Mukhataeva Ardak
Candidate of Philology
Associate Professor
Institute of Project Management
Department of Kazakh and Russian languages
Professional biography
I started my professional career in 1980 at the Institute of linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR as a junior and in 1994 I become a senior researcher. After that I was a teacher of Russian at the European Commission's Delegation office in Kazakhstan and Central Asia till 2009. From 2003 to 2005, I am a head teacher of the Department of Kazakh and Russian languages in KazGASA (Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering). From 2011 to the present time I am working at the Kazakh national technical University named after K.I. Satpayev
1) 1974-1979 - Kazakh state University named after S.M. Kirov, faculty of Philology, specialty-Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature.
2) 1982-1984-internship at the Institute of linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow); 1986-1989 full-time postgraduate study at the Institute of linguistics of the Kazakh SSR, specialty-10.02.06. Turkic language.
3) In 1989 I defended PhD thesis on the topic: "Ethnolinguistic study of the vocabulary of the Kazakh epic (the sphere of material culture)". Academic degree: candidate of philological Sciences.
Total number of publications -130 till December 31, 2019
1. Mukhataeva A. (2014) Etymology of lexicon of the Kazakh epic. Advances in current natural sciences - Moscow "Academy of natural history", no. 4. p. 161-164. (Impact factor RSCI - 0.298).
2. Mukhataeva A. (2014) Revisiting the etymology of ethnographic place names. Advances in current natural sciences - Moscow "Academy of natural sciences", no. 7. p. 153-155. (Impact factor RSCI - 0.300).
3. Mukhataeva A. (2014) Main types of personal weapons of Batyr (based on the information of Kazakh epic. International journal of experimental education - Moscow "Academy of natural science", no. 8 (1). p. 53-56. (Impact factor RSCI -0.043).
4. Mukhataeva A. (2014) Archaic lexemes in the language of the epic. Bulletin of KazNPU ( Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University ). Series: Philological Sciences, no. 3 (49). p. 39-43.
5. Mukhataeva A. (2014) Semasiological analysis of the lexicon of the Kazakh epos. Science yesterday, today and tomorrow: XIII international scientific and practical conference. Novosibirsk, no. 4 (11). p. 57-63.
6. Mukhataeva A. (2015) Supporting items of war outfits of a Batyr (based on the information of Kazakh epic). Advances in current natural sciences - Moscow "Academy of natural history", no. 1. p. 880-883. (Impact factor RSCI -1.358).
7. Mukhataeva A. (2015) Armor and their attributes (based on the information of Kazakh epic). Science yesterday, today, and tomorrow: XIII international scientific and practical conference. Novosibirsk, no. 4 (20). p. 30-33.
8. Mukhataeva A. (2016) Household lexicon of Kazakh epos. Bulletin of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov. Ser.philological, no. 1. p. 99-103.
9. Mukhataeva A. (2017) Clothing and jewelry in the structure of the vocabulary of Kazakh epic. Science yesterday, today, tomorrow: collection of articles based on the materials of the XLVIII International scientific and practical conference No. 7 (41) - Novosibirsk: SibAK.
10. Mukhataeva A. (2019) Harness, gear and means of transportation (based on the materials of the Kazakh epic) Culturology, Philology, art history: actual problems of modern science: festschrift by materials XX-XXI international scientific and practical conference no. 3-4 (16). - Novosibirsk: SibAK, p. 72-76.
11. Народная и научная этимологии этнографических топонимов. Международная научная конференция «Диалектология. Этнолингвистика. Этимология. Мифология», г.Уфа, 2020. Сборник конференции в 2-х томах. – С.285-288.
12. Наименования принадлежностей эпического героя. ISARC 1th International scientific research and innovation congress. 13-14 March 2021, Kazakhstan. Congress book. –С.25-32.
13. «Қазақ тілінің оқу корпусын әзірлеу мәселелері». // Тілтаным, №1 – Алматы: 2024, С.133-143. ISSN 2411-6076, еISSN 2709-135X // https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2024-1-133-143.
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