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Miras Sanatbekov

Miras Sanatbekov


Senior Lecturer

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology"

Email: m.sanatbekov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Sanatbekov Miras Yesenuly was born in 1992 in the village of Bakanas, Balkhash district of Almaty region. In 2010 he graduated from secondary school in the village of Bakanas, in 2014 he graduated with honors from the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, majoring in “5В060700- Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”, in 2016 he defended his master's thesis, and in 09/31/2021 completed his doctoral studies.From 2017 to 2018 he worked as an engineer at the Department of GNG, from 2018 to the present he has been working as a teacher at the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Petroleum Geology. The total work experience in KazNITU is 5 years.In order to exchange experience, he made presentations at the Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium) in 2015.

Various awards and diplomas:

"Certificate of Honor" - for showing professionalism in organizing the admission of applicants to the 1st course for the 2022-2023 academic years (2022)

"Certificate of Honor" - for contribution to improving the quality of education on the occasion of Geologists' Day (2022)

"Certificate of Honor" - for contribution to the Trade Union Organization of Satbaev University (2022)

  "Diploma" - from the Rector of KazNITU, completed "Presidential level" after passing "Presidential tests" among PPS, employees and students of Satbayev University, 2022

"Diplom" - " Satpayev readings - 2020" for the best report

"Diplom" - " Satpayev readings - 2019" for the best report

"Certificate of Honor" - for contribution to the organization of the "KazUTZU Spring - 2019" competition

"Diploma" - from the Rector of KazNITU for the best result in the sports and mass event for passing the Presidential tests 2019.

"Diplom" - the best graduate of KazNTU, 2014.

Medal "Golden Graduate - 2014"


from 2010 to 2014 - studied at the bachelor's degree, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty: 5В070600 - "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits".

from 2014 to 2016 - studied at the magistracy of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty: “6M070600-Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”.

from 2018 to 2021 - studied at the doctoral program, Satbayev University, specialty: 6D075500 - "Hydrogeology and engineering geology".

Scientific projects

Participated in scientific projects:

- "Geodynamic evolution and assessment of the prospects for oil and gas potential in the intermountain depressions of Eastern and South-Eastern Kazakhstan (Alakol, Balkhash and Ili)" MES RK, for 2018-2020.

- "Geodynamic model and prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Paleozoic deposits of the Torgai basin" under the budget program "Grant financing of scientific research for 2017-2020" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- "Problems of the Paleozoic of the South Mangyshlak (geological structure and oil and gas potential)" under the budget program "Grant financing of scientific research for 2017-2020" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2020.


The department carried out research work where scientific articles were written together with Zholtaev G.Zh. and others. He has 12 scientific papers, 3 of them in journals recommended by the KKSON MES RK, 9 - publications at international conferences:

1.Lithological-paleogeographical conditions of the formation of rocks related to the prediction of hydrocarbon deposits of the Alakol Basin, "Mining Journal of Kazakhstan", scientific-technical and production journal, impact factor: 0.093, code MRNTI 38.15.29, No. 2, 2021, KKSON.

2. Geological and structural conditions and the formation of the groundwater regime of the Balkhash depression, "Mining Journal of Kazakhstan" scientific, technical and industrial journal, ipact factor: 0.093, MRNTI code 38.61.15, KKSON, 2021.

3. Lithological-stratigraphic description and facies composition of the sediments of the Balkhash basin, KazUTZU Khabarshishi, No. 6, 2020, pp. 41-46, impact factor: 0.038, ISSN 2709-4766 (Online), ISSN 2709-4758 (Print), KKSON, 2020.

4. Features of the formation of geological complexes and tectonic structures of the Alakol region, IVIII International Scientific Conference, journal "Actual scientific research in the modern world", issue 2 (58), part 2, Pereyaslav, Ukraine, February 2020

5. Hydrogeological description of underground waters of Paleozoic sediments of the Alakol basin, "Satbayev studies-2020" international scientific and practical conference, KazUTZU, volume I, p. 157-160, April 12, 2020, Almaty.

6. Features of the formation of groundwater in the Meso-Cenozoic deposits of the Alakol depression, Proceedings "Satpayev readings" on the topic "Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", KazNITU, Volume I, p. 313-316, April 12, 2019, Almaty.

7. Lithological and stratigraphic zoning of the Paleozoic deposits of the Balkhash depression, "XXIII International Scientific Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov", Volume I, P. 69-71, Tomsk, Russia, 2019

Article title Journal title Direction Year