Mustafa Azamat
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: a.mustafa@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1. Higher-level laboratory assistant "Sports Club" at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2013-2014.
2. Higher-level laboratory assistant of the department "SSiTM" at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2014-2015.
3. Assistant of the department "TTTiT" at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2014-2015.
4. Assistant of the department "SSiTM" at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2016-2017.
5. Researcher at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2017-2022.
6. Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2023 to the present.
2009-2013 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev, specialty 050712 - Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's degree. 2013-2015 – Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev, specialty 6M071300 - Transport, Transport Engineering and Technology, Master of Technical Sciences. 2017-2020 – Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev, specialty 6D071200 - Mechanical Engineering.Scientific projects
AP19679899 "Research and design of a manipulator that compensates deviations of the construction 3D printer based on the concreate pump truck and positions the print head" (2023-2025).
More details about the project.
Publications in international scientific journals (as corresponding author):
Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Med Amine Laribi, Giuseppe Carbone, Azamat Mustafa. Structural-Parametric Synthesis of the RoboMech Class Parallel Mechanism with Two Sliders. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(21), 9831; 18 p. (WoS: IF 2.679, Q2; Scopus: Percentile 74, Cite score 3.6).
Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Med Amine Laribi, Azamat Mustafa. Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of the RoboMech Class Parallel Manipulator with Two Grippers. Robotics, 2021, 10(3), 99, 16 p. (WoS: Q3; Scopus: Percentile 76, Cite score 3.9).
Baigunchekov Z., Mustafa A., Sobh T., Patel S., Utenov M. A RoboMech Class Parallel Manipulator with Three Degrees of Freedom. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3(1-105), (2020), pp. 44-56 (Scopus: Percentile 55).
Publications in international scientific journals (as co-author):
Baigunchekov, Z., Naurushev, B., Zhumasheva, Z., Kairov, R., and Amanov, B. Structurally Parametric Synthesis and Position Analysis of a RoboMech Class Parallel Manipulator with Two End-effectors. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020, 5(1-77), pp. 1–11 (Q3, Percentile 49, Cite score 1.9).
Baigunchekov, Z., Tarek, S., Patel, S., Mustafa, A. Structurally Parametric Synthesis of a RoboMech Class Parallel Manipulator with Three DOF. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 84, (2020), pp. 371-379 (Scopus: Percentile 25).
Baigunchekov, Z., Laribi, M.A., Kairov R., Mustafa, A., Amanov, B., Kassinov, A. Geometry and Inverse Kinematics of 3-PRRS Type Parallel Manipulator. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 980, Springer, 2020, pp. 12-18 (Scopus, CiteScore – 0.54 SJR – 0.174, SNIP – 0.434).
Zh. Baigunchekov, Zh. Zhumasheva, B. Naurushev, A. Mustafa, R. Kairov, B. Amanov. Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech with Two End-Effectors, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. Imperial College London, 2019, pp. 7-20. (Scopus: Percentile 27).
Baigunchekov, Z., Izmambetov, M., Zhumasheva, Z., Baigunchekov, T., Mustafa, A. Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech for Generation of Horizontal Trajectories Family. Mechanisms and Machine Science 73, Springer, 2019, pp. 1395-1402. (Scopus).
Zh. Baigunchekov, S. Ibrayev, M. Izmambetov, B. Naurushev, A. Mustafa. Synthesis of Cartesian Manipulator of a Class RoboMech. Mechanisms and Machine Science. Vol. 66, Springer, 2019, pp. 69-76 (Scopus: Percentile 25).
Baigunchekov, Z., Ibrayev, S., Izmambetov, M., Mustafa, A., Sagyntay, M. "Synthesis of Reconfigurable Positioning Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech". 2018 International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2018 – Proceedings 8449852 (Scopus).
Publications in national journals:
Sazambaeva, B.T., Kuanyshev, G.I., Khadeev, N.T., & Mustafa, A.K. (2016). New Transport Machines. Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin (scientific-technical journal), (10), 77-81.
Mustafa A.K., Sazambaeva B.T., Sarguzhin M.K., Study of the Suspension of the Working Organ of a Motor Grader. Vestnik KazNTU. 2014. - No. 4. - Pp. 265-268.
Baigunchekov Zh.Zh., Mustafa A.K., Kadyrov Zh.N., Parallel Manipulator of the RoboMech Class with Three Degrees of Freedom. Patent No. 34390 for the invention.
Baigunchekov Zh.Zh., Mustafa A.K., Kadyrov Zh.N., Crank-slider Mechanism. Patent No. 34380 for the invention.
Mustafa A.K., Kuanyshev G.I., Sazambaeva B.T. Blade Suspension on the Turntable of a Motor Grader (19)KZ(13)A4(11)29627 (ISBN 978-966-8736-0.).
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