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Galina I Boyko

Galina I Boyko

Doctor of Chemical Sciences


Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Email: g.boiko@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor of the department since 2008 until now.

 Scientific direction: Development of the scientific basis for the creation of new materials for various functional purposes. Creation of oligomeric, polymeric and composite depressant additives, paraffin inhibitors, corrosion and scaling, specific for high-paraffin, highly viscous, highly curing oil. Determining the effectiveness of their action to prevent the formation of paraffin deposits in technological oil pipelines, in reservoirs of oil-saturated porous media, as well as to prevent scaling and corrosion protection of oilfield equipment. Development of new approaches and technologies for oil production, processing and disposal of hydrocarbon-containing wastes Theoretical and applied research in oilfield chemistry, ecology. Hydrogen energy of activated new generation aluminum alloys in solving environmental problems of oil sludge utilization, demetallization of heavy oils and oil products with simultaneous sulfur removal. For the period from 1998-2019, she was the supervisor of 19 state budget and contractual topics.

 Read disciplines: Production of functionally substituted organic compounds, Technology of field preparation of oil and gas, Technology of organic and petrochemical industries.

Disciplines for the last three years were read: Technology of organic and petrochemical productions, Technology of production of surfactants, Actual issues of organic catalysis, Actual issues of petrochemical synthesis, Innovative technologies in petrochemical production, New aspects of catalytic processes of hydrocarbon processing technology, Modern approaches to the study of physical and chemical properties of oil and petrochemical products.

Participation in commissions, councils at the republican level: Chairman of the dissertation council "Petrochemistry" in the specialties 6D073900 - "Petrochemistry", 6D070800 - "Oil and gas business" (2013-2015, 2016-2018), currently chairman of the Dissertation Council "Oil and gas business and oil refining "(2019-2021) in the specialties 6D073900 -" Petrochemistry ", 6D070800 -" Oil and gas business "(2019-2021).

 State awards, incentives, certificates, etc .:

1 Prize-winner named after K.I. Satpayev (II degree diploma) Department of Natural Sciences of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000). The project "New polymers of prolonged action for medical purposes."

2 Certificate of honor of Kazmunaigas JSC for contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists in the oil and gas industry and in connection with the 75th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev (Astana, 2009).

3 Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2013

4 Breastplate "Inventor of the USSR"

5 The holder of the scholarship “Outstanding scientist of Kazakhstan”



Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirova,

Chemistry-chemistry of polymers

Scientific projects

Improving the quality of recycled water supply, reclamation of oil-contaminated lands of "Atyrau oil refinery" LLP with complex activated aluminum reagents (2024)


1. G.I. Boiko, P.V. Kenyaikin, R.G. Sarmurzina, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, K.T. Tastambek, N.P. Lyubchenko.  Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Parameters of Natural, Industrial Recycled Water and Its. Treatment. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings” International conference on sustainability engineering education, 2023 (:Environment and energy), 24-25 июня 2023 , Малайзия).

2. R.G. Sarmurzina, G.I. Boiko, B.K. Kenzhaliyev , U.S. Karabalin, N.P.Lyubchenko ,P.V. Kenyaikin*, Zh.B. Ilmaliyev. Coagulants for water based on activated aluminum alloys. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage. Volume 9, Issue 4 , October 2023, Pages 673-690 Homepage: ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER. Q1, 80

3. Akhanova T.R., Lyubchenko N.P., Sarmurzina R.G., Karabalin U.S., Muhr H., Boiko G.I. Complex restoration of oil-contaminated soils with new organomineral. Water, Air & Soil Pollution (процентиль 65, Q2 ) Идентификатор представления: WATE-D-23-01137 R2 Редакция журналов Springer  (Загрязнение воды, воздуха и почвы) //Water Air Soil Pollut (2023) 234:686

4. PolyoxyethyleneSorbitanTrioleate Surfactant as an Effective Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel Protection// Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects(ISSN: 0927-7757),   2019.- С1-9 Голландия, ELSEVIER( импакт-фактор 3,13)

5. Энергоаккумулирующие вещества нового поколения в решении проблемы очистки сточных вод объектов нефтедобычи и нефтепереработки // Нефть. Газ. Новации  2019,№5(222).-С.20-25,  Россия, Самара(РИНЦ  0.171)

6. Перспективы использования водородной энергетики в технологиях комплексной подготовки нефти, разрушения аномально стойких водонефтяных эмульсий и нефтешламов // Нефть. Газ. Новации  2019,№5(222).-С.26-31 ,  Россия, Самара (РИНЦ  0.171)

7. Synthesis and evaluation of new aminophosphonic acid as scale inhibitor for industrial water applications// Journal of Water Process Engineering 22( 2018) 192-20,2 Голландия, ELSEVIER( Импакт-фактор 4,0)

8. A new monoalkyl phosphate ester based on product derived from the recycling of postconsumer polyethylene terephthalate wast //Journal  of chemical technology and metallurgy, Sofia,53 №1,2018,Р.43-49,  Болгария,  (импакт-фактор 0,63)

9. New generation of energy accumulating substances on the basis of activated aluminum //Journal  of chemical technology and metallurgy, Sofia,53 №1,2018,Р .119-124. Болгария,  (импакт-фактор 0,63)

10. Исследования воздействия активированного сплава алюминия на керны, насыщенные нефтями месторождений Казахстана// Нефтяное хозяйство, 2018 (7).-С. 86-89. Россия, Москва (импакт-фактор 0,466)

11. Scale inhibitor testing of new organophosphoric compounds// Bulletin of The Karaganda University, №1 (89)//2018 –С. 14-21 (Thomson Reuters, Clarivaty analytics)

12. Inhibitory activity investigation of a new nitrogen-containing surfactant in an acid medium//Bulletin of The Karaganda University, №4 (92) 2018.-С48-54 (Thomson Reuters, Clarivaty analytics)

13. Analysis of oil sludge and selection of solvents for the extraction method of petroleum products recovery// Bulletin of The  Karaganda University, №4 (92) 2018.-С.75-80(Thomson Reuters, Clarivaty analytics

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