Kyrmyzy Taissariyeva
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: taissariyevakira@gmail.222
Professional biography
Kyrmyzy Taissariyeva graduated from K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University in 2008 with a degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Bachelor's degree). In 2008, she entered the second higher Kazakh National Agrarian University with a degree in Accounting and Audit, and graduated in 2010. In 2010, she entered the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University for a master's degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications. During the second year of study in academic mobility, she entered Bauman Moscow State Technical University. There she also completed a scientific internship on the topic "solid-state inverters of high-voltage switching power sources" from 14.11. 2011 to 13.02.2012, at the Faculty of Radio Electronics and Laser Technology. In 2015, she defended her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the specialty in June 2015. Since 2009, he has been working at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technology. She started her career as a laboratory assistant, and currently holds the position of senior lecturer. During her work, she proved herself to be a knowledgeable, creatively working teacher, well-versed in the methodology of teaching her subject. In the classroom, he strictly uses the methods of a personality-oriented approach in teaching, interacts with students, undergraduates and doctoral students. Author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 4 author's certificates and 8 articles with an inpact factor, which is quoted on the basis of Scopus and Tomson Reuters. The Hirsch Index 3. Scientific projects that she participated in: 1. Participation in research projects through the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Technopark, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev "Induction heater". No. 433 dated December 23, 2011 2. Grant financing of scientific research 2012 -2014 747.MON GF 12.9 Research of the system "solar panels – inverter – power grid". 3. Grant financing of scientific research 2015 - 2017 No. 757.MON.GF.15.IIT.5. "Development of a wireless distributed system for monitoring the pollution of waste water with antibiotics and aggressive drugs" Taisarieva K.N. in the last 5 years worked as the secretary of the Academic Council of the Institute (IPAC, IAIT) and participated as a temporary Emergency Council at Al-Farabi KazGU 2022, K. Kozybayev SKU 2021, K.I. Satpayev KazNITU 2022 and G. Daukeev AUES. She is a person who is passionate about scientific and pedagogical activities, a disciplined, proactive, demanding employee.Education
KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev Almaty Satpayev 22, 2004-2008, Bachelor of Radio Engineering, Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunications ZhB No. 0006856
KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev Almaty Satpayev 22, 2010-2012, Master's program in radio engineering, electronics, electronics and telecommunications ZhOOK - М №0006856
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5, 2011-2012, Certificate (academic mobility)
KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev Almaty Satpayev 22, 2012-2015, 6D071900-Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Doctor PhD, Order No. 1506 dated November 17, 2015
Scientific projects
Project manager. IRN: AP19679602 “Development of a tethered unified dual-purpose multicopter platform with an inverter with increased frequency switching and a high voltage conversion coefficient” Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus database/Web of Science
1. Microprocessor control system for solar power station. News of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology Technical Sciences. ISSN 2224-5278, Volume 1, Number 433 (2019), 107 – 111 https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-170X.13
2. Advances and Challenges in Drone Detection and Classification Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review, Sensors 2024, 24, 125. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24010125. CiteScore – Q1.
Articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3. Утилизация отходов нефтепереработки путем использования их в производстве шинных резин, Вестник КазНИТУ №1 (137) Алматы, 2020 январь, с. 346-350 eISSN 2709-4766 ISSN 2709-4758
4. Применение серы - попутного продукта нефтедобычи в рецептуре резиновых смесей, Вестник КазНИТУ №1 (137) Алматы, 2020 январь, с. 342-346 eISSN 2709-4766, ISSN 2709-4758
5. 5G желісі негізінде IoT енгізу тиімділігін бағалау, Университет еңбектері – Труды университета» НАО «Карагандинский технический университет имени Абылкаса Сагинова», № 3(92)2023 С 434-438. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2023_3_434
6. Кейінгі ұрпақ желілерінде шағын ұяшықты орналастыруды зерттеу, Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. ISSN 2710-3420. Энергетикалық сериясы. № 3. 2023. С 334-344 https://doi.org/10.48081/SJMV3294
7. Жел электр құрылғыларын қашықтықтан басқару және бақылау, НАУЧНЫЕ ТРУДЫ ВИИРЭиС. №4 (54), 2023г.
8. Қазақстан Республикасындағы әскери жүйелерде заттар интернеті технологияларын қолдануды зерттеу, НАУЧНЫЕ ТРУДЫ ВИИРЭиС. №4 (54), 2023г.
9. Investigation of the output effect of a three-phase converter using pulse width modulation, НАУЧНЫЕ ТРУДЫ ВИИРЭиС. №4 (54), 2023г.
10. Байланыстырылған мультикоптер жүйесін талдау және қолдану, НАУЧНЫЕ ТРУДЫ ВИИРЭиС. №4 (54), 2023г.
11. 5G ұялы желілердегі ұяшықтардың орналасу тығыздығын талдау, НАО «Карагандинский технический университет имени Абылкаса Сагинова» Труды университета №4 (93) 2023. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2023_4_386.
12. Система управления привязанным беспилотным летательным аппаратом. Полезный модель, № 8766 от 05.01.2024.
13. Привязанный беспилотный летательный аппарат, Полезный модель, № 8387 от 24.05.2023.
14. Электропривод беспилотного летательного аппарата на базе двух инверторов и двигателя, Полезный модель, № 8138, от 02.06.2023.
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