Koshimbayev Shamil Koshimbayevich
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Automation and сontrol
Email: s.koshimbayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Koshimbaev Shamil Koshimbaevich was born on May 5, 1947 in the city of Leninogorsk, East Kazakhstan Region. In 1965, he entered the metallurgical faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Automation of Metallurgical Processes and Production, a researcher, senior researcher at KazPTI. In the years 1974-1977. studied in graduate school at the Department of Automation of Metallurgical Processes.
Since January 1981, in translation, he was sent to work at the Ministry of Color of the Kazakh SSR as head of the automation department, where he coordinated research and development work in the field of automation and computer technology at non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the republic and research organizations. In 1983 he defended his thesis on the specialty 03.03.07. "Automation of metallurgical processes and production."
Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. He has 49 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work. He published a paper in scientific journals with non-zero impact factor. The author of more than 120 scientific, educational and methodical publications. He owner copyright certificates and patents. Supervises student research papers and one of them awarded the Academy Medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Awarded diplomas of the University, 3-th branch ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the medal KazNRTU them. K.I. Satpayev "For special merits".
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, metallurgical, automation of metallurgical processes. Automation of production, metallurgical engineer. No. 439618. 1965-1970 year
Scientific projects
Аutomation of technological production of a copper plantPublications
1. S.Koshimbayev., U.Imanbekova. O. Hotra., P. Popiel.,J. Tanas. Optimal control of blending and melting of copper concentrates. Proceedings of SPIE. Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2015, 966246, 09(2015), с. 966246-1-966246-7
2. S.Koshimbayev., U.Imanbekova., O. Hotra., Optimal control of copper concentrate blending and melting based on intelligent systems. Journal "Przegląd Elektrotechniczny", 8/2016, Poland, Warszawa, 2016 c.125-128, 2016
3. Koshimbayev Sh.K., U.Imanbekova., Hotra O.Z. Modelling in matlab using fuzzy logic for improving the economic factors of melting of copper concentrate charge. Journal Actual problems of economics. ISSN 1993-6788. 161 (2014), №11, p.380-387
4. Кошимбаев Ш.К. Иманбекова У.Н. Определение оптимального состава шихты технологического процесса электроплавки медных концентратов. Вестник Национальной Академии наук Республики Казахстан. Научный журнал. №2, 2014, с. 38-43. Алматы, Казахстан
5. Кошимбаев Ш.К.ИманбековаУ.Н., Джусинбеков М.Ш., Иманбекова А.Н.Международные Сатпаевские чтения – 2016 Физико-химические процессы взаимодействия составляющих компонентов при шахтовке и алавления медных концентратов в среде BorlandDelphi 7 «Роль и место молодых ученых в реализации новой экономической политии Казахстана». ІІ Том Алматы, Казахстан, 10 апреля 2016 г. с.55-58
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