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Japayev Saduakhas

Japayev Saduakhas

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: s.japayev@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Assistant Professor of the Department "Applied mechanics and engineering graphics" of the Institute of Cybernetics and information technologies Satbayev University, candidate of technical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAIN), performer of a number of fundamental and grant research projects.

Qualification-mechanic, teacher with experience of 20 years.

Winner of the award. academician D. A. Kunaev in the field of Earth Sciences, 1995 (Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 41 of January 12, 1995)

He began his scientific and pedagogical activity in 1984 as an engineer At the Institute of mining of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. From 1986 to 2002, he worked his way up from Junior researcher (MNS) to senior researcher (SNS) of the laboratory of mining pressure of the Institute of mining. D. A. Kunaeva. From September 2002 to December 2010, associate Professor of the Department of "Theoretical and applied mechanics", from 12.2010 to 09.2016, associate Professor of the Department of "Applied mechanics and basic design of machines" of the Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpayev. From 08.2016 to the present, assistant Professor of the Department of Applied mechanics and engineering graphics of the Institute of Cybernetics and information technology Satbayev University.

Additional information:

1. Member of the Scientific and methodological Council of the Institute of industrial engineering. A. burkitbayeva, (2014-2016). 

2. Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Cybernetics and information technology (2019)

3. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization. Diploma no. 1649 RK, 20.11.2014

Scientific interest

Mechanics of deformable solids, rock mechanics, geomechanics, physical processes of mining, stability of underground structures.


From September 2002 to June 2021, Associate Professor, assistant Professor of the Department "Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics" of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev.

From September 2021 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Modeling at K.I. Satpayev KazNTU.

Qualification – mechanic, teacher with 20 years of experience.

Laureate of the prize named after Academician D.A.Kunaev in the field of Earth Sciences, 1995 (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 41 of January 12, 1995)

He began his scientific and pedagogical activity in 1984 as an engineer at the Institute of Mining of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences. From 1986 to 2002, he worked his way up from a junior researcher (MNC) to a senior researcher (SNC) of the Mining Pressure Laboratory of the D.A. Kunaev Institute of Mining. From September 2002 to December 2010, Associate Professor of the Department of "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", from 12.2010 to 09.2016, Associate Professor of the Department of "Applied Mechanics and Fundamentals of Machine Design" of the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University. From 08.2016 to the present, Assistant Professor of the Department of "Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics" of the Institute of Cybernetics and Information Technology Satbayev University.

Conducts classes in the disciplines "Resistance of materials", "Applied Mechanics", "Theory of elasticity", "Statics and strength of materials", "Theoretical and applied Mechanics", "Solid Mechanics" for bachelors, "Finite element calculation of structures", "Computer modeling methods" for undergraduates in Kazakh and Russian. Dzhapaev S.K. is an experienced teacher and a qualified specialist in the field of deformable solid mechanics. Knowledge of modern research methods using recognized MSC Software applications, APM WinMachine allows him to conduct classes at high scientific, theoretical and methodological levels, to direct the scientific work of students, as well as successfully combine teaching with research work.

He has more than 70 publications, including 1 monograph (co-authored, 11.0 p.l.), 1 textbook (alone, 9.6 p.l.), 2 publications in Scopus, as well as publications in KKSON journals. In 2004, as a responsible executive, he participated in the development of the PMO (full methodological support) course "Resistance of materials" (40.6 p.l.).

Enjoys the respect of the team, takes an active part in the social and educational life of the university.  For many years of conscientious work, he was awarded honorary diplomas of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev and the jubilee medal "85 years of KazNITU K.I.Satpayev" (2019), the badge "Meirim" of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, for his contribution to strengthening social harmony and national unity, 2020 is the laureate of the prize named after K.I. Satpayev. Academician D.A. Kunaev in the field of Earth sciences (1995).

Additional information:

1. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the A.Burkitbayev Institute of Industrial Engineering, (2014-2016).  

2. Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Cybernetics and Information Technology (2019)

3. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization. Diploma No. 1649 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 20.11.2014

Scientific projects

1. Project of the GF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018-2020 №AP05135493. "Structural-parametric synthesis of actuators of machines and manipulators". Member of the research group.

2. PCF project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018-2020. IRN 2018/BR05236447 "Intelligent control and decision-making systems for the development of uranium and oil deposits". Performer (VNS).

3. The project of the KN MES RK AP09260105 (2021-2023) "Development of mathematical foundations and 3D simulation model of the process of underground bacterial leaching of uranium".


1.A. Karassayeva, Y. Adilkhanov, Sh. Sekerova, S. Japayev, A. Zhauyt, S. Zhunisbekov, K. Tergemes. Analysis of dynamic properties and movement safety of bogies with diagonal links and rubber-metal vibration absorber between the rubbing elements of freight cars. Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 124-143, 2021 (SCOPUS, IF=0.588, quartile=Q2, Percentile 44), DOI:

2. Assel Mukasheva, Saduakhas Japayev, Gulnara Abdraimova, e.t A dynamic analysis of six-bar mechanical press // Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 13, p. 249-254, 2017, ISSN: 2345-0533 ELSEVIER (SCOPUS  IF=0.151)

3. Шамганова Л.С., Тулебаев К. К., Джапаев С.К, и др. Геомеханическое обоснование отработки маломошных залежей Жезказганского месторождения: Монография, ISBN 978-601-7093-12 - 9,  Алматы: ИГД им. Д.А. Ку­наева, Филиал РГП «НЦ КПМС РК», 2015. - 170 с.

4. Шамганова Л.С., Тулебаев К. К., Джапаев С.К., и др. Геомеханическое обоснование отработки пологих рудных залежей средней мощности месторождения Жаман-Айбат// Труды ИГД им. Д.А. Кунаева, «Научно-техническое обеспечение горного производства» - Алматы, 2015. - т. 87,  С.124-132.

5. Шамганова Л.С., Чабдарова Ю.И., Джапаев С.К., Кайранбаева А.Б. Устойчивость конструктивных элементов камерно-столбовой системы при отработке наклонных залежей//Вестник КазНТУ, - 2014, №1, - С.135-141

6. Чабдарова Ю.И., Нугманов К.Х., Шамганова Л.С. Джапаев С.К. Геомеханическое обоснование отработки наклонных залежей  камерно-столбовой системой // Междунар. научн.-практ. конференция «Подготовка кадров для реализации программы развития ГМК на 2012-2014 гг» / -Алматы, КазНТУ, 2011 г, с. 264-269

7. Чабдарова Ю.И., Нугманов К.Х., Шамганова Л.С., Джапаев С.К., Добрица  Р.А. и другие Методические указания по геомеханическому обеспечению отработки запасов наклонных залежей Жезказганского месторождения мощностью более 5,0 м. - Алматы, 2011, - 22 с. (внедрение в производство).

8. Чабдарова Ю.И., Нугманов К.Х., Шамганова Л.С., Джапаев С.К. К вопросу нагруженности междукамерных целиков при отработке наклонных залежей//20-ый Международный Симпозиум по планированию горных работ и выбору оборудования (MPES 2011), 12-14 октября 2011 года, Алматы, - с. 1150-1156.

9. Нугманов К.Х., Шамганова Л.С., Джапаев С.К. и др. Временная инструкция по расчету параметров модифицированных вариантов системы разработки Жезказганского месторождения для наклонных залежей мощностью более 5,0 м. - Алматы-Жезказган, 2010, 50 с. (внедрение в производство)

10. Оқу құралы. - Алматы: ҚазҰТУ, 2010 – 154 б.

11. T.M.Ermekov, K.Kh.Nugmanov, Yu.I.Chabdarova, A.N.Bukin, Dzhapaev S.K. Determination of beha­viours of loads distribu­tion on pillars when overlapping ledges min­ing // Mine Planning and Eguipment Selection 2000. (Труды IX Междунар. симпозиума по планированию горных работ MPES-2000 /Греция, Афины/ 6-9 но­ября 2000 г. – С.281-283.

12. Чабдарова Ю.И., Нугманов К.Х., Джапаев С.К. Некоторые вопросы безопасной отработки наклонных перекры­вающихся залежей// Доклад на симпозиуме «Неделя горняка-2000». Москва, МГГУ, 31.01 – 04.02.2000 г. //Горный информ.-аналитический бюллетень. - 2000 - №12. - С.183-186.

13. Ermekov T.M., Nugmanov K.H.,Chabdarova Yu.I., Bukin A.N. Developing of specifi-cations and standard documents specifying the mining methods, system parameters for securing safe and effec­tive mining// Proceediings of the papers of the scientific and tech­nical conference: Occu­pational safety in under­groud and open pit mines and quarries.- Bulgaria, Varna, 8-11 june 1998. -v.1, - p.195-198.

14.  Джапаев С.К. Оптимальная форма междукамерных цели­ков при отработке на­клонных залежей // Горный журнал. - 1997.- № 7. - С. 10-12.

15.  Нугманов К.Х., Джапаев С.К. Нагруженность барьерных и междукамерных целиков при отработке наклонных залежей // Комплексное использо­вание минерального сы­рья - 1994. - № 6. - С. 20-26. 

16. Джапаев С.К., Канафин Р.К. Модель прочности столбчатого   междукамерного целика // Комплексное использо­вание минерального сы­рья - 1993. - № 3. - С. 22-27. 

17. Джапаев С.К., Канафин Р.К. Модель нагрузки на группу междукамерных целиков // Комплексное использо­вание минерального сы­рья - 1992. - № 12. - С. 10-15. 

18. Джапаев С.К., Канафин Р.К. Модель нагрузки на группу междукамерных целиков // Комплексное использо­вание минерального сы­рья - 1992. - № 12. - С. 10-15. 

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