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Boranbay Tovbasarovich Ratov

Boranbay Tovbasarovich Ratov

Doctor of technical sciences


Head of Department

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Geophysics and Seismology

Email: b.ratov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

One of the leading scientists in the field of well drilling, a highly qualified teacher, an experienced organizer of higher education and science, Boranbai Tovbasarovich Ratov was born on November 13, 1969. In 1987 he graduated from secondary school No. 19.  In 1987-1989 he served in the army.  After the army, he entered the preparatory department of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin (now KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev). In 1995, B.T. Ratov graduated with honors from the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University (Faculty of Oil and Gas) and was invited to the Department of Well Drilling Technology and Technology. In parallel with his teaching work, he studied at KazNTU, and received a diploma with honors in the second engineering specialty "development of oil and gas fields".

At the Department of Well Drilling Technology and Technology, B.T. Ratov worked as a trainee teacher, then as a teacher, and since 2001 as a senior lecturer. Since 2000, B.T. Ratov At the same time, he was engaged in administrative work: Deputy Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business, and from 2003 to July 2008 – Deputy Director of the Geological Exploration Institute (at KazNTU). In addition to his main job at KazNTU, B.T. Ratov taught at the Caspian Public University (Caspian University) as head of the Department of "Geology of Oil and Gas" GNG and "Oil and Gas Business" (2008-2014).

In the period from 2014 to 2017 at KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, B.T. Ratov headed the department of "Technology and technique of drilling wells". Over the years, their department has risen in the university's rating from 56th place (2014) to 2nd place (2016). In 2017, due to the reorganization of the Institute of Oil and Gas at KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev and the liquidation of the Department of Technology and Well Drilling Techniques, B.T. Ratov as a scientific supervisor carried out projects as part of the state program of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In total, in the period from 2015-2024. completed with a recommendation on the implementation of the obtained scientific results of the 5th project, the deadline for the completion of the fourth project is 2024. In the period 2017-2022. B.T. Ratov was engaged in teaching at Caspian University as a professor. 

B.T. Ratov is a mining engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Since August 2022, he has been the head of the Department of Geophysics and Seismology at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.

B.T. Ratov is a prominent scientist in the field of drilling and development of wells for various purposes, a highly qualified teacher who has trained a large team of young specialists for the geological survey and the oil industry of Kazakhstan. He made a great contribution to the development of scientific research in the field of drilling and well operation. B.T.Ratov has published more than 300 scientific and pedagogical works, including 7 monographs and 5 textbooks, 30 patents for inventions, more than 70 publications included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, the Hirsch Index (h-index) - 11, Web of science -2, Google Scholar (h-index): Citations – 620, Indice h – 13. indice i11 – 20. Has trained 5 PhD doctors and more than 35 Masters of Technical Sciences. 

B.T. Ratov regularly makes presentations at national and international scientific forums on the problems of the exploration and oil and gas industries of Kazakhstan, fruitfully cooperates with employees of industrial enterprises and research institutes: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

In an effort to learn and evaluate new achievements in the field of drilling science, new effective methods of opening and developing productive formations, Ratov actively conducts internships in industrial and scientific organizations. 

B.T.Ratov's conscientious, highly qualified work in scientific research for the training of engineering personnel has been awarded numerous certificates of honor and medals by KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev, Caspian University, the Geological Survey and the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Kazakhstan. He is the holder of the state grant "the best teacher of the Higher School of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business, Almaty, 22 Satpayev str.

2005 - 2007 Development of oil and gas fields, (RANGM), Mining engineer, JB 0088400. KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Faculty of Oil and Gas, Almaty, 22 Satpayev str.

1990-1995.  Technology and technique of exploration of mineral deposits, (Drilling of wells), Mining engineer, No. 0006033. KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, 22 Satpayev str.

Scientific projects

B.T. Ratov takes an active part in the development of fundamental and grant research projects:

1. "Development and implementation of effective technical and technological means of construction and development of geotechnological and hydrotechnological wells" (2015-2017) Scientific supervisor.

2. "Development and implementation of highly resistant, productive diamond and carbide rock-crushing tools for drilling wells" (2018-2020). Scientific supervisor.

3. "Development of a highly efficient rock-crushing tool for drilling wells equipped with synthetic diamonds and composite diamond-containing cutters with high strength and heat resistance" (2020–2022) Scientific supervisor.

4. "Improving the operational characteristics of a drilling tool by improving its design and equipping it with composite diamond–containing working elements of increased durability" (2022-2024). Scientific supervisor.


1. B.T. Ratov, B. V. Fedorov, T. A. Zhanabayev  Technical and technological means for vibration completion of pay zones while constucting wells. 14th SGEM GeoConference on Science and Technologies In Geology, Exploration and Mining,, SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-07-0 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 19-25, 2014, Vol. 1, 771-776 pp. (Thursday 2 October 2014 by Libadmin 2014) (

2. A.K.Kasenov, M.T.Biletskiy, B.T.Ratov and T.V. Korotchenko Problem analysis of geotechnical well drilling in complex environment. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/24/1/012026. (

3. Ratov B.T., Fedorov B.V., Sabirov B.F. Improvement of projectiles for core extraction from oil and gas wells. / Journal OIL AND GAS No.2 (86) 2015. From:77-83. (ISSN 1562-2932). Almaty.

4. Fedorov B.V., Ratov B. T. Prospects for the creation of sharoshechny type chisels of non—traditional design / Rock-crushing and metalworking tools - technique and technology of its manufacture and application: Collection of scientific papers. – Issue 19. – Kiev: ISM named after V.N. Bakul, NAS of Ukraine, Truskavets, September 18-23, 2016 From: 16-21. ISSN 2223-3938. Ukraine

5. Ratov B. T., Fedorov B. V. The main directions of scientific activity of the Department of technology and technology of drilling wells for 50 years of existence / / Collection of scientific papers. International Scientific and Practical Conference. Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the department "Technology and technique of drilling wells" Exploration and oil and gas business in the XXI century:  Technology, Science, Education. – Almaty, KazNITU. 09 - 13 November 2016 C: 5-8 (ISBN 978 – 601 – 7529 – 48 – 2)

6. Fedorov B.,  Ratov B., Sharauova A. Development of the model of petroleum well boreability with PDC bore bits for Uzen oil field (the Republic of Kazakhstan) Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies /  ISSN 1729-3774  (p. 16–22) DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.99032

7. Sudakov А., Dreus A., Ratov B., Delikesheva D.  The oretical bases of isolation technology  for swallowing horizons using  thermoplastic materials // News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences.  ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 2, Number 428 (2018), 72 – 80

9. Ratov B. T., Biletskiy M. T., Kozhevnykov A. A., KHomenko V. L. Dependence of the drilling speed on the frictional forces on the cutters of the rock-cutting tool // ISSN 2071-2227, Naukovyi Visnyk NHU, 2019, № 1, 21-27 pp. 

10. Ratov B. T., Fedorov B. V., Omirzakova E. J., Korgasbekov D. R. Development and improvement of design factors for PDC cutter bits. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2019; (11):73-80. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-11-0-73-80.

11. Biletskiy M., Nifontov Iu., Ratov B., Delikesheva D. The problem of drilling mud parameters continuous monitoring  and its solution at the example of automatic measurement of its density // News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences.  ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 6, Number 438 (2019), 46 – 54.

12. Ratov B.T., Fedorov B.V., Ruslyakova-Kupriyanova I.A., Kosminov A.S. Design parameters of a blade bit for drilling large-diameter wells / Science News  Kazakhstan Scientific and Technical Journal No.1 (148) 2021 From: 92-99. (ISSN 1560-5655) Almaty

13. Pat. 148162 for the utility model Ukraine MPK G01N 19/00. A method for obtaining a composite diamond-containing material / Ratov B.T., Mechnik V.A., Bondarenko M.O., Kosminov A.S., Syzdykov A.H., Isonkin O.M. applicant and patent holder INM. V.M. Bakulya NAS of Ukraine. - The application. 01/22/2021, publ. 07/14/2021, Issue No. 28.

14. Ratov B. T., Bondarenko M. O., Mechnik V. A., Strelchuk V. V., Prikhna T. A., Kolodnitskyi V. M., Nikolenko A. S., Lytvyn P. M., Danylenko I. M., Moshchil V. E., Gevorkyan E. S., Kosminov A. S., Borash A. R. Structure and Properties of WC–Co Composites with Different CrB2 Concentrations, Sintered by Vacuum Hot Pressing, for Drill Bits // ISSN 1063-4576, Journal of Superhard Materials, 2021, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 344–354. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2021.

15. Ratov B. T., Fedorov B.V., Isonkin A.M., Syzdykov A.H. Ilnitskaya G.D. The main directions of improvement of diamond drill bits // Journal Oil And Gas No.5 (125) 2021 From: 46-59. (ISSN 1562-2932 / 2708-0080). Almaty

16. Mamalis A., Mechnik V., Morozow D., Ratov B., Kolodnitskyi V., Samociuk W., Bondarenko N. Properties of Cutting Tool Composite Material Diamond–(Fe–Ni–Cu–Sn) Reinforced with Nano-VN // Machines 2022, 10, 410. 10.3390/machines10060410

17. Ratov B.Т., Mechnik V.А., Gevorkyan Е.S. et al.  Matijosius J., Kolodnitskyi V.М., Chishkala V.А., Kuzin N.О., Siemiatkowski Z.,  Rucki  M.  Influence of CrB2 additive on the morphology, structure, microhardness and fracture resistance of diamond composites based on WC‒Co matrix / Materialia 25 (2022) 101546

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