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Kenesbay Aitenov

Kenesbay Aitenov

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Deputy Director

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Email: k.aitenov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Deputy Director of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov, associate Professor of Satbayev University, candidate of technical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAIN).

Qualification-engineer-Metallurgist, scientific and pedagogical experience of more than 20 years

He began his teaching and professional activity in 1980 as an engineer of the economic contract theme of the Department "metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals" from 1983 to 1886 as a full-time graduate student, from 1986 to 1992 as an engineer, Junior researcher, researcher of the economic contract theme (elektrozink plant, Ordzhonikidze, Chimkent lead plant, Chimkent).

From 1992 to 1997, chief specialist of the Production center of the Kazakhstan international metal exchange. From 1994 to 1997, Director of the center of the Research and production company "Consulting metal service". He defended his thesis for the candidate of technical Sciences on the topic "Physical and chemical bases of improving the technology of processing copper slickers and polymetallic matte". From 2000 to 2002, rector, first Vice-rector of Almaty University of continuing education.

From 2002 to 2013, associate Professor of the Department "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials".

Since 2013, Deputy Director of the Mining and metallurgical Institute for research.  From 2015-2017 he worked as a part-time senior researcher on the topic "Development of technology for processing collective concentrates using alkali metal salts", from 2018-2019. responsible performer of the topic "Development of technology for thermohydrometallurgical processing of polymetallic sulfide materials".  The results of the project research work is one of the authors of the patent, on the theme: "Sulfide-soda-sulfate method for processing of polymetallic concentrates and industrial products." From November 2023, VNS on the topic BR21881939 “Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center”

Since July 2019, Deputy Director of the Institute of metallurgy and industrial engineering Satbayev.University.

Since September 2021, Deputy Director of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. A. Baikonurov Satbayev.University.


1) 1975-1980 Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, metallurgical faculty. specialty - "metallurgy of non-ferrous metals", qualification engineer-Metallurgist.

2) 1983-1986 - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, full-time postgraduate study in the specialty 05.16.02 - " metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals»

3) in 1997, he defended his thesis for the candidate of technical Sciences on the topic "Physical and chemical bases for improving the technology of processing copper slickers and polymetallic matte". Academic degree candidate of technical Sciences.

4) in 2006, he received the diploma of the Committee for supervision and attestation in education and science of Kazakhstan on conferring the academic title of docent (associate Professor) in specialty "metallurgy".

Scientific projects

Deputy Director Of the Institute of metallurgy and industrial engineering, associate Professor of Satbayev University, candidate of technical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAIN), responsible executor of the grant research project.

The main scientific directions of researches:

Processing of polymetallic sulfide materials based on oxidation and removal of sulfide sulfur into water-soluble sulfates. Processing of collective concentrates and industrial products of non-ferrous metals with subsequent processing of products and production of marketable products in the form of metals, oxides and sulfur output in sodium and potassium sulfates.

Working in Satbayev.University Aitenov K. D. actively participates as a responsible performer (leading researcher) in conducting grant research projects:

 "Development of technology for processing collective concentrates using alkali metal salts" (2015-2017).)

 "Development of technology for thermohydrometallurgical processing of polymetallic sulphide materials" (2018-2020gg.)

From November 2023, VNS on the topic BR21881939 “Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center”


1. B. S. Baimbetov, K. D. Aitenov, A. A. Bekisheva and B. E. Abdikerim Metallic Sulphide and Sodium Carbonate Interacting Processes Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 11, p 26-34 (2015).

2. B. S. Baimbetov, K. D. Aitenov, A. A. Bekisheva, B. E. Abdikerim* and L. A. Anarbek Selecting circuit processing sulfide raw materials using alkali metal salts Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 14(4), 2016, 3277-3390 ISSN 0972-768X

3. B. S. Baimbetov, K, D. Aitenov, A. A. Bekisheva Sulfide-soda-sulfate method for processing polymetallic concentrates and industrial products, Patent No. 33152, from 01.10.2018 RSE NIIS, MJ RK

4. B. S. Baimbetov, A. A. Bekisheva, K. D. Aitenov Distribution of the complex sulfide raw stuff components on roasting with soda, aqueous and acid leaching of calcine Non-ferrous Metals. 2019. No. 2.

5. B. S. Baimbetov, А. А. Вekisheva, K. D. Аitenov,  B. E. Abdikerim Kinetics of roasting of copper and iron sulfides with soda in a vibratory boiling layer  METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 2, Р.207-210

6. N. Dosmukhamedov, E. Zholdasbay,  A. Argyn, K. D. Аitenov  Behavior of As, Pb, Cu, and Zn under conditions of reduction roasting of fine dust generated by a copper smelter with natural gas. 

Metallurgist. №7. 2024. P.1-10.  DOI:

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