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Chepushtanova Tatyana

Chepushtanova Tatyana

Ph.D., Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing

Email: t.chepushtanova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professional biography

Head of the Department "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials".

Chepushtanova Tatiana Aleksandrovna has been the head of the Department "Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials", metallurgical engineer, Associate Professor, Ph.D., PhD since 2016.

She is the holder of the title "The best university teacher" in 2022.

Associate Professor (2015). Candidate of Technical Sciences (2010); Dissertation thesis is "Physico-chemical properties and technological bases of pyrrhotite production from pyrite".

The first PhD in the Republic of Kazakhstan in metallurgy. Diploma of the Colorado School of Mines – Colorado School of Mines (USA, Golden) on awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field of metallurgy, years of study 2007-2010. Diploma of conferring the highest academic degree - Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D in the field of metallurgy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded in 2010.

Three times laureate of the State Scholarship for Talented and Young Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Expert - auditor of educational programs of the Accreditation Agency ASIIN (Germany).

The level of English is Advanced.



1. Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (KazNTU), Institute of Metallurgy and Printing, Department of Metallurgical Processes and Technology of Special Materials. Almaty, Satpayev 22. 2000-2005. Specialty: physical and chemical research in metallurgy. Qualification-metallurgical engineer.

2. Postgraduate study of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (KazNTU). Almaty, Satpayev 22. 2005-2007. Candidate of Technical Sciences (2010), 05.16.02-Metallurgy of non-ferrous and ferrous metals No. 0004530.

3. Doctoral degree PhD Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev PhD Ph. D. Mining School of Colorado, USA. Almaty, Satpayev 22g. Golden, 1500 Illinois St. CO 80401. 2007-2010 Doctor of PhD in specialty 6d070900 metallurgy No. 0000163 Colorado Mining School diploma of Doctor of Philosophy in Metallurgy.

Research interests: processing of oxidized lead-zinc ores and industrial products; processing of gold-arsenic-containing raw materials, disposal of arsenic waste; processing of pyrite materials and stubs; production of iron oxide nanopowders; liquid extraction of copper, the problem of theft during copper extraction.

Scientific projects

Main results of scientific activity:

2022-2024 years. Project Supervisor of the GF – AP14871587 project "Development of a comprehensive technology for reducing theft during liquid extraction of copper".

2020 – 2022 years. Project Supervisor, Young Scientists Competition. Project AP08052829 Development of a hybrid technology for complex processing of oxidized, difficult-to-enrich zinc, lead-containing ores and industrial products of sulfidizing roasting enrichment with subsequent enrichment of the cinder.

2022-2024 years. Scientific supervisor of the postdoctoral fellow in metallurgy Baigenzhenova O.S. within the framework of the competition "Competition for grant funding of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024" in the specialty metallurgy, project thesis: AP13268858 "Research of technology for obtaining microdispersed silicon oxide of high purity and metallurgical silicon from asbestos production waste".

2022-2024 years. Scientific supervisor of the postdoctoral fellow in metallurgy Merkibayeva E.S. within the framework of the competition "Competition for grant funding of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024" in the specialty metallurgy, project thesis: IRN AP15473200 "Development of technology for processing oxidized ores with preliminary high-temperature sulfidization".

2018-2020 years. - Substantiation and development of technology for processing gold-arsenic-coal concentrates, RIPR - grant financing, chief scientific officer

2018-2020 years. - PCF Extraction of pyrite concentrates from wet magnetic separation tailings and their complex processing", chief scientific officer

2018 years - Household/contract. Topic: Investigation of stale and current wet magnetic separation tails at JSC "SSGPO", chief scientific officer

2015-2017 years. Project "Development of technology for obtaining powders of metallic and oxidized iron of nanodisperse sizes" No. 757 MON.GF.15. RIPR.26. - grant financing, chief scientific officer

2015-2017 years. Project "Concentration and purification (refining) of solutions of non-ferrous metals. No. 757 MON.GF.15. RIPR.21. - grant financing, chief scientific officer

2012-2014 years. Project "Technology for the neutralization of arsenic-containing waste" GF No. 751.MON.GF.12.19.,

2009-2011 years. under the project NTP No. 723 UGM.09 "Technologies for hydrocarbon raw materials and mining and metallurgical sectors and related service industries", chief scientific officer

2004-2007 years. Project of the International Scientific and Technical Center - ISTC (ISTC K 464.2) – "Processing of ore and technogenic arsenic-containing products to obtain low-toxic arsenic compounds", junior researcher

Academic activity.

Subjects taught, author's courses:

1. Research Methods – Doctorate 6D07.

2. Metallurgical Heat Engineering – (r/o), 6B070900.

3. Metallurgical furnaces – (r/o), 6B070900.

4. Special chapters of Extractive Metallurgy (in English), 6M070900.

5. Metallurgical Engineering (in English), 5B070900.

A two-degree educational program has been developed jointly with NUST MISIS "7M07229 - Extractive Metallurgy" - Master's degree.

Developer of many curricula and educational programs in metallurgy, including corporate programs for NAC KAZATOMPROM and JSC Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium-Magnesium Combine.

The methodology of digital technologies has been developed and implemented – 3D atlases of metallurgical furnaces for the disciplines of metallurgical heat engineering, thermal power engineering of metallurgical processes and metallurgical furnaces.

For the first time in the specialty "Metallurgy", educational and methodological complexes on the basics of metallurgy, extractive metallurgy and thermal power engineering of metallurgical processes were developed in English at KazNRTU and introduced into the educational process.

Under the guidance of T.A. Chepushtanova, 8 master's theses, more than 40 bachelor's theses in metallurgy were defended. 3 PhD dissertations have been prepared for defense.

Reviewer of the journal "Minerals and Materials characterization and Engineering". Thomson Reuter database.

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mining Magazine".

Member of the Dissertation Council in the specialties 6D070900 - "Metallurgy" and 6D071000 - Materials Science".

Member of the Dissertation Council of Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, specialty "Metallurgy".

International advanced training courses:

– Scientific internship at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA (2018, 2022);

– Scientific internship at the University of L'Aquila, Italy, 2022;

– Scientific internship at the Mountains Universität Leoben, Austria, 2023;

– Advanced training courses according to the training program of international European teachers of engineering universities "Engineering Pedagogy" International Engineering educator. Ing.Paed.IGIP register, 20 ECTS.  Austria. 2016. The right to teach in European engineering universities.   International society of engineering pedagogy, Austria. 14.04.2015-28.06.2015. Exam and approval 11.03.2016. KAZ-049.

Member of the Metallurgical Society of the USA – TMS.

State awards, incentives, diplomas, etc.: She is holder of the title "Best University teacher" in 2022; Also she awarded with  badge of "Enbek danki" badge of the III degree for workers of the metallurgical industry for impeccable work and long service, 2022; Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contribution to the development of spiritual and social development, and education of independent Kazakhstan (Minister E. Sagadiev, 2018); Diploma for the training of highly qualified personnel, Satbayev University 2017, Certificate of honor of the "Association of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan" for many years of conscientious work, success in professional activity, great personal contribution to the training of personnel for the nuclear industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, 2019.



The H-index is 4. She has 128 scientific publications, of which more than 20 are in SCOPUS and WoS databases, 5 monographs – one in English, 5 innovative patents, 2 individual textbooks. 36 scientific papers have been published in the last 3 years.

 The most significant publications:

1. Processing of the zinc-lead-bearing flotation middlings by sulfidizing roasting with pyrrhotites production by predicted properties. Chepushtanova, T.A.Merkibayev, Y.S.Mishra, B.Kuldeyev, Y.I. Non-ferrous Metals, 2022, 2022(2), pp. 15–24. Q 2, procentile 53.

2. NIOBIUM(V) RECOVERY FROM LEACHING SOLUTION OF TITANIUM WASTES: KINETIC STUDIES. Khabiyev, A.Baigenzhenov, O.Korganbayeva, Z.Chepushtanova, T.Orynbayev, B. Metalurgija, 2022, 61(3-4), pp. 793–796. procentile 37.

3. DISTRIBUTION OF NIOBIUM AND VANADIUM IN TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDE PRODUCTION MIDDLINGS. Sarsembekov, T.K.Chepushtanova, T.A. Tsvetnye Metally, 2022, 2022(8), pp. 55–60. procentile 33.

4. Chepushtanova, T. A.;  Yessirkegenov, M. I.;  Mamyrbayeva, K. K.;  Merkibayev, Y. S.;  Nikolosky, A. Testing of the optimum extragent for solvent-extraction of Almaly deposit copper. KOMPLEKSNOE ISPOLZOVANIE MINERALNOGO SYRA. 2023 (1), pp.43-49. Q3.

5. Chepushtanova, T. A.;  Motovilov, I. Yu;  Merkibayev, Y. S.; Polyakov, K., V;  Gostu, S. Flotation studies of the middling product of lead-zinc ores with preliminary sulfidizing roasting of oxidized lead and zinc compounds. KOMPLEKSNOE ISPOLZOVANIE MINERALNOGO SYRA. Oct-dec 2022. (4), pp.77-83, Q 3.

6. Uranium (Vi) recovery from black shale leaching solutions using ion exchange: Kinetics and equilibrium studies. Baigenzhenov, O.Khabiyev, A.Mishra, B.Akbarov, M.Chepushtanova, T. Minerals, 2020, 10(8), pp. 1–15, 689. Q2.

7. Processing of metallurgical wastes with obtaining iron oxides nanopowders. Motovilov, I.Y.Luganov, V.A.Chepushtanova, T.A.Guseynova, G.D.Itkulova, S.S. WASTES - Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities II - Selected papers from the 4th edition of the International Conference Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 2017, 2018, pp. 191–196.

8. Sulphidation roasting as means to recover zinc from oxidised ores. Merkibaev, Y.Panayotova, M.Luganov, V.Panayotov, V.Chepushtanova, T. Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 2018, 71(8), pp. 1116–1123. procentile 32

9. Oxide powders production from iron chloride. Motovilov, Y.Luganov, V.A.Mishra, B.Chepushtanova, T.A. CIS Iron and Steel Review, 2018, 15, pp. 28–32, Q1. procentile 73.

10. Synthesis of sodium polysulphide for copper ore processing. Osserov, T.B.Ketegenov, T.A.Guseynova, G.D.Chepushtanova, T.A. Non-ferrous Metals, 2017, 43(2), pp. 3–8. procentile 35.

11. Combined technology of oxidized nickel ore processing. Luganov, V.A.Motovilov, I.U.Chepushtanova, T.A.Guseynova, G.D. IMPC 2016 - 28th International Mineral Processing Congress, 2016, 2016-September.

12. Investigation of the magnetic and flotation properties of synthesized hexagonal pyrrhotites. Chepushtanova, T.A.Luganov, V.A.Ermolayev, V.N.Mishra, B.Gyseinova, G.D. 

13. Mechanism of nonoxidizing and oxidative pyrrhotite leaching. Chepushtanova, T.A.Mamyrbaeva, K.K.Luganov, V.A.Mishra, B. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 2012, 29(3), pp. 159–164.

14. Sulfidization roasting of low grade lead-zinc oxide ore with pyrite. Luganov, V.A.Chepushtanova, T.A.Baiysbekov, S. Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011, 2011, 2, pp. 441–454.

15. Nonstoichiometric pyrrhotites heat capacity. Chepushtanova, T.A.Luganov, V.A.Mishra, B. The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society - 3rd International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties 2008, PMP III, 2009, 2, pp. 644–649.

16. Sulfidizing-pyrrhotizing roast of middling, mixed, polymetallic ores. Chepushtanova, T.A. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2009, MS and T'09, 2009, 4, pp. 2726–2733.

    The most significant methodological publications:

 (E-tutorial). E-tutorial Chepushtanova T.A. Fundamentals of metallurgical heat engineering., Almaty, Satbayev University, 2022, P.70; Training manual. Chepushtanova T.A. "Chemistry of solutions and surface phenomena". – Almaty: KazNTU, 2013. – 203 p. ISBN 978-601-228-531-4. Monograph. Chepushtanova T.A., Merkibaev E.S. Processing of oxidized, difficult-to-enrich zinc-lead-containing ores and industrial products of enrichment. ISBN 978-601-269-133-7. Almaty: C. 94, 2022. Monograph. Luganov V.A., Chepushtanova T.A., Huseynova G.D., Serkebaev E.S. Processing of gold-arsenic-coal concentrates. ISBN 978-601-323-092-4. C. 150, ISBN 978-601-323-214-0. 2017 Almaty: 100 p., 2020. Monograph. Luganov V.A., Chepushtanova T.A., Motovilov I.Yu., Huseynova G.D. "Obtaining powders of metallic and oxidized iron of nanodisperse sizes". ISBN 978-601-323-092-4. Almaty: C. 150, 2017 Monograph. Chepushtanova T.A. Technological bases of pyrrhotite production from pyrite and their properties. Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, German, 2014, P., 160. Monograph. Chepushtanova T.A. «Synthetic pyrrhotites structural and technological properties studying». Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, German, P. 133, 2011.   


1. Utility model patent, application No. 2022/0331.1 dated 30.05.2022, T.A. Chepushtanova, E.S. Merkibaev, V.A. Luganov. Method of processing oxidized lead-zinc ore (positive decision of the examination – 06/15/2022).

2. Patent for invention No. 35894. A method for removing arsenic and carbon from arsenopyrite-carbon-containing concentrates. Luganov V.A., Chepushtanova T.A., Huseynova G.D., Serkebaev E.S. 2021/0227.1, date of issue 14.10.2022.

3. Utility model Patent No. 4572. A method of complex processing of poor oxidized nickel ores to obtain iron oxide powders. 2019/0921.2. Luganov V.A., Motovilov I. Yu., Chepushtanova T.A., Huseynova G.D.

4. Innovative patent for invention No. 20508, 12/15/2008, byul. No. 12. Method of magnetizing firing of pyrite-containing raw materials / Luganov / V.A., Chepushtanova T.A.

Monetized scientific works:

Monograph. Chepushtanova T.A. Technological bases of pyrrhotite production from pyrite and their properties. Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, German, 2014, P., 160. 

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

1. Physicochemical research of thermal arc melting and production of titanium alloys by vacuum arc.

2. Description and development of technologies for the production of nanodispersed precursors and ferrites from chloride solutions.