Kerimzhanova Manshuk Fazylovna
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: m.kerimzhanova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
For more than 45 years he has been working at KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev as an engineer, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology.
He is one of the developers of the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan for undergraduate majors in Mechanical Engineering and Standardization, metrology and certification. He has more than 100 scientific and methodological works.
Reads a number of basic and specialized disciplines.
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin
Mechanical engineer specialty 0501-Mechanical engineering technology, metal cutting machines and tools
Scientific projects
Chief Research Officer of the projects
2012-2014 - Development of a new design of a centrifugal ground pump
2013-2015 – Development of a powerful heat-jet tool for processing blocks of strong rocks
2015-2017 -Development of design and technological methods for increasing the wear resistance of heavy-loaded gears of ball mill drive"
1. V.V.Povetkin, M.F.Kerimzhanova, M.Isametova. Assessment of dynamic parameters of heavy-duty gears., VIBROENGINEERING PROCEDIA. DEC 2016, VOL. 10., p. 46-51. ISSN 2345-0533.
2. Поветкин В.В., Керимжанова М.Ф.,Букаева А.З. Совершенствование оборудования для транспортировки гидросмеси в обогатительном производстве. Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень, №, 2018, с.161-169.
3. Разработка термодинамического бура для разрушения крепких горных пород. Международный сборник научных трудов «Прогрессивные технологии и системы машиностроения» - Донецк, 2017. Выпуск 4(59) - 56-63 с.
4. Разработка способа и устройства для измельчения твердых материалов. Сборник трудов XXIV международной научно-технической конференции «Машиностроение и техносфера XXI века» - Донецк: МСМ, 2017. Т. 1. - 198-202 с.
5. Improvement of equipment for transport of slurry in mineral processing production. Povetkin V.V., Kerimzhanova M.F., Orlova Y.P., Bukayeva A.Z./
Mining informational and Analytical Bulletin , 2018(6), с. 161-169
6. The comparative analysis of computer model operation of tooth gearing with evolvent gearing and Novikov’s gearing. Povetkin V.V., Bagitova S.Z., Kerimzhanova M.F.
Tatybayev M.K., Bukayeva A.Z. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences 2019, 5(437), с. 34-45
7. High velocity thermal spraying tools used in technological processes and productions. Bukayeva A.Z. ,Povetkin V.V., Kerimzhanova M.F., Tatybayev M.K.
VIBROENGINEERING PROCEDIA. DEC 2016, VOL. 10., p. 474-479. ISSN 2345-0533.
8. The producton method of hihg pressure hydraulic cylinders. Aimukhanbet B.A., Povetkin V.V., Turdaliev A.T.,Kerimzhanova M.F., Tatybayev M.K.
Modern Applied Science, 2015, vol.9 (2), p.30-41
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
1 | INVESTIGATION OF KINEMATICS AND POWER OF COMPOSITE PLANETARY GEARS FOR WIND TURBINES. | Нефть и газ | Геология, мұнайхимия, бұрғылау, өндіру, барлау салалары | 2024 |