security of Kazakhstan based on the analysis of unaccounted reserves of energy saving and re-equipment of industry.
Research, development and implementation of energy-saving heat-protective fences and modern heat supply systems for buildings with automated heating points.