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Mambetaliyeva Alima Rahmatullaeva

Mambetaliyeva Alima Rahmatullaeva


Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing

Email: a.mambetaliyeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

22.09.2003 gg Methodist of the highest level of qualification without the category of the planning Department, and the organization of the educational process of the Educational and methodical Department in KazNTU.K. I. Satpayeva

01.09.2004 Assistant of the Department " metallurgy of precious metals and enrichment

21.02.2013 Teacher of the Department of metallurgy of precious metals and mineral processing in KazNTU.K. I. Satpayeva 1.06.2017 - 31.05.2020 senior lecturer of the Department "metallurgy and mineral processing" KazNTU. K. I. Satpayeva


1996-2002 2405 "mineral Enrichment" ZhB No. 0317825 engineer-technologist

2002-2003 552450 - "metallurgy" awarded the qualification and academic degree Master of Metallurgy

MTB no. 0007100

2013-2016 6D070900 - " metallurgy»

Scientific projects

Participation in scientific projects (for the last 3 years): project within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Grant financing of scientific research for 2015-2017" "Development of technologies for complex processing of gold-arsenic containing ores and concentrates with the withdrawal and utilization of arsenic in an environmentally safe sulfide form and obtaining a commercial gold-containing product" (state registration no. 757. Mon.GF.15. REPR.Seven

      "Grant funding of scientific research for 2015-2017 ""Development of technology for extracting gold from ash and slag waste". IRN: ARO513341


Publications (including in journals with non-zero impact factor), scientific works, inventions (for the last 3 years): 16 publications

1. The copper-bearing complex ores processing technology selection and justification International Journal of Applied and Fundamental research, 2015, no. 2, pp. 57-62.

2.Complex processing of industrial products and lead-copper concentrates. Eurasian Chemical-Technological Journal 17 (2015) pages 307-314

3. ecological state of enrichment and processing of uranium-containing ores innovative solutions to traditional problems: ENGINEERING and technology " SATPAYEV readings Almaty, 2018 p. 1038

4. development and utilization of arsenic in environmentally safe sulfide form "innovative solutions to traditional problems: ENGINEERING and technology" SATPAYEV readings Almaty, 2018 p. 1044

5. Research on the processing of ash and slag waste to obtain enrichment products XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Scientific foundations and practice of processing ores and man-made raw materials", Yekaterinburg, April 07-10, 2020, pp. 124-128

6. Effect of the water-air emulsion size of the foaming agent solution on the non-ferrous metal minerals flotation ability ("Article") Metalurgija 60, 3-4, p. 395-398, 2021,ISSN 0543-5846

7. Study of the process of flotation enrichment of molybdenum from a collective concentrate Collection of articles of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference: Minsk vol. 3, 2021, pp. 135-138

ISBN 978-985-530-905-6

8. Study of flotation enrichment of copper-gold ore from the Koktaszhal deposit Collection of articles of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference: Minsk vol. 3, 2021, pp. 138-140

ISBN 978-985-530-905-6

9. Study of the influence of various flotation reagents-collectors on the enrichment of the Bozshakol ore Collection of articles of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference: Minsk vol. 3, 2021, pp. 141-144 ISBN 978-985-530-905-6

10. The influence of foaming agents in the flotation of the Bozshakol ore Proceedings of the Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: Engineering and technologies", KazNITU volume 1, 2021, pp. 964-967 ISBN 978-601-323-246-1 ISBN 978-601-323-247-8

11. Study of flotation enrichment of copper-gold-bearing ore of the Koktaszhol deposit Proceedings of the Satpayev readings " Innovative solutions to traditional problems: Engineering and Technologies", KazNITU volume 1, 2021, pp. 960-963 ISBN 978-601-323-246-1 ISBN 978-601-323-247-8

12. The effect of additional pulp grinding on the selective separation of useful components from waste rock during the processing of finely interspersed ores Proceedings of the Satpayev readings " Innovative Solutions to Traditional problems: Engineering and Technologies", KazNITU volume 1, 2021, pp. 956-960 ISBN 978-601-323-246-1 ISBN 978-601-323-247-8

13. Improvement of the technology of flotation of copper-molybdenum ore Proceedings of the Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: Engineering and technologies", KazNITU volume 1, 2021, pp. 953-956 ISBN 978-601-323-246-1 ISBN 978-601-323-247-8

14. Intensification of technological processors for processing ores of the Aktogay deposit Proceedings of the Satpayev readings " Innovative solutions to traditional problems: Engineering and technologies", KazNITU volume 1, 2021, pp. 981-985 ISBN 978-601-323-246-1 ISBN 978-601-323-247-8


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