Nazym M. Zhunusbekova
Doctor of Chemistry
Associate Professor
Deputy Director
Institute of Project Management
Email: N.Zhunusbekova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Zhunusbekova Nazym Maratovna is a graduate of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where she completed her bachelor's and master's degrees before continuing her academic pursuits as a doctoral student. She joined the research group of Professor E.A. Bekturov at the Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2003, she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences, which is internationally recognized as equivalent to a PhD.
In 2009, she underwent training at a Summer School in Hamburg, Germany. In 2010, she became a recipient of the First President's Fund Grant to attend a conference where she wone the Bruce Hartmann Award for Best Presentation (Ziegen, Germany, 2010, World Forum on Polymer Applications "POLYCHAR 18").
In 2011, she was appointed Associate Professor by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since July 2016, Zhunusbekova Nazym Maratovna has been actively involved in the activities of Satbayev University, initially as a lecturer, gradually advancing her professional level to become a professor in subsequent years. From the end of 2017 to 2019, she served as the head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances at the Institute of Chemical and Biochemical Technologies. Under her leadership, the department participated in university rankings for the field of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, achieving significant recognition. As a result, the Bachelor's program in Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances ranked third in the IQAA university rankings for this field of study. Additionally, the department underwent an external audit by the "Russian Register", establishing collaborations with various domestic and international organizations in the industrial sector, and signing memoranda and contracts:
1. Memorandum of cooperation and a contract on paid practice with JSC Orenburg Minerals (Russia);
From 2019 to 2020, she served as the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies. Throughout this time, she actively participated in research projects, notably serving as the Principal Scientific Researcher (PSR) and Assistant Project Leader for the Satbayev University BR05236302 program "Scientific and Technical Justification of Innovations in the Chemical Cluster for the Development of New Materials and Technologies to Improve the Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability of Industrial Production" from 2017 to 2020. In 2020, she and a group of scientists won the AP08956439 GF Project "Development of Innovative Water-Saving Technologies Using New Biopolymer Moisture Sorbents for Arid Climatic Zones."
Since September 2020, she has been appointed Deputy Director of the Institute of Distance Learning and Professional Retraining, where she developed a unique educational program "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances and Materials" for training corporate clients of Kazatomprom in specialized master's programs. She also worked on internal regulatory documents, such as "Regulations on the Development of Educational Programs," and updated the regulatory documentation of the Institute of Distance Learning and Professional Retraining, leading to positive assessments from internal and external audit committees. She contributed to the formulation of strategic plans and activity reports for the institute and prepared explanatory letters on various matters related to the institute's activities.
In 2019 and 2021, as a result of her research work, patents for inventions were obtained, where Satbayev University is the patent holder:
Patent of Kazakhstan No. 6319 "Composite gel with ion exchange properties." Zhunusbekova N.M., Chinibaeva N.S., Iskakova T.K., Kusainova G.K., Khudaibergenov N.S. Bulletin №32, 13.08.2021. 2021/0086.2 Patent of Kazakhstan No.4586 "Composite gel with ion exchange properties." Zhunusbekova N.M., Chinibaeva N.S., Iskakova T.K. , Kusainova G.K., Bulletin No. 23, 12.06.2020, No. 2019/0525.
The results of her scientific activities have been presented at international symposiums such as the XXVIII International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Florence, Italy (2018), and in France (2019): CAT2019, 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress "IUPAC 2019" in Paris, France.
Zhunusbekova Nazym Maratovna has been part of the working group during the monitoring of Satbayev University by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the admission committee, the committee for coordination of educational activities, and the financial committee.
To promote career guidance for those wishing to enroll in doctoral programs, she organized and conducted an explanatory webinar among university staff, guests, and all those interested in pursuing a PhD. This aimed at objectively assessing applicants for doctoral programs in the context of the State Educational Order. Additionally, she conducted training sessions for corporate clients of the BI-group who wished to enroll in shortened programs using the State Educational Order.
Since October 2021, Zhunusbekova Nazym Maratovna has been appointed Director of the Department of Academic Affairs at Satbayev University, overseeing the coordination of the university's educational processes and documentation. She was responsible for creating and updating working curricula, educational programs in various fields of study, and preparing educational documents of her own design for all levels of education and their attachments. As a result, Satbayev University graduates received their diplomas of a special form in July 2021.
In December 2021, she became a recipient of the Scholarship under the "Bolashak" Program. Upon completion of the program at Michigan State University, USA, MI (Internship 2022-2023), certificates and transcripts were obtained.
During the recent period, she actively enhanced her professional skills:
Course on "Practical Project Management Workshop based on the PMI PMBOK Guide 6th edition" from December 21, 2020, to December 29, 2020;
Workshop "Developing NGSS-aligned 3-Dimensional Learning Assessment Using Next Generation Science Assessment Design Process" at the College of Education CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University from October 27-29, 2022, totaling 24 hours;
CyberAmbassadors Leadership training. Professional Skills for Interdisciplinary Work - October 12, 2022, 1:00-4:00 pm, November 9, 2022, 1:00-4:00 pm, March 2023, 1:00-4:00 pm, conducted by Katy Luchini Colbry, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Graduate Student Services, College of Engineering, Michigan State University (Certificate);
Course "Youth Mental Health First Aid" (Jocelyn Lamoureux) certified for 3 years;
Completed courses I3-0200-SCO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Students (Certificate); HRPP-1121A-SCO Ethics and Regulations in Human Research (Certificate); HRPP-2241A-SCO Overview of Human Research Protection (Certificate);
Workshop "Using 'Information Design' to Improve Teaching with Multimedia"– 32 hours, 06.27.22 – 08.25.22(Certificate);
TKT CLIL training. Study Inn, Almaty 05.06.23-19.06.23 43;
Course "Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Inclusive Education" for 72 hours (03.07.2023-21.07.2023
Since April 2023, Zhunusbekova N.M. has been serving as the Deputy Director of the Project Management Institute at Satbayev University and as a professor at the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology at the O.A. Baikonurov Mining and Metallurgical Institute.
Kazakh National State University named after Al-Farabi 1994 -1998 (Bachelor, Chemistry)
Kazakh National State University named after Al-Farabi 1998 - 2000 (Master, Organic chemistry)
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences (IMC)
Michigan State University (Internship, Сертификат) 2022-2023 гг.
Scientific projects
Patent of Kazakhstan No. 6319 Composite gel with ion exchange properties. Zhunusbekova N.M., Chinibaeva N.S., Iskakova T.K., Kusainova G.K., Khudaibergenov N.S. Bulletin №32, 13.08.2021. 2021/0086.2 www.kazpatent.kz
Patent of Kazakhstan No. 4586 Composite gel with ion exchange properties. Zhunusbekova N.M., Chinibaeva N.S., Iskakova T.K. , Kusainova G.K., … Bulletin No. 23, 12.06.2020, No. 2019/0525. www.kazpatent.kz
Zhunusbekova, N.M., Chinibayeva, N.S., Zhaksybayeva, Z.M., ...Kashakova, G.M., N.Torekhan, N. Biocatalytic activity of various biopolymeric complexes with transient metal ions //Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2018, 53(1), с. 9-16
Zhunusbekova N., Iskakova T., Chinibayeva N., Kashakova G., Torekhan N., Tuiebakhova Z. Characterization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate - based three - Dimensional networks: Modification, Biocompatibility and Properties //Abs. XXVIII Inter. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry.- 2018.- 15-20 July, Florence (Italy). -P268.
Zhunusbekova N., Chinibayeva N., Iskakova T., Kashakova G., Torekhan N., Tuiebakhova Z. Investigation of the Decomposition Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide by Model 1. Catalysts Based on IPN-metal Complexes //Abs. XXVIII Inter. Conference on Organometallic Chemistry.- 2018.- 15-20 July, Florence (Italy). –P. 267.
Zhunusbekova N., Iskakova T.K., Kusainova G., Chinibayeva N., Seilkhanov T. Tuiebakhova Z., Iskakov R. Synthesis and special studies Chitozan-based polimer three-dimentional structures as a potential biocatalist // 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress «IUPAC 2019».- 2019.- Paris, France.- Р. 505.
Zhunusbekova N., Kusainova G., Iskakova T., Chinibayeva N. Design and Properties of polimer-silicate composite materials // 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress «IUPAC 2019».- 2019.-Paris, France. - Р. 506.
Iskakova T.K., Zhunusbekova N., Manapova S., Saruarova G., Kinzhybal I., Zhumakova, S. Yu V.Corrosion inhibitors on the basis of azacyclic compounds //18-th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecular-Metal Complexes.- "MMC-18".- June 10-13.2019. -Russia, Moscow-Tver-Myshkin-Uglich-Moscow.- Р. 150.
Jumadilov, T., Abilov, Z., Grazulevicius, J.,Zhunusbekova N., ...Agibayeva, L., Akimov, A. Mutual activation and sorption ability of rare cross-linked networks in intergel system based on polymethacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogels in relation to Lanthanum ions // Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2017, 11(2), с. 188-194
Gulsara K. Kussainova, Tynyshtyk K. Iskakova, Nurlan S. Khudaybergenov, Nazym M. Zhunusbekova, Nurzhan S. Chinibaeva. ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ И МОДИФИКАЦИЯ ВЗАИМОПРОНИКАЮЩИХ СЕТОК НА ОСНОВЕ ПРИРОДНЫХ ПОЛИМЕРОВ И ПРОИЗВОДНЫХ АКРИЛОВОЙ КИСЛОТЫ // Известия ВУЗов. Серия химия и химическая технология.-2022.-№3. С. 83-90. DOI https://doi.org/10.6060/ivkkt.20226503.6488
Hobzova, R., Pradny, M., Zhunusbekova, N.M., ...Guryca, V., Michalek, J.Bioactive support for cell cultivation and potential grafting. Part 1: Surface modification of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate hydrogels for avidin immobilization // E-Polymers, 2011, 043
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
Scientific and technological support for the creation of new polymer compositions with desired properties using the principles of green chemistry and materials based on them, development of recommendations for their practical application.Development and research of the multifunctional bioactive polymer properties and supramolecular systems of a new generation.
The prospects of the self-organizing systems developing based on macro-heterocycles in nanotechnology and nanoelectronics. (Biodegradable polymeric materials, biomimetic processes, porphyrin-polymer complexes).