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Ismailova  Jamilyam  Abdulakhatovna

Ismailova Jamilyam Abdulakhatovna


Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Petroleum Engineering

Email: j.ismailova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Ismailova Jamilyam Abdulakhatovna, in 2008 entered the Kazakh - British Technical University  (KBTU), the faculty of Energy and the Oil and Gas Industry, GPA 3.9 (out of 4.0). Completed her thesis on the topic: “Prospects for the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field in Kazakhstan (production, new technologies and  economics).” Had an internships: at Tengizchevroil  in the Department of Field Management  (was involved in the analysis of various types of tests: PLT, PTT, SGS in Atyrau); at Schlumberger in the well completion department (tools used in well completion (various types of packers, installing a mechanical packer in the well) in Aktau; at Karachaganak Petroleum Operating  (KPO) in the Gathering  department (analysis of a multiphase flow meter, corrosion) in Aksay.

In 2012 entered the University of Lorraine at the National School of Geology (ENSG) in Nancy, France, specializing in "Subterranean reservoirs of energy: hydrodynamics, geology, modeling." Obtained Master degree in 2014 with GPA  3.7 (out of 4.0). At ENSG carried out the following projects:

1) Studying the convergence of 1D elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients and modeling water cones using the Scilab program;

 2) Thermal stability of hydrocarbons at reservoir conditions using the Eclipse300 Reservoir simulator program.

During study at ENGS passed two geological internships:

 1) The study of sedimentology and reservoir properties (to compare reservoirs and choosing the best), Alsace, Careers in Luxembourg, under the supervision of Raymond Michel (doctor of organic chemistry in geology and rational use of mineral and energy resources, French National Center for Scientific Research);

2) A study of the sedimentology of the petroleum system in Pechelbronn, Alsace, under the direction of Raymond Michel.

Completed six months’ internship at the Laboratory of Energy, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (LEMTA) in Nancy, France. Subject of research: Thermal stability of hydrocarbons in reservoir conditions: a combination of reaction kinetics and transport in porous media (Eclipse software modeling of combinations of various processes: cracking of oil under high temperature, chemical reactivity of oil components, migration of hydrocarbons in a porous medium).

2014 - 2016 - teacher assistant at the Department of Geology of Oil and Gas (Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K. Turysov). Taught disciplines: Geological Basics of Oil and Gas Field Development, Oil and Gas Geology, Reservoir Physics.

2015 - entered a PhD, specialty "Petroleum Engineering», KNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev;

2018 - successfully completed PhD. During PhD, completed an internship at the University of Lorraine (Nancy, France), where conducted numerical studies at the Laboratory of Energy, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

2016 - 2017 -junior research of the project: “Scientific support of nitrogen injection and seismic wave stimulation for enhanced oil recovery” (KazNRTU named after KI Satpayev together with PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC).

2018 – present - junior research of the project: “Scientific justification for the creation of an effective integrated technology for maintaining reservoir pressure and increasing oil well production”, GF, Satbayev University.

2018-2019 -  senior lecturer.

2019 – present -  associate-professor, PE department, SU.

October 2022., August-October 2023 – visiting scholar, Petroleum Engineering Department, Colorado School of Mines, USA.


2015-2018: PhD, specialty 6D070800- "Petroleum Engineering".Satbayev University

2012-2014: Master's program: "Subterranean reservoirs of energy: Hydrodynamics, Geology, Modeling" at the National Higher School of Geology, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. GPA 3.7 (out of 4.0).

2008-2012: Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU), specialty: Petroleum Engineering (Bachelor's degree), Almaty, Kazakhstan. GPA 3.9 (out of 4).

Scientific projects

Scientific projects

"Development of a PVT model for predicting paraffin deposition" (No. AP09058452)

"Development of advanced PVT calculations for obtaining an accurate description of fluid for compositional modelling" (AP14870017)

"Increasing the service life of pumps of sucker rod pumping units for oil production" (AP09261282)


J.A.Ismailova, Abdukarimov, A.Delikesheva, D.Mombekov, B.Ismailov, A. Application of fusion property estimation within the multisolid wax prediction model on Kazakhstani crude. Heat Transfer., 2023

J.Ismailova, A.Abdukarimov, A. Kabdushev,B. Taubayev. The implementation of fusion properties calculation to predict wax deposition. EEastern-European Journal of Enterprise, 2023, 4(6(124)), страницы 18–27

3) J. Ismailova, D.Delikesheva, A.Abdukarimov, N.Zhumanbetova, A.Sarsenova. Development and application of fluid characterization algorithms to obtain an accurate description of a PVT model for Kazakhstani oil. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise, 2023, 5(6(125)), страницы 1–15

J.A.Ismailova, A.R.Khussainova, L.E.Zerpa, D.N.Delikesheva, A.A.Ismailov. A new predictive thermodynamic model of paraffin formation with the calculation of the mathematical origin of the Poynting correction factor. News of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vol.3, Number 459(2023),96-107. Akhymbayeva, B.Nauryzbayeva, D.Mauletbekova, B.,Ismailova J. Особливості буріння твердих порід із застосуванням гідроударної технології Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2022, (5), pp. 20–25. Peculiarities of drilling hard rocks using hydraulic shock technology Makhmetova, A.S., Agzamov, F.A., Komleva, S.F., Ismailov, A.A.,Ismailova J.A. Intercasing pressure causes analysis on the example of zhanazhol field. Periodico Tche Quimica, Volume 17,Issue 34, 2020, Brazil, ISSN 2179-0302, P.817-825., IF 0.67, Q 2 (70%)  Ismailova J.A., Delikesheva, D.N.Akhymbayeva, B.S.Logvinenko, A.Narikov, K.A. Improvement of Sweep Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Reservoir. Smart Science, 2021, 9(1), стр. 51–59 (Q2) 1) J.A.Ismailova, A.R.Khussainova, L.E.Zerpa, D.N.Delikesheva, A.A.Ismailov. A new predictive thermodynamic model of paraffin formation with the calculation of the mathematical origin of the Poynting correction factor. News of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vol.3, Number 459(2023),96-107.  A.S. ZHUMAGULOV, J.A.Ismailova. STRATIGRAPHY AND LITHOLOGY OF THE PALEOZOIC DEPOSITS IN THE TASBULAK GRABEN, SHU-SARYSU BASIN. Нефть и Газ 2023, 5(137)  Б.О.Дурмагамбетов, Н.А.Дроздов, Д.А.Исмаилова. О возможности внедрения водогазового воздействия с использованием насосно-эжекторных систем на месторождении Арыстан. Нефть и Газ 2023, 2(134) J.A.Ismailova, D.N.Delikesheva, A.K.Abdukarimov, A.R.Husainova, G.Z.Smailova, Y.N.Narimanov. Research in the field of PVT calculations for accurate fluid description. Нефть и Газ 2023, 3(135)  А.С.Жумагулов, Д.А.Исмаилова. Геолого-геофизические исследования и поисково-разведочное бурение палеозойских отложений Тасбулакского грабена. Нефть и Газ, 2023 6(138)  Г.Ж.Молдабаева, Д.А.Исмаилова, А.Р.Хусаинова, Д.Н.Деликешева, А.С.Махметова. Анализ существующих ведения расчетов для прогнозирования выпадения парафина и определения критических параметров. Нефть и Газ, 2023 6(138) А.Х.Сыздыков, Д.А.Исмаилова, А.Р.Хусаинова, Д.Н.Деликешева, А.О.Мукаш. Модификация корреляций итемператур в расчетах свойств плавления для точного прогнозирования отложения парафина. Нефть и Газ, 2023 6(138)  Б.З.Кайырбеков, А.А.Сарсенова, Д.А.Исмаилова. Подробное описание флюида с поомщью процедур группирования для казахстанской нефти. Нефть и Газ, 2023 6(138) Д.А.Исмаилова, С.А.Заурбеков, Д.Е.Балгаев, К.С.Заурбеков. Обзор и анализ отказов насосных установокскважинных штанговых. Горный журнал Казахстана №3, 2023  Д.А.Исмаилова, А.К.Абдукаримов, Д.Н.Деликешева, Б.И.Момбеков, А.А.Исмаилов/ Оценка свойств плавления для прогнозирования парафинов в модели мультитвердого раствора (MSS)/ Нефть и Газ 2022, 4(130)

Improvement of uniform oil displacement technology on the example of Kazakhstani fields. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume IX, Issue 3(27), Summer 2018, Germany, ISSN: 2068-7729, БД Scopus. Р.

* An analysis of reservoir properties of Uzen gas and oil field. Вестник КазНИТУ №2 (114), 2016г. Алматы, РК ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

* Анализ методов воздействия для увеличения нефтеотдачи в неоднородных по проницаемости пластах. Вестник КазНИТУ №1 (125), 2018г. Алматы, РК. ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

* Экспериментальные исследования равномерного профиля вытеснения нефти водой в неоднородных по проницаемости пластах. Вестник КБТУ №1 (2018) , том 15, 2018г, Алматы, ISSN 1998-6688. С.16-22.

*Анализ применения методов поддержания пластового давления в неоднородных пластах. Вестник КазНИТУ №4 (128), 2018г. Алматы, РК. ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

*Увеличение нефтеотдачи в неоднородных по проницаемости пластах. XIV Международная научно-практическая конференция «Advances in Science and Technology» 2018 г., Москва, РФ, ISBN 978-5-6041034-3-2

* Равномерное вытеснение нефти в неоднородных по проницаемости пластах. XX Международная научно-практическая конференция «World science: problems and innovations», часть 1, 2018 г. Пенза, РФ, ISBN978-5-907068-38-4

* Анализ технологий вытеснения нефти различными агентами. XXXVII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Actual scientific research» , 2018 г. Москва, РФ, ISBN 978-5-6040640-7-8

* Научный постер «Термическая стабильность углеводородов в пластовых условиях: кинетика химических реакций, транспорт в пористой среде». (Институт CARNOT, Научное Ателье, Нанси, Франция, 27 мая 2014)

* «Новый подход к изучению метанового газа угольных пластов в Казахстане», EGU Генеральная Ассамблея, Вена, Австрия, Апрель, 2011.

* «Добыча метанового газа угольных пластов в Казахстане», 2nd Международная Научная Конференция, Москва, РФ, 7-8 Декабря, 2010.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Displacement of oil in layers with heterogeneous permeability. Wax deposition CCUS

Loss of paraffin.