Kemelbekova Ainagul Erzhanovna

Kemelbekova Ainagul Erzhanovna



Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics

Email: a.kemelbekova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2016 - 2019 - Lecturer , "Academy of Civil Aviation"

2019-2021 - Junior Researcher, "Institute of Physics and Technology"

2021 - 2023 Assistant of the Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics, Satpayev University 

Since September 2023 - Lecturer at the Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics


1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty: Materials Science and Technology of New Materials

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty: Materials Science and Technology of New Materials

Master of Technical Sciences

3. Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (KazNITU)

Institute of Metallurgy and Industrial Engineering, specialty: Materials Science and Technology of New Materials

PhD student

Scientific projects

Development of scientific foundations for the creation of new nanomaterials and methods of their analysis for obtaining films with specified useful properties

Optimization of the structure of thin films for the manufacture of solar cells on a flexible substrate


1. Synthesis of highly dispersed forms of zinc oxide doped with rare earth elements (review) Complex Use Of Mineral Raw Materials. No. 4.2019, Almaty, pp. 12-18, ISSN 2224-5243

2. Review of modern methods of obtaining thin films ZnO:EU, BULLETIN OF KazNITU No.6.2019, Almaty, pp. 824-829, ISSN 1680-9211

3. Aerosol synthesis of finely dispersed YAG:Ce3+ phosphor with strong photoluminescence, Physics of the Solid State, October 2019, Volume 61, Issue 10, pp 1840–1845.

4. Aerosol synthesis of highly dispersed phosphor Y3AL5O12:CE3+ with intense photoluminescence, Solid State Physics, 2019,, Volume 61, issue 10, pp. 1184-1889.

5. Production of zinc oxide films doped with europium oxide by sol-gel method, RDRZ- 19, V- All-Russian Conference with international participation, "V-Russian Day of Rare Earths", February 13-14, 2019, p. 78.

6. Sailau, Z.Serikkanov, A.Kemelbekova, A.Aldongarov, A.Toshtay, K. Insight into the glycerol extraction from biodiesel using deep eutectic solvents, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2023, 29(2),54

7. Zhantuarov, S.Kemelbekova, A.Shongalova, A.Chuchvaga, N.Almas, N., Insight into Perovskite Solar Cell Formation for Various Organohalides Perovskite Precursors in the Presence of Water at the Molecular Level Journal of Nanomaterials, 2023, 6279023

8. Murzalinov, D.Kemelbekova, A.Seredavina, T., ...Moshnikov, V.Mukhamedshina, D., Self-Organization Effects of Thin ZnO Layers on the Surface of Porous Silicon by Formation of Energetically Stable Nanostructures, Materials, 2023, 16(2), 838

9. Murzalinov, D.Dmitriyeva, E.Lebedev, I.Fedosimova, A.I.Kemelbekova, A., The Effect of pH Solution in the Sol–Gel Process on the Structure and Properties of Thin SnO2 Films, Processes, 2022, 10(6),1116