Kozhaev Zhenis
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Surveying and Geodesy
Email: zh.kozhayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Doctor PhD in Geodesy. He works in the field of geodesy, surveying and geomechanics. Readable disciplines the use of modern, laser and high-precision
geodetic instruments in geodesy and mine surveying. Project manager for monitoring the movement of the earth's surface and monitoring of high-rise buildings
and structures. He has 15 years of experience at Satbaev University and 10 years of production experience in the department of topographic and geodetic surveys.
1998-2004 mining engineer-surveyor code 1901 2011-2013 Master of Technical Sciences, specialty 6M070700- Mining 2014-2017 Doctoral degree in PhD, specialty 6D071100- GeodesyScientific projects
He is the responsible project executor: Development of a forecast system and geomonitoring methods for displacement of a rock mass in hazardous areas of the earth’s surface during the development of mineral
resources based on innovative methods of GIS technology (No. 2019 / АР05133929)
1. Technique of creation interactive visualization of 3d maps within the University Campus. 15th international Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO, SGM 2015 Scopus Импакт-фактор 0.16
2. Geoınformatsıonnaıa sıstema geomehanıcheskogo monıtorınga rýdnyh mestorojdenıı s ıspolzovanıem metodov kosmıcheskoı radıolokatsıonnoı ınterferometrıı. Gornyı jýrnal Rossıı №6 – Moskva,
2016. – S. 78-84, ımpakt-faktor 0,123, vhodıaıı v bazý SCOPUS
3. Possibilities of digital modeling for increasing the efficiency of the situational forecast in conducting mining works. Varna, Bulgaria. 2018.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Study of deformation processes of unique buildings in urban environments
2. Study of geomechanical processes in open-pit mined fields