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Mamaeva Axaule Alipovna

Mamaeva Axaule Alipovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor


Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation

Email: ak78@mail.333


Professional biography

Mamaeva Aksaule Alipovna, born in 1978, in 2001 graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi in the specialty "Physics" with the assignment of an academic degree of a master with a specialization in "Physics and Plasma Chemistry". In 2002, she joined the thin-film coating laboratory of the Physico-Technical Institute as an engineer. In 2003 she entered the full-time postgraduate course at the Institute, in November 2007 she defended her Ph.D. In March 2008, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded Mamaeva A. the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

In November 2010, she was hired and appointed to work as the head of the Metallurgy Laboratory of JSC "Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment" and is currently the head of the laboratory.

Thus, Mamaeva A.A. has 20 years of continuous work experience, including 12 years as head of the laboratory.

On the promotion of the Academic Council and in the future by order No. 570 of the KKSON MES RK dated July 12, 2021 A.A. Mamaeva was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor)

For a number of years she was the responsible executor of projects carried out by the metal science laboratory. Currently he is the scientific supervisor of projects: carried out as part of the implementation of grant funding.

Under the scientific guidance of Mamaeva A.A. in 2019 Kenzhegulov A.K. defended his PhD thesis on the topic: "Formation of calcium-phosphate coatings on a titanium substrate with high functional properties by high-frequency magnetron sputtering" in the specialty 6D071000 - Materials Science and Technology of New Materials.

List of scientific works of Mamaeva S.A. includes 70 published scientific papers in the field of materials science, including 3 titles of protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan (patents, pre-patents and innovation patents). After the defense, 30 papers were published in the requested specialty, including 19 in publications recommended by the Committee, 8 in scientific publications of foreign countries, including 6 in international scientific journals that have a non-zero impact factor according to the information base of Thomson Reuters, and journals from the Scopus information base, 4 reports in the materials of foreign international conferences.

Hirsch index Mamaeva A.A. according to Web of Science - 5, Scopus - 4, Google Scholar - 4.


higher 1995-2001 Kazakh State University named after al-Farabi Plasma Physics and Chemistry

Scientific projects

1. Project manager for grant financing of scientific research for 2015-2017, topic: "Development of technology for the manufacture of ceramic-metal products based on titanium with oxide and calcium-phosphate coatings"

2. Project manager for grant financing of scientific research for 2015-2017, topic: "Development of technology for obtaining highly porous permeable nanomodified ceramics and creation of filter elements for industrial gas purification"

3. Project Manager for Grant funding of scientific research for 2018-2020., Topic: "Improving the technology for obtaining endoprostheses by casting titanium alloys with subsequent application of biocomposites on their surface"

4. Project Manager for Grant funding of scientific research for 2020-2022, topic: "Development of wear-resistant, multifunctional, composite coatings of titanium carbonitride"


1. Mamaeva, A.; Kenzhegulov, A.; Panichkin, A.; Alibekov, Z.; Wieleba, W. Effect of magnetron sputtering deposition conditions on the mechanical and tribological properties of wear-resistant titanium carbonitride coatings // Coatings. – 2022. – Vol. 12(2). – P. 193., (Процентиль: 62%; Q2).

2. Kenzhegulov, A.; Mamaeva, A.; Panichkin, A.; Alibekov, Z.; Kshibekova BB., Bakhytuly N. Wieleba, W. Comparative study of tribological and corrosion characteristics of TiCN, TiCrCN and TiZrCN coatings. Coatings. – 2022. – Vol. 12(5). – P. 564, (Процентиль: 62%; Q2).

3. Bakhytuly N. Mamaeva, A; Kenzhegulov, A.; Panichkin, A.; Effect of magnetron sputtering modes on the formation and composition of ticn coatings. Журнал «Интернаука» № 37 (260), 2022 г. – Р 39.

4 Mamaeva AA, Kenzhegulov AK, Panichkin AV, Kshibekova BB., Bakhytuly N. Deposition of carbonitride titanium coatings by magnetron sputtering and its effect on tribo-mechanical properties. Complex Use of Mineral Resources. – 2022. – Vol. 321(2). – P. 65-78. ,

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