Koishina Gulzada
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: g.koishina@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2022 - Until now. Associate professor of the Department "Metallurgy and Mineral Processing"
2021 - 2022. Assistant-professor of the Department "Metallurgy and Mineral Processing"
2017 - 2021. Lecturer of the Department "Metallurgy and Mineral Processing"
2013 - 2016. Senior Lecturer, Department of Nonferrous Metals Metallurgy
2010 - 2012. Lecturer, Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy
2009 - 2007. Assistant of the Department "Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals"
2014-2017 Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical University, Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing. 6D070900-Metallurgy, No. 0002411
2012-2014 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical University, Department of "Nonferrous Metals Metallurgy". Master of Technical Sciences with a degree in 6M070900-Metallurgy. No. 0052487
2001-2006 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical University, Department of "Nonferrous Metals Metallurgy". Metallurgical engineer, specialty "Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals", -No.0088792
Scientific projects
The list of the most significant research works:
2011 - Preparation of a feasibility study for the feasibility study of the innovative project “Taraz-process” - steel production in a shaft furnace ”(innovative grant) ..
2011 - “Development of the design of a pilot furnace for the production of manganese - chromium-containing composite materials and the creation of a pilot production module” (innovative grant).
2012-2014 - No. 751.MON.GF.12.14 “Development of high technology for the production of a new carbon-containing granular material”.
2015-2017 - No. 757.MON.GF.15.RIPR.14 “Scientific research of direct reduction of metals and development of technology for producing a new manganese-chromium alloy from accumulated industrial waste”.
2015-2017 - No. 757.MON.GF.15.RIPR.15 “Development of the technology for the deep processing of complex iron ore raw materials”.
2018-2020 - “Development of the technology for the preparation and processing of Lisakovsky phosphorous iron ore concentrate” according to the scientific and technical program No. BR05235618 “Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and mining industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
2021-2023 - № АР09058297 "Development of a new waste-free technology utilization of galvanizing waste with complex extraction of valuable metals". Scientific supervisor
2023-2025 - AР 19679572 "Development of a new technology for utilisation of zinc dust from steelmaking operations with obtaining marketable products". Scientific supervisor
List of the most significant works included in the Web of Science Core Collectionand in the Scopus database:
1. Tleugabulov S.M.,Tleugabulov B.S., Koishina G.M., Altybaeva D.K., Tazhiev E.B. Smelting Reduction of a Monocharge / Metallurgist, 2016 Vol. 60, Nos.1-2, p. 31-37.
2. Tleugabulov S.M., Abikov S.B., Koishina G.M., Tatybaev M.K. Fundamentals and Prospects of the Development of Reduction Steelmaking / Russian Metallurgy (Metally). – 2018. – №3. – P. 282-286. IF=0,23.
3. Tleugabulov S., Ryzhonkov D., Aytbayev N., Koishina G., Sultamurat G. The reduction smelting of metal-containing industrial wastes / News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019, 1(433), p. 32-37.
4. Tleugabulov S.M., Tleugabulov B.S., Koishina, G.M., Pykhteeva-Tleugabulova K.B. Improved Control of Smelting in Blast Furnaces / Steel in Translation, 2012, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 430–434.
5. Tleugabulov S.M., Ryzhonkov D.I., Altybayeva D.K., Koishina G.M. Limitation of metal carbonization results in implementation of 'Ore-Steel' process / International Journal of Chemical Sciences. – India. 2015, 13(1), №2. – P. 389-400. ISSN 0972-768X, Scopus (IF-0.229).
6. S.M. Tleugabulov, B.S. Tleugabulov, D.Kh. Altybaeva, G.M. Koishina, E.B. Tazhiev. Regulation of High Temperature BlasttFurnace Processes by Adjusting the Fuell Additive Supply. Steel in Translation (United Kingdom), 2015, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 578–583. ISSN 0967–0912, Scopus (IF-0.232).
7. Tleugabulov S.M., Nurumgaliev A.K., Koishina G.M., Aitkenov N.B. Steel Production from Metal-Bearing Waste / Steel in Translation 2019, 49(3), р. 217-221.
8. Tleubagulov, S.M., Aitkenov, N.B., Koishina, G.M., Tazhiev, E.B. Technology Production of Ore Coal Pellets from Converter-Coal Slag Mix and Reduction Smelting of Steel / Steel in Translationthis link is disabled, 2021, 51(1), стр. 65–67
9. Koishina G.M., Zholdasbay E.E., Kurmanseitov M.B., Tazhiev Ye.B., Argyn A.A. Study on the behavior of zinc and associated metal-impurities in the process of chlorinating roasting of dross // Complex Use of Mineral Resources. Volume 3, Issue 318, 2021, P. 71-80. eISSN-L 2616-6445, ISSN 2224-5243. Q3 https://doi.org/10.31643/2021/6445.30
10. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan A., Zholdasbay E.E., Koishina G.M., Tazhiev Ye.B., Argyn A., Kuldeyev, Y.I., Kaplan, V. Processing dross from hot-dip galvanizing by chlorination roasting / Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(22), 12530. eISSN: 2071-1050, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212530 Percentile-86, Q2
11. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbai E.E., Koishina G.M., Kaplan A.V., Kurmanseitov M.B., Tazhiev E.B. Chlorination Roasting of Oxidized Component Obtained from Dross at a Temperature of 1000°C / Metallurgist, 2022, 66(3-4), P. 335–342
12. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Zholdasbay E.E., Argyn A., Kuldeyev Y.I., Koishina G.M., Tazhiev Ye.B. Chlorination Treatment for Gold Extraction from Refractory Gold-Copper-Arsenic-Bearing Concentrates // Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14(17), №11079, 2022, eISSN: 2071-1050, https://doi.org/10.3390/su141711019. Percentile-86, Q2
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Development of technology for processing iron ore and industrial waste for the direct production of alloy steels. Solving the issues of complex processing of iron ore concentrates to obtain high-quality alloys and steels.