Kembayev Maxat
Associate Professor
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"
Email: m.kembayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Total experience in scientific and pedagogical activity: 4 years.Work experience in the specialty: 9 years.
2017 year 2018 year Lecurer of the «Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits» department.
From 2018 to the present Senior-lecturer of the «Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits» department.
Academic degree, academic rank – Doctor PhD.
Publications (including magazines with non-zero impact factor), scientific works, inventions (in last 3 years): 25 Publications, including 6 – in magazines with non-zero impact factor. Co-author of 2 monographs.
- Awarded the Diploma "Best teacher 2018-2019" of the Institute of Geology and oil and gas Affairs named after. Karatay Turysov - Awarded the "Diploma for the day of science and the 115th anniversary of academician K. I. Satpayev for fruitful and conscientious work" from KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev - Winner of the "Named scholarship of the Shakhmardan Esenov Academy" 2008-2010.
In 2021, for his contribution to the development and active participation in the scientific life of the university, he received a letter of thanks from the Leadership of the K.I.Satpayev KazNRTU University. Awarded the badge "Best Teacher" by the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).
2007 Year 2011 Year Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpayev, Bachelor, day-time, 050706 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits», ЖБ-Б № 0227192
2011 Year 2013 Year Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpayev, master’s degree, day-time, 6М070600 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits», master of technical sciences, ЖООК-М №0032149.
2013 Year 2016 Year Kazakh national technical university named after K.I.Satpayev, PhD, day-time, 6D070600 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits», Dr. PhD.ҒД № 0001985
Scientific projects
Scientific employee, «Comprehensive geological study of mineral resources for the development of the resource base and the development of new sources of ore in Kazakhstan»;
Scientific employee Source of financing:LLP «KAZMineralsAktogay», «Influence of fracture tectonics within the Aktogay deposit on changes in the mineral composition of copper-porphyry mineralization»;
Scientific employee, «To study the ore-controlling factors of endogenous rare-metal deposits of Kazakhstan in 3D format and evaluate their potential resources»;
Junior scientific employee, «Resumption of appraisal of the Kondybay deposit (Kostanay region), study of the material composition of ores, selection of technological samples»;
Junior scientific employee, «Exploration and appraisal of the Shok-Karagay deposit (Kokshetau oblast), study of the material composition of ores, separation of industrial ore bodies, assessment of rare-earth mineralization in categories P1 and P2»
M. Sh. Omirserikov, M.K. Kembayev, L. D. Issayeva, K. Sh.Dyussembayeva, E. Slaby, S.K. Assubayeva (2016) Mineralogy and structural model of the weathering crust of Kundybay deposit (North Kazakhstan) News of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Series of geology and technical sciences
A. Baibatsha, E. Mamanov, M. Kembayev (2019) Prospects of Remote Sensing for the Prediction of Mineral Deposits in Kazakhstan THE ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES (CAJG) Sousse, Tunisia
M.Sh.Omirserikov, N.I. Stepanenko, L. D. Issayeva, S.K.Assubayeva, K.S. Togizov, M.K.Kembayev (2017) Исследования редкометалльного месторождения Баян на базе ГИС-технологии и прогнозная оценка его дополнительных ресурсов на промышленные руды News of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Series of geology and technical sciences
L. Issayeva, S.Assubayeva, M.Kembayev, K. Togizov (2019) The formation of a geoinformation system and creation of a digital model of Syrymbet rare-metal deposit (North Kazakhstan) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM Science and technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Albena, Bulgaria.
L.D. Issayeva, S.K. Assubayeva, M.K. Kembayev, K.S. Togizov (2020) Digital model of tantalum-niobium Sarybulak deposit (North Kazakhstan) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM Science and technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining. Albena, Bulgaria.
L.D. Issayeva, S.K. Assubayeva, M.K. Kembayev, K.S. Togizov, Kh. Asan (2020) Thermodynamic model of the rare metal deposit Syrymbet (North Kazakhstan) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM Science and technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining. Albena, Bulgaria.
М.Ш.Омирсериков, Л.Д. Исаева, С.К. Асубаева, К.С. Тогизов, М.К. Кембаев (2018) Петрофизическая модель Сырымбетского рудного поля Вестник КБТУ.
М.Ш.Омирсериков, Л.Д. Исаева, С.К. Асубаева, М.К. Кембаев, К.С. Тогизов (2018) Роль трехмерных моделей месторождения и термодинамических условий его формирования при выделении и оценке ресурсов перспективных участков Вестник КазНИТУ.
Омирсериков М.Ш.,Исаева Л.Д.,Дюсембаева К.Ш.,Кембаев М.К.,Асубаева С.К. (2016) Редкие земли в коре выветривания месторождения Кундыбай (Северный Казахстан) Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д. Серикбаева.
Е.Е.Ермұханбетов, М.К.Кембаев (2020) Вещественный состав вмещающих пород и коренных руд на месторождении Верхний Иргиз Международная конференция «Сатпаевские чтения – 2020» Секция – «Научные исследования и инновации в геологоразведке – ключ к эффективному восполнению минерально – сырьевой базы РК» Онлайн формат.
K. Togizov L. Issayeva, S.Assubayeva, M. Kembayev (2019). THE FORMATION OF A GEOINFORMATION SYSTEM AND CREATION OF A DIGITAL MODEL OF SYRYMBET RARE-METAL DEPOSIT (NORTH KAZAKHSTAN). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM Science and technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining
Murat Omirserikov, Kulyash Dyussembayeva, Lyudmila Isayeva, Maksat Kembayev, Saltanat Assubayeva (2012). Forms of occurrence of rare earth elements in the weathering crust of Kundybay deposit (North Kazakhstan). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM)
МШ Омирсериков, ЛД Исаева, СК Асубаева, МК Кембаев (2015). Изучение особенности литологического строения участка Талайрык. Наука в современном информационном обществе
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Research of rare metal deposits based on GIS technology and predictive assessment of its additional resources for industrial ores