Idrissova Tynik
Master of natural science
Junior Researcher
Researchers of Satbayev University holding
Institute of Physics and Technology
Email: t.idrissova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
She began to work in LLP "Physics and Technology Institute", Satbayev University in October 2011 as an engineer. Currently, he works in the laboratory of cosmic ray physics LLP “Physical-Technical Institute” as a junior research fellow. She participated in the study of the spatio-temporal correlation of the arrival of extensive air showers and the search for particles of candidates for weakly interacting dark matter of the Universe, carried out as part of the program “Development of high-energy physics, cosmic rays and their practical applications in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2017”.Education
In 2010, she graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KazNU named after al-Farabi, specializing in Nuclear Physics. In 2012, she entered the magistracy at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KazNU named after al-Farabi. She defended her master's thesis on the theme “Investigation of anomalous events in cosmic ray interactions”. Since 2019, to study in doctoral studies in the specialty 8D05301 "Applied and Engineering Physics" at the Satbayev University.Scientific projects
Participation in the fulfillment of the tasks of the program on the basis of FTI LLP Advanced fundamental research in physics, astrophysics of cosmic rays at the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station for 2018 - 2020Publications
1. Садыков Т.Х., Покровский Н.С., Застрожнова Н.Н., Таутаев Е.М., Жамауова Т.К. Изучение коэффициента неупругости во взаимодействиях космических частиц с мишенью при энергиях больше 1013эВ. // Известия НАН РК сер. физ-мат, 2014. - С. 113 -115. Садыков Т.Х., Покровский Н.С., Застрожнова Н.Н., Таутаев Е.М., Жамауова Т.К. Изучение угловых распределений во взаимодействиях космических частиц с плотной мишенью и сравнение с данными большого адронного коллайдера. // Известия НАН РК сер. физ-мат, 2014. - С. 122 -124. 2. T.Kh. Sadykov, O.A. Novolodskaya, E.M. Tautaev, T.K Zhamauova, M.K Zhunusbekov, Study of Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectrum during Solar Weather Disturbance, 33RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 THE ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS CONFERENCE, 0618, 2-9 July 2013 3. Жамауова Т.К., Таутаев Е.М., Садыков Т.Х., Исследование парных образований струй при взаимодействий космических частиц. Вестник КазНАЕН №1/2013, стр.73-75. 4. Таутаев Е.М., Жамауова Т.К. Садыков Т.Х. Исследование аномальных событий на комплексной установке, расположенной на высоте 3340 метров над уровнем моря. Международная научная конференция, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Абдильдина М.М., КазНУ им.аль-Фараби, тезис/доклад, 15-16 марта 2013 г.
5. M Nassurlla, T Kh Sadykov, BA Iskakov, YM Tautayev, K Tastanova, MB Khabargeldina, AI Zhumabayev, AD Beisenova, A Haungs, OA Novolodskaya, T Idrisova, NM Salikhov, Creation of integrated system for registration radio emissions from high-energy extensive air showers at an altitude 3340 meters above sea level - 2019/9/23, Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials - Том 3, Номер 3, Стр.226-232
6. M Nassurlla, T Kh Sadykov, BA Iskakov, YM Tautayev, K Tastanova, MB Khabargeldina, AI Zhumabayev, AD Beisenova, A Haungs, OA Novolodskaya, T Idrisova, NM Salikhov, Investigation of radio-emission from extensive air shower at high mountain cosmic ray station at an altitude of 3340 m above sea level, 2019/9/23, Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials - Том 3, Номер 3 , Стр. 233-241
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