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Darkembaeyeva Roza Dzhamkhanovna

Darkembaeyeva Roza Dzhamkhanovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Project Management

Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Email: r.darkembayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

General teaching experience -30 years, university -19 years.

1992-2004-teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school No. 2, Secondary School named after Abylaikhan, Almaty region, Republican boarding school, vocational school No. 1, Almaty. 2005-2010 - Associate professor of

Almaty Technological University, 2010-2019. - associate professor of S. D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU. 2019-2020 -associate professor of

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

2020-2021-associate professor of AUPET. 2022-associate professor of History of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Turkestan. 2021-2022-associate professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, specialty - 13.00.02 –  The Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing (Russian Language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education).


1987-1992 Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov – Specialty «Russian language and literature in the national school»

2003-2005 Postgraduate course in the specialty «The Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing (Russian Language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education)», Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences.

Scientific school: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Author of more than 70 scientific articles and publications in Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine (RSCI, KKSON).

Scientific interest: teaching methods, innovative teaching methods.

Courses: Russian language, Professional Russian language.


Co-author of textbooks for universities and Kazakh schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan:  Russian language: textbook for students of the 1 course of medical universities (bachelor 's degree). Moscow.: Litterra, 2015. - 272 p.; Scientific style of speech. Educational manual for students of Kazakh department of medical universities (bachelor 's degree) Educational manual recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of RK. Publishing House: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. Website: Page count: 224. Published: 2015-10-07 (co-authorship); Russian language. Educational manual for students of medical universities (specialties "General medicine," Pharmacy, "Dentistry") Part III. Almaty: KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, 2015. - 118 p.; Russian language. " Didactic materials for 6 grade. of comprehensive school with Kazakh language teaching. Tutorial. Almaty: Atamura, 2015. 136 p.; Russian language and literature: A textbook for the 8 grade of comprehensive school with non-Russian language of teaching. In 2 parts ".1" Atamura, "2018. - 192 p.

Participation as a co-author in projects of the Ministry of Education and Science on compilation and publication of STP( Sample Training Programs): Model professional curriculum, specialties 5В110300 "Pharmacy,"  "Professional Russian": Appendix 39 to the order of the Ministry of Health Care and the Ministry of Social Development of RK from January 19, 2015 № 55; on the compilation and publication of the textbook "Russian language and literature": The textbook for the 8 grade for comprehensive schools with non-R

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 Семантический анализ текстов в неязыковом вузе на основе таксономии Блума Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы Педагогика және психология ғылымдары 2022