Delikesheva Dinara Nasipulovna
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: d.delikesheva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Delikesheva Dinara Nasipulovna is a specialist in the field of oil and gas, who began her educational journey by obtaining a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Technological Machinery and Equipment" at the West Kazakhstan Agricultural Technical University named after Zhangir Khan in Uralsk, Kazakhstan (2006-2010). She continued her master's studies in the specialization "Design and operation of machinery and equipment for oil and gas production" at the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russian Federation (2010-2012), completed doctoral studies (PhD) in the specialty "Oil and Gas Engineering" at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after. K.I. Satpayeva (2016-2019). She completed a scientific internship at the Colorado School of Mines (USA) in 2022-2023 under the Bolashak program, where she was able to deepen her knowledge and scientific competencies.
Since 2022, she has been holding the position of senior lecturer in the Department of Petroleum Engineering at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Engineering named after K. Turysov, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. In the same organization, since 2018, Dinara Nasipulovna has also served as a research assistant, demonstrating deep knowledge and research potential in her field.
From 2019 to 2022, she worked as a lecturer at the same department, where she was able to successfully combine teaching with scientific research. Before that, from 2017 to 2019, Delikesheva was an engineer at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, where she began her career in the academic world, developing and implementing new technologies in the field of oil production.
Before his work at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayeva, Dinara Nasipulovna made a significant contribution to the development of educational and educational work at the mechanical engineering faculty of Zhangir Khan WKATU in Uralsk, where from 2013 to 2016 she held the position of deputy dean. During those same years, she also acted as a senior lecturer at the Department of Oil and Gas Business and Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Her portfolio includes a number of key scientific projects, including the development of technical solutions for optimizing geological and technical operations when drilling wells, the development of PVT models for predicting paraffin deposition and the development of cement slurries with differential properties.
Author of more than 40 scientific works, including 14 articles that were published in international journals and included in the Scopus database, 4 patents for inventions, 1 copyright certificate for software, 2 textbooks.
Direction of scientific research: rheology of process fluids in well drilling, PVT studies of formation fluids, optimization of well planning.
Disciplines taught: “Drilling of oil and gas wells”, “Well completion”, “Properties of formation fluids”, “Reservoir geomechanics”.
2022 – until now time: Senior Lecturer, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Geological and Oil Gas Engineering named after K. Turysov, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2019 – 2022: Lecturer at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, IGiOGD named after K. Turysov, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2018 – present time: researcher at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, IGiOGD named after K. Turysov, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2017-2019: Engineer of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, IGiOGD named after K. Turysov, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2013-2016: Deputy Dean for educational, methodological and educational work of the “Faculty of Mechanical Engineering” of ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk. RK.
2013-2016: Senior lecturer of the department, Department of Oil and Gas Business and Technology mechanical engineering". ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk. Republic of Kazakhstan.
2012-2013: Expert of the “Testing and Monitoring Department” of the Zhangir Khan WKATU, Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2010-2012: Engineer at TekhProekt LLP, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russian Federation.
2006-2010: Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University. Specialty: "Technological machines and equipment" (Bachelor's degree), Uralsk, Kazakhstan.
2010-2012: Master's program in the specialty: "Technological machines and equipment". Specialization: Design and operation of machinery and equipment for oil and gas production. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University. Ufa, Bashkorstostan, Russian Federation.
2016- 2019: Doctoral degree (PhD) in specialty 6D070800- “Petroleum engineering”, Satbayev University. 2022-2023: Scientific internship at the Colorado School of Mines (USA) as part of the Bolashak program.
Scientific projects
2023 – senior researcher of the project BBR21881822 on the topic: “Development of technical solutions for optimizing geological and technical operations when drilling wells and oil production at the late stage of field exploitation”, PCF,
2022 - chief researcher of the project on the topic: “Development of advanced PVT calculations for obtaining an accurate description of fluid for compositional modeling”, Global Fund, Satbayev University. The project is co-financed by Shell.
2021 – 2023: chief researcher of the project “AP09058452” on the topic: “Development of a PVT model for predicting paraffin precipitation”, Global Fund, Satbayev University. The project is co-financed by Shell.
2021 – 2023: chief researcher of the project “AP09058636” on the topic: “Development of cement slurries with differential properties”, State Fund, TarSU. The project is co-financed by BJ-URAL LLP.
2018 – 2020: researcher and responsible executor of the project: “2018/AP05133363” on the topic: “Development of design and technological parameters of devices for automatic measurement of drilling fluids”, State Fund, Satbayev University.
1.Ismailova J, Abdukarimov A, Delikesheva D, Mombekov B, Ismailov A. Application of fusion property estimation within the multisolid wax prediction model on Kazakhstani crude. Heat Transfer. 2023;1‐25. doi:10.1002/htj.22960 (Q1, 75%).
2.Identifying the influence of basalt fiber reinforcement on the deformation and strength characteristics of cement stone. Kabdushev, A., Delikesheva, D., Korgasbekov, D., Manapbayev, B., & Kalmakhanova, M. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023, 5(6 (125), 58–65.
3.aracterization algorithms to obtain an accurate description of a PVT model for Kazakhstani oil. J. Ismailova, D.Delikesheva, A.Abdukarimov, N.Zhumanbetova, A.Sarsenova. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise, 2023, 5(6(125)), страницы 1–15 (Q3, Scopus 47%)
5.Identifying applicability viscoelastic systems in the context of improving well casing processes. Kabdushev A., Delikesheva D., Korgasbekov D., Manapbayev B., Kalmakhanova M. "Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies" ISSN 1729-3774. No. 6 (126) (2023).
6.A new predictive thermodynamic model of paraffin formation with the calculation of the mathematical origin of the Poynting correction factor. J.A.Ismailova, A.R.Khussainova, L.E.Zerpa, D.N.Delikesheva, A.A.Ismailov. News of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vol.3, Number 459(2023),96-107.
8.Delikesheva D.N., Syzdykov, A.Kh., Ismailova, J.A., Kabdushev, A.A., Bukayeva, G.A., Measurement of the plastic viscosity and yield point of drilling fluids, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ISSN:0974-3154, Volume 13, Number 1 (2020), pp. 58-65. IF= 0.2, Q4 (13%). На момент публикации IF= 0.7, Q3 (48%).
9.“The problem of drilling mud parameters continuous monitoring and its solution at the example of automatic measurement of its density”. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 6, Issue 438, 2019, Pages 46-53. DOI: 10.32014 / 2019.2518-170X.154, авторов Biletsky, M., Nifontov, I.U., Ratov, B., Deliskesheva, D. IF= 0.8, Q3 (40%).
10.Анализ существующих ведения расчетов для прогнозирования выпадения парафина и определения критических параметров. Г.Ж.Молдабаева, Д.А.Исмаилова, А.Р.Хусаинова, Д.Н.Деликешева, А.С.Махметов. Нефть и Газ, 2023 6(138)
11.Билецкий M. T., Ратов Б. T., Деликешева Д. H. Разработка устройства для автоматического измерения плотности бурового раствора // Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень. – 2019. – № 7. – С. 140–148. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-07-0-140-148.
12.Билецкий М.Т., Сыздыков А.Х., Деликешева Д.Н. и др. «Express Method for measuring the drilling muds rheological parameters» в 19th INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCE & EXPO SGEM 2019 (Scopus).
14.Хоменко В.Л., Байбоз А.Р., Деликешева Д.Н. и др. Классификация бурового твердосплавного инструмента / Горный журнал Казахстана Научно-технический и производственный журнал №11 (151) 2017 г. С: 31 -39. (ISSN 2227-4766) г. Алматы
15.Sudakov, А., Dreus, A., Ratov, B., Delikesheva, D. Theoretical bases of isolation technology for swallowing horizons using thermoplastic materials / News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 2, Number 428 (2018), 72 – 80, IF= 0.8, Q3 (40%).
16.M. T. Biletsky, B. T. Ratov, A. А. Kozhevnykov, A. R. Baiboz, D. N. Delikesheva. Updating the theoretic model of rock destruction in the course of drilling. N e w s of the National Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan Series Of Geology And Technical Sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 2, number 428 (2018), 63 – 71. Udc 622.2.433, IF= 0.8, Q3 (40%).
17.M. Biletsky, A. Syzdykov, D. Delikesheva The Method of Measuring the Rheological Parameters of Drilling Fluids / IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time" February 13-15, 2019. P: 87-94 Sapporo (Japan)
18.Билецкий М.Т., Сыздыков А.Х., Деликешева Д.Н. и др. Исследование и разработка устройства для автоматического мониторинга содержания шлама в восходящем потоке бурового раствора // Нефть и газ № 2 (110) 2019 г. С: 89-99. (ISSN 1562-2932) г. Алматы
20.Деликешева Д.Н., Сыздыков А.Х. Современное состояние автоматизированного мониторинга параметров бурового раствора. Труды Международных Сатпаевских чтений - Алматы, 2019 г.
21.Деликешева Д.Н., Сыздыков А.Х. Современное состояние и перспективы измерения реологических параметров бурового раствора / Международная научно-практическая конференция «Global science AND Innovations 2018» С: 108-112. ISBN 978-601-275-874-0, г.Астана, 2018 г.
22.Деликешева Д.Н. Тау жыныстарын бұзушы аспаптарда жуу сұйықтығының қозғалысын зерттеу әдістемелеріне шолу. Труды Международных Сатпаевских чтений «Научное наследие Шахмардана Есенова» - Алматы, 2017 г. – С.237-239
23.Kabdushev, A.A., Agzamov, F.A., Manapbayev, B.Z., Delikesheva, D.N. and Korgasbekov, D.R., 2023. Investigation of impact resistance of grouting materials. Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry, 5(1), pp.36-46.
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