Imansakipova Nurgul Beketovna
Associate Professor
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: n.imansakipova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Imansakipova Nurgul Beketovna - Phd., senior lecturer at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, KazNRTU. K.I. Satpayeva. In 1999 she graduated from KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev with a degree in “Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities.”
After graduation, as a promising young specialist, she remained at the department of “Machinery and Equipment for Oil and Gas Fields” and in 1999 began working at KazNTU as a researcher, then a teacher and a senior lecturer.
Over the years of work at KazNRTU, she took an active part in the creation of the department “Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”, participated in the creation of a laboratory base and the development of educational and methodological foundations for specialty disciplines.
2002-2005 worked as deputy director of the Oil and Gas Institute for educational work.
Nurgul Beketovna is a leading specialist in the field of design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities. She reads and conducts practical work in the disciplines: Design and operation of gas and oil storage facilities; Design and operation of gas and oil pipelines; Design and operation of oil and gas structures; Pumping and compressor stations; Operation of pumping and compressor stations. Provides scientific supervision to master's and PhD students. Hirsch index Imansakipova N.B. according to Scopus database – 1, author of 2 patents.
Nurgul Beketovna took part in the implementation of project 1059/GF4 “Development of mineral resources in weakened zones accompanied by geomechanical monitoring based on innovative surveying, topographic-geodetic and aerospace technologies”, the results of which were published in journals included in the Scopus database and recommended KKSON RK, and she also successfully defended her PhD dissertation (2021).
Currently he is a researcher on the project “Improving the safety and efficiency of mine ventilation by improving the aerodynamics and design of the main fans in use.”
While working at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Imansakipova N.B. actively participated in the opening of the specialty “Trunk networks and infrastructure”, the development of educational and methodological support for the specialty. As a highly qualified specialist, she is involved by RUMS in the examination of textbooks and teaching aids, and the development of test questions for applicants to master's programs.
For conscientious work in training highly qualified specialists Imansakipova N.B. was repeatedly awarded a Certificate of Honor from KazNRTU (2021), a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Energy (2023).
Imansakipova N.B. Over the years of her work, she has proven herself to be a high-level professional, a competent specialist and an excellent mentor to the younger generation. For her conscientious attitude to her work, she enjoys authority among the University staff and students.
1994-1999 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Oil Faculty, full-time department, Mechanical Engineer, specializing in Design, Construction and Operation of Gas and Oil Pipelines and Gas and Oil Storages,
1999-2001 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Faculty of Oil, full-time department "Oil and Gas Business" academic degree Master
2016-2019 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Mining Faculty, full-time PhD Doctor in specialty 6D070800 - "Oil and Gas Business"
Scientific projects
Nurgul Beketovna took part in the implementation of project 1059/GF4 “Development of mineral resources in weakened zones accompanied by geomechanical monitoring based on innovative surveying, topographic-geodetic and aerospace technologies”, the results of which were published in journals included in the Scopus database and recommended KKSON RK, and she also successfully defended her PhD dissertation (2021).
Currently he is a researcher on the project “Improving the safety and efficiency of mine ventilation by improving the aerodynamics and design of the main fans in use.”
Имансакипова Н.Б., Иргибаев Т.И. Научно-методические основы оценки влияния поверхностных эффектов на процесс образования и устойчивости газовоздушных скоплений в магистральных нефтепроводах. Вестник КазНИТУ, Алматы, 2019, №5 (135) - С. 315-320, ISSN 1680-9211.
Имансакипова Н.Б., Иргибаев Т.И., Бакешева А.Т. Влияние процессов образования газовоздушных скоплений на эффективность работы нефтепровода. Международная научная конференция «Инновационные технологии –ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК», Алматы, 2019, КазНИТУ, С. 427-430, ISBN 978-601-323-145-7.
Имансакипова Н.Б. Математическая модель неустановившегося течения жидкости в рельефном трубопроводе. IV Международная научно - практическая конференция «Членство в ВТО: перспективы научных исследований и международного рынка технологий», 23-25 октября 2019, г. Ванкувер (Канада), С.376-383, ISBN 978-601-7496-26-5.
Имансакипова Н.Б; Исабаев К. Ж; Имансакипова Б.Б; Кидирбаев Б; Шәкиева Г.С. «».
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