Jetpisbayeva Ainur
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: a.jetpisbayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
She started her professional career as a Senior procurement specialist, NAC "Kazatomprom", 2016-2017.
2018-2019, Manager of the Institute of distance education, Kazakh national research technical university named after K. I. Satpayev.
Since January 2020, tutor of the Department «Construction and building materials», Institute of Architecture and civil engineering named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University.
1)2011-2015 - Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of industrial automation and digitalization named after A. Burkitbayev, specialty 5B071200 - «Mechanical engineering». Qualification-bachelor of technics and technology.
2)2015-2017 Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of industrial automation and digitalization named after A. Burkitbayev. Master's degree in 6M073800 «Technology of materials processing under pressure».
3)Since September 2019, she is a doctoral student at Satbayev University, Institute of Architecture and civil engineering named after T.K. Basenov, Department of Construction and building materials. Specialty 8D07305 - «Construction and production of building materials and structures».
Scientific projects
Concrete technology, research of high performance concrete, binders. Within the framework of PhD studies work on the project Fine-grained self-compacting concrete with complex chemical additivePublications
1.Akmalaev K., Tolegenova A., Jetpisbayeva A. Features of structure formation of polymercement stone. Proceeding of VI International annual conference «Industrial technologies and engineering», Volume I (2019) Шымкент, Казахстан, с. 12-15.
2.Akmalaev K., Tolegenova A., Jetpisbayeva A. Formation of the structure of composite binders, III Международная конференция-симпозиум Внедрение достижений науки в практику и устранение в ней деятельности коррупции, (2019) Ташкент, Узбекистан, с. 13-18.
3. Jetpisbayeva A.Zh., Akhmetov D.A., Pukharenko Y.V., Vatin N.I., Akhazhanov S.B., Akhmetov A.R., Utepov Y.B. The Effect of Low-Modulus Plastic Fiber on the Physical and Technical Characteristics of Modified Heavy Concretes Based on Polycarboxylates and Microsilica. Materials 2022, №15 (2648), 16 p., ISSN 1996-1944, CiteScore-4.2; Procentil-65, Q2. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15072648 https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/15/7/2648
4.Jetpisbayeva A.Zh., Akhmetov D.A., Pukharenko Y.V., Vatin N.I., Akhazhanov S.B., Akhmetov A.R., Utepov Y.B., Root Y.N. Effect of low-modulus polypropylene fiber on physical and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete. Case Studies in Construction Materials 2022, №16 (2648), 10 p., ISSN 22145095, CiteScore-5.1; Procentil-86, Q1.
5. A. Jetpisbayeva K. Akmalaiuly , D. Akhmetov , Kwang-Don Kim. EFFECT OF FINE FILLERS FROM INDUSTRIAL WASTE ON THE QUALITY OF SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE. QazBSQA Хабаршысы. Құрылыс конструкциялары және материалдары. №1 (87), 2023.
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