Maulenova Gulnara
Candidate of Architecture
Associate Professor
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: g.maulenova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1991-1992-Architect at the Alma-ATA Giprogor Design Institute. Participated in the design of residential and public buildings in Almaty.
1992-2014-associate Professor at the Academy of arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Participated in the development of state educational standards in the specialty "Design", "Graphics". She headed the Department of "Graphic design". She is a co-author of 5 textbooks published under the heading "recommended by the MES RK".
2010-2014-Chief architect of the project in the architectural design company "BAFID". She led the work on projects of residential and public buildings in Almaty, Astana, Kyzyl-Orda and Qatar.
2014-BC-Associate Professor at Satbayev University. She participated in the development of educational programs in the fields of architecture and design. Head of doctoral and master's students. Member of the organizing Committee of the annual international forum on BIM technologies.
1 1986-1991 - Specialist, Alma Ata Institute of architecture and construction, diploma of architect
2 1999-2003 - Candidate of architecture, Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, Postgraduate course in 18.00.01-Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage
Scientific projects
Architecture of the urban environment, semantic systems in the urban environment, BIM-technologies in architecture, comfortable urban environment.Publications
1 Trends in the Formation of the Semantic Image of The Capital City (by the Example of Almaty). Annales. Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies. Series Historia et Sociologia, 25, 2015, 3. KOPER 2015. (в соавторстве с К. Халыковым и А. Бердигуловой)
2 Graphic Transformations into a Modern Megapolis Architectural Environment (Almaty City). Association Lumen Publishing Research Center House in Social and Humanistic Sciences. - 2013. - № 3. - P. 36-39. (в соавторстве с К. Халыковым и Р. Садыгуловым).
3 Анализ историко-культурного содержания средового пространства г.Алматы в свете дальнейшего развития его образного потенциала. Международная конференция «Многогранный мир традиционной культуры: проблемы изучения, сохранения и современной интерпретации», Казань. РФ, 2015г.
4 Традиционные образы в контексте гуманизации архитектурного пространства крупного города (на примере г.Алматы). Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные технологии возрождения, сохранения и трансляции культурного наследия этносов: опыт, проблемы, перспективы». г.Казань РФ, 2014 г.
5 Перспективы развития визуального образа Алматы в свете новых социально-экономических программ. Статья в журнале «International Academy of Science and Higher Education. International Scientific Analytical Project». London, United Kingdom, 2017, # 5.
6 Resistance of adaptive facade structures to aggressive environmental influences. / Устойчивость адаптивных фасадных структур к агрессивным влияниям на окружающую среду. LVIII International scientific and practical conference: «European research: innovation in science, education and technology / Европейские научные исследования: инновации в науке, образовании и технологиях». (London. Great Britain. December 8-9, 2019) (совместно с К. Цай). Architectural adaptive space. Наука и образование сегодня. №12 (47), 2019
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Architecture and media
Methodology and semiotic modeling in architecture