Negim El-Sayed
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: m.elsaid@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Elsayed Moussa Elashmawy Negim Attia was born on January 26, 1970, in the city of Sharqia, the Republic of Egypt. A prominent specialist in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. Especially polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, and their applications (concrete, paints, fertilizers, antibacterial and antimicrobial applications).
1998 Zagazig University, Egypt. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Organic Chemistry. Defense of a master's thesis on the topic: “Preparation of non-ionic surfactants for the emulsion polymerization of some vinyl monomers”.
2005 Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, Almaty. Faculty of “Chemistry”, defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Synthesis of new hydrophilic copolymers and its use as modifying chemical additives to cement”.
From 2005 to 2006 senior researcher at the “National Research Center (NRC)”, Department of “Polymers and Pigments”. El Behus, Dokki 12311 - Cairo - Egypt. From 2007 to 2009 researcher at the Polytechnic University, South Korea. Project topic: “Synthesis and application of polyurethane in industry”. Researcher at Jindo Chemical Co., Ltd, South Korea, R&D center of the company. As a result of the study, a project was implemented to produce industrial new polyurethane paints for the Kazatomprom company of Kazakhstan.
From 2010 to 2012 Science University Malaysia, Penang. From this university he was invited as a visiting professor at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as the Kazakh National Technical University named after. K. Satpaev, there was signed a memorandum of cooperation Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the University of Science Malaysia, Penang. Between the universities of SKSU named after M. Auezov and the University of Science Malaysia, a memorandum was also signed. On the basis of a memorandum from Kazakhstan, more than forty students, undergraduates and PhD doctoral students underwent scientific internships under the academic mobility program at the University of Science Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. Under his scientific guidance, all undergraduates and PhD doctoral students listened to lectures. In scientific laboratories, they developed their scientific research. And successfully defended scientific dissertations in Kazakhstan.
From 2013 to 2015 he worked as an academic lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. He won the Marie Curie European Union project. As the head of the project “Production of sustainable self-compacting concrete” between two universities of Kazakhstan KazNU named after. Al-Farabi and Taraz State University named after. M.Kh. Dulaty and the University of Wolverhampton signed a memorandum of cooperation. As part of this agreement, more than 20 students, undergraduates and PhD doctoral students were trained at the University of Wolverhampton, under the academic mobility program. And also, several students underwent scientific internships in laboratories, listened to lectures of the British University. During this period, all the best universities in Kazakhstan, namely KazNU. Al-Farabi, KazNTU named after. K. Satpaev and TarSU named after. M.Kh. Dulati invited Dr. Elsayed Moussa Elashmawy Negim Attia to give lectures to students and for consultations on the program of inviting foreign specialists.
2015 Elsayed Moussa Elashmawy Negim Attia won a “Workshop” grant between the UK and Kazakhstan. He has published over 164 scientific papers, including in journals with a high impact factor. Obtained 6 South Korean copyright certificates and patents, many of them were put into production (paints and concrete), 4 books were written, one in English.
From 2015 to 2022 he has been working as a professor at the Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty. He gives lectures to undergraduates and doctoral students of various departments of KBTU as REC CI, KMA and at the Faculty of Energy and Oil and Gas Industries. Over the past 5 years, while working at KBTU, he has published 42 articles in international scientific journals with impact factor and Scopus and received 6 Kazakhstan copyright certificates and patents.
Since 2022 he has been working as a professor at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Satbayev University, Almaty. He gives lectures to undergraduates and doctoral students of various faculties.
Currently, he is the supervisor of 5 undergraduates and 10 PhD doctoral students from different universities. Thanks to his extensive experience in the field of research and development of polymers for the construction industry, prof. Elsayd Negim managed three projects under grant funding. One of them is the PCF at KBTU and two at the Science Foundation, which is implemented with the participation of the business partner of the Warda Star Company and the Vaste Company
03/11/2001 – 26/04/2006: PhD. Polymer Chemistry, Faculty of Science- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty – Kazakhstan. Thesis title “Synthesis of novel hydrophilic copolymers and its application as modifying chemical admixtures to cement”.
02/09/1996-13/5/1998: MSc. Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt. Thesis title “Preparation of non-ionic surfactants for emulsion polymerization of some vinyl monomers”.
01/09/1987 – 28/5/1992: BSc. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt (5 years course).
Scientific projects
1.Creation of small-scale production of heat-insulating low-emission coating applied to glass by mechanical means. 2021-2022.2.Project of the State Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of a technology for the synthesis of water-soluble polyurethane paint and varnish compositions with fillers from mechanically activated industrial waste and natural materials”, 2015-2017.
3.Creation of a pilot production of solvent-free acrylate paints with improved characteristics.
4.“Composite polymeric materials with increased heat resistance and low creep, resistance to gamma radiation based on various thermoplastic polymers and fillers” under the PCF project out of competitive procedures for 2021-2022 “Development of new composite and structural materials for the development of innovative industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
5.Creation of pilot production of polyester resins for special purposes. RSTA Commercialization Project 2017-2020 Science Foundation.
1. Negim S. M., Ayoub M.M.H and El-Safty A. M., Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl acetate and Styrene Monomers in Presence of Polymeric Surfactant. Bull. Fac. Sci., Zagazig Univ. Egypt, 1(20): 13-33, 1998.
2. Ayoub M.M.H, El-Awady M.M., and Nasr H.E., and Negim S.M. Synthesis and Rheological Properties of Some Styrene/Methacrylate Copolymer Lattices. J. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 42(5): 863-881, 2003.
3. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Sarsengaliev R.R. Synthesis of novel thermo-sensitive water-soluble copolymers based on 2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate and 2-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate and their application in cement admixtures. Vestnik Каznu. Serial Chemistry. Kazakhstan, 30(2): 233-237, 2003.
4. Negim S.M., Kim M.D., Urkimbaeva P.I. Application of water-soluble copolymers 2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate-co-vinyl ether of ethylene glycol in cement admixtures. Vestnik Каznu. Serial Chemistry. Kazakhstan, 30 (2): 277-281, 2003.
5. Negim S.M., Kim M.D., Urkimbaeva P.I. Synthesis of amphiphilic [2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate-co-styrene] and their application in cement admixtures. Vestnik Каznu. Serial Chemistry. Kazakhstan, 30(2): 282-286, 2003.
6. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Application of hydrophilic copolymers based on 2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate and styrene in cement admixtures. Vestnik National Academic Science Journal. Kazakhstan, 4: 68-75, 2004.
7. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Studying of hydrophilic polymers based on 2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate and their application in cement admixtures. Vestnik National Academic Science Journal. Kazakhstan, 4: 62-67, 2004.
8. Ayoub M.M.H, Nasr H.E., Darweesh M.H.H. and Negim S.M. Synthesis, Characterization and Cement Application of Vinyl Acetate Water-Soluble Graft Polymers. J. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 44(2): 305-319, 2005.
9. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S., Darweesh H.H.M. Influence of superplasticizers on properties of Portland cement pastes. Association of Science and Technology Journal. Kazakhstan, 13(2): 91-98, 2005.
10. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S., Darweesh H.H.M. Synthesis of water soluble poly[acrylic acid-co-vinyl butyl ether] and its application in cement admixtures. Association of Science and Technology Journal. Kazakhstan, 13(2): 98-107, 2005.
11. Negim S. M., M. M. H. Ayoub, G. M. Enany and G. A. Mun. Synthesis and Characterization of Styrene Copolymer Lattices and its Application in Cement. Eurasian ChemTech Journal, 8(3): 243-252, 2006.
12. Ayoub, MMH, Darweesh HHM, Negim S.M., Utilization of hydrophilic copolymers as superplasticizers for cement pastes, Cemento Hormigón, 910: 4-15, 2008.
13. El-Sayed Negim, Mahyuddin Ramli, Saber E. Mansour, Bahruddin Saad, and Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Utilization of hydrophilic copolymers as superplasticizers for cement pastes Part I: Poly[acrylic acid-co-styrene]. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 6(2): 99-107, 2010.
14. El-Sayed Negim, Mahyuddin Ramli, Saber E. Mansour, Bahruddin Saad, and Muhammad Idiris. Synthesis, Characterization, and Cement Application of maleic anhydride water-soluble grafted polymer. J. World Applied Science,10(4): 443-450, 2010.
15. Saber E. Mansour, Osama Amine Desouky, Ibrahim A. Ibrahium, El-Sayed Negim and Muhammad Idris Saleh. Effect of firing on some physical properties of Ti2O3 doped ZnO. World Journal of Chemistry, 5(2): 77-86, 2010.
16. Saber E. Mansour, Osama A. Desouky, Hamid Khatab, El-Sayed Negim and Muhammad Idris Saleh. Characterization of blended Portland cement with the Libyan steelmaking slag. World Journal of Chemistry, 5(2): 87-94, 2010.
17. El-Sayed Negim, Jamal Khatib, Mahyuddin Ramli, Bahruddin Saad, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrophilic Copolymers as Superplasticizers for Cement Pastes. J. World Applied Sciences, 10(6): 685-694, 2010.
18. Md. J. Uddin, S. M. Negim, M. A. A. Hamad, A. I. Md. Ismail. Similarity solution of MHD heat and mass transfer over a vertical permeable flat plate with variable concentration, chemical reaction and viscous dissipation. J. World Applied Sciences, 10(8): 899-910, 2010.
19. Osama A. Desouky, Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed Negim, Wan Ahmad Kamil. Microstructure and current–voltage characteristics of (ZnO – CuO) varistor system in the presence of additive oxides, Cr2O3, Bi2O3, and NiO. Journal of Current Research in Chemistry, 3(1): 29-48, 2011.
20. Negim, S.M.; Bahruddin S.; Mahyuddin R.; Idiris, M. S. Effect of TDI and FA- 703 on physico- mechanical properties of polyurethane dispersion. J. Applied Polymer Science, 121: 8-13, 2011.
21. El-Sayed Negim, Mahyuddin Ramli, Bahruddin Saad, Lyazzat Bekbayeva Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Preparation and characterization of water dispersion polyurethane. J. World Applied Sciences, 12(8): 1145- 1150, 2011.
22. El-Sayed Negim; Mahyuddin Ramli; Bahruddin Saad, Lyazzat Bekbayeva; Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Effects of Surfactants on the Properties of Styrene/Methacrylate –type Superplasticizer in Cement Paste. J. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 941 – 946, 2011.
23. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Grigority A. Mun, Zhalyrkasyn A. Abilov, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Effects of NCO/OH ratios on physico- mechanical properties of polyurethane dispersion. World Applied Science Journal, 14(13): 402-407, 2011.
24. El-Sayed Negim, Mahyuddin Ramli, Jamal Khatib, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Effect of acrylate copolymers on the rheological properties of cement pastes, part II. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 9(1): 08 – 16, 2011.
25. J M Khatib, A Shaaban, S. M. Negim, S Kenai. The Capillarity of Self- Compacting Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash. Journal of Concrete Plant International, South African Journal for the Concrete Industry, 2011, pp54- 60, Issue 6 (December), ISSN 1437-9023, www.cpi-worldwide.net.
26. Ibragim E. Suleimenov, Grigoriy A. Mun, Pavel E. Grigoriev, El-Sayed Moussa Negim, Gulzhakhan Zh. Yeligbayeva and Kamilya I. Suleimenova. Higher Education and Science: Portrait Against the Background of Global Crisis. World Applied Sciences Journal, 15 (9): 1199-1205, 2011.
27. J. M. Khatib, S. Negim, M. Tarek Uddin. New Generation Water-Reducing Admixture for Concrete. The Masterbuilder – Construction Chemicals, January 2012, 14 (1): 142 – 149. www.Masterbuilder.co.in.
28. J. M. Khatib, S. Baig, A. Bougara, E. S. Negim, S Kenai. Utilization of Foundry Sand in Concrete Production. The Masterbuilder – Construction Chemicals, January 2012, 14 (1): 244 – 246. www.Masterbuilder.co.in.
29. Mazratul Adzfifi Abdul Rashid, Bahruddin Saad, El-Sayed Negim, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Photoluminescence studies on Dy(III)- Dibenzoylmethane Ternary Complexes with 1, 10- Phenanthroline Derivatives. World Applied Sciences Journal 17(8): 958-963, 2012.
30. Mun G.A., Suleymenov I.Y., Bakytbekov R.B., Negim E. S. M., Semenyakin N.V., Shaltykova D.B. Prospects of using osmotic phenomena in solutions of thermosensitive polymers to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines. World Applied Sciences Journal 17(11): 1504-1509, 2012.
31. El-Sayed Negim, Jamal Khatib, Khalid Al Mutairi, Rakhmetullayeva Raikhan and Mun A. Grigoriy. The effect of molar ratios of the monomers on the physic-mechanical properties of ordinary Portland cement. Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research, 11(8): 1131-1139, 2012.
32. J.M. Khatib, L. Wright, P.S. Mangat and E.M. Negim. Porosity and Pore Size Distribution of Well Hydrated Cement-Fly Ash-Gypsum Pastes. American- Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 7(4): 142-145, 2012.
33. H.H.M. Darweesh, M.M.S. Wahsh and E.M. Negim. Densification and Thermomechanical Properties of Conventional Ceramic Composites Containing Two Different Industrial By products. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 7(3): 123-130, 2012.
34. El-Sayed Negim, Jamal Khatib, Mohammed Muhanna Mohammed and Syrmanova Kulash Kerimbaevna. The Effect of Molar Ratios of the Monomers on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Mortar. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19(6): 832-837, 2012.
35. J.M. Khatib, S. Shariff and E.M. Negim. Effect of Incorporating Foamed Glass on the Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19(1): 47-51, 2012.
36. J.M. Khatib, E.M. Negim, H.S. Sohl and N. Chileshe. Glass Powder Utilization in Concrete Production. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(3): 98-100, 2012.
37. U. Nakan, R.K. Rahmetullaeva, G.A. Mun, E.M. Shaihutdinov, A.K. Toktabaeva El-Sayed Negim, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Synthesis and characterization of hydrophilic copolymers. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 3: 58-62, 2012.
38. S.N. Rahadilova, Z.K. Zhatkanbaeva, G.A. Mun, E.M. Shaikhutdinov, Khaldun M. Al Azzam, El- Sayed Negim. The processes of complex formation on interphase boundary butanol/water with participation of vinyl butyl ether – maleic anhydride copolymer and polydimethyl aminoethyl methacrylate. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 3: 54-57, 2012.
39. J.M. Khatib, E. M. Negim, E. Gjonbalaj. High Volume Metakaolin as Cement Replacement in Mortar. World Journal of Chemistry, 7(1): 07-10, 2012.
40. B.A. Herki, J.M. Khatib and E.S.M. Negim. Lightweight Concrete Made from Waste Polystyrene and Fly Ash. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21(9): 1356-1360, 2013.
41. G.A. Mun, E.S.M. Negim, D.B. Shaltykova, I.T. Park, I.E. Suleymenov. The Irrational: A View from the Standpoint of Noospherology. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(10): 1420-1425, 2013.5
42. S.V. Panchenko, P.V. Obuhova, K. S. Chezhimbaeva, A.M. Tsoi, A.A. Shaikhudinova, G. A. Eligbaeva, E.S.M. Negim, M. Dolayev. Prospects of Using Waves of Suleimenov-Mun in “Green” Energetics. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(10): 1460-1464, 2013.
43. Kulash Syrmanova, Tynlybek Bazhirov, Sergei Myasnikov, Maral Yessirkepova and El-Sayed Negim. Efficiency of Extracting Bitumen from Bituminous Sand and Phase Boundary Phenomena in Sharable Heterogeneous System. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(11): 1613-1618, 2013.
44. E.S.M. Negim, J.M. Khatib, G.Zh. Yeligbayeva, R. Rakhmetullayeva, P.I. Urkimbaeva, M. Sakhy, S. Shilibekov, G.A. Mun. Synthesis, characterization and application of hydrophilic copolymers on physico-mechanical properties of cement pastes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(7): 1044- 1052, 2013.
45. El-Sayed Negim, Jamal M. Khatib and Nurlan O. Inkarbekov. Effect of Acrylate Copolymers on the Rheological Properties of Portland Cement Mortar Pastes, Part III. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(4): 549-553, 2013.
46. I.E. Suleimenov, O. Gabrielyan, D. Shaltykova, E.S.M. Negim, P. Obukhova, 5K. Suleymenova. Current Global Crisis as a Crisis of Civilization Meta-Projects. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(11): 1455-1464, 2013.
47. E.S.M. Negim, J.M. Khatib, E. Faizova, S. Shilibekov and S. Mussylmanbek. The Effect of Diamine Extender on the Properties of Polyurethane Dispersions. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(7): 890-895, 2013.
48. A.A. Shaikhudinova, G.S. Irmukhametova, G.Zh. Yeligbayeva, E.S.M. Negim, B.B. Yermukhambetova, G.A. Mun. Effect of electric field on complex formation of polyacrylic acid hydrogel and linear copolymers of 2- hydroxyethylacrylate and methylacrylate. World Applied Sciences Journal, 26(3): 389-392, 2013.
49. Mansour, S.E., E.S.M. Negim, I.H. Hasieb, M.M. Asfor, A.S. Kozhamzharova, Z.I. Sabiralieva. Removal of pyrogallol from drinking water by alternating current electrocoagulation technique. World Appl. Sci. J., 23(5): 664-669, 2013.
50. Saber E. Mansour, Osama A. Desouky, El-Sayed Negim, G. Irmukhametova and R.A. Mangazbayeva. Microstructure and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Vanadium-Doped Zinc Oxide-Based Varistors. World Applied Sciences Journal, 26(11): 1428-1433, 2013.
51. Saber E. Mansour, Osama A. Desouky, El-Sayed Negim, Adel M. Najar, A.A. Shaikhudinova and G. Zh. Yeligbayeva. Characterization of Ba(Zr-Ti)O2 Semiconductors Prepared by Solid State Process. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 8(3): 144-151, 2013.
52. Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed Negim, Ibrahim H. Hasieb, Osama A. Desouky, R. Abdykalykova and M. Beisebekov. Removal of Cadmium pollutants in Drinking Water Using Alternating Current Electrocoagulation Technique. Global Journal of Environmental Research, 7(3): 45-51, 2013.
53. Osama A. Desouky, Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed Negim, G.Z.H. Yeligbayeva and G.A. Mun. Influence of Bi2O3 and TiO2 Doping on Microstructural and Electrical Properties of ZnO-MnO2- Co3O4 –Based Varistor. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 17(8): 1002-1007, 2013.
54. Saber E. Mansour, Osama A. Desouky, Adel M. Najar, El-Sayed Negim, M. Sakhy and G.A. Mun. Effect of Temperature on the Characteristics of Zinc Oxide with Cerium Oxide at Constant Frequency (20 kHz). European Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3): 100-106, 2013.
55. Osama A. Desouky, Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed Negim, Adel M. Najar, Abetayeva Saltanat and U. Nakan. Thermal Behaviour and Microstructure of Blended Portland cement with Libyan Steelmaking Slag. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(4): 118-126, 2013.
56. Osama A. Desouky, Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed M. Negim, Adel M. Najar, R. Rakhmetullayeva, P.I. Urkimbaeva. Effect of MnO2 on Electrical Properties of ZnO-V2O5-Based Varistors. World Journal of Chemistry, 8(2): 33-37, 2013.
57. E.S.M. Negim, Zh.A. Nurpeissova, R.A. Mangazbayeva, J.M. Khatib, C. Williams, G.A. Mun. Effect of pH on the physic-mechanical properties and miscibility of methyl cellulose/poly(acrylic acid) blends. Carbohydrate Polymers, 101: 415 – 422, 2014.
58. U. Nakan, R.K. Rakhmetullayeva, P.I. Urkimbaeva, E.M. Shaikhutdinov, G.A. Mun, G. Zh.Yeligbayeva and E.S.M. Negim. The effect of Nanoparticle silver on thermal stability of N- isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm). World Applied Sciences Journal, 29(3): 359-364, 2014.
59. El-Sayed Negim, J.M. Khatib, M. Sakhy, S. Shilibekov, N. Shanshabayev and B. Jakiyayev. The Effect of pH on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Cement Pastes Containing Poly (Acrylate) Latexes –Chemical Admixtures. World Applied Sciences Journal, 29(6): 796-804, 2014.
60. J. M. Khatib, E.M. Negim, G.Zh. Yeligbayeva and G. A. Mun. Strength characteristics of mortar containing high volume metakaolin as cement replacement. Research and Reviews in Materials Science and Chemistry, 3(1): 85-95, 2014.
61. Negim E.S.M., Rakhmetullayeva R.K., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Urkimbaeva P.I., Primzharova S.T., Kaldybekov D.B., Khatib J.M., Mun G. A., Craig W. Improving biodegradability of polyvinyl alcohol/starch blend films for packaging applications. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3): 263-273, 2014.
62. El-Sayed Negim, Latipa Kozhamzharova, Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan, Jamal Khatib, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, and Craig Williams. Effect of Copolymer Latexes on Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar Containing High Volume Fly Ash as a Replacement Material of Cement, The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 1-11, 2014.
63. El-Sayed Negim, Latipa Kozhamzharova, Jamal Khatib, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, and Craig Williams Effects of Surfactants on the Properties of Mortar Containing Styrene/Methacrylate Superplasticizer. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 1-10, 2014.
64. Negim E.S.M, Aisha A.M.B., Yessimkanova U., Kurmanbekova A., Tyazhina K., Urkimbaeva P.I., Rakhmetullayeva R.K., Shatabayeva E., Irmukhametova G., Mun G.A., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Khatib J.M. The effect of terpolymer admixtures on physico-mechanical properties of cement pastes International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(1): 10-18, 2015.
65. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Laura Jumabayeva, Azhar Bakyt, Aigul Imandossova, Assel Zhanybekova, Shynar Yegizbayeva, Zhanerke Karimzhanova, Datkhayev Ubaidilla, Misni Surif. Studying physico-mechanical properties of maleic acid grafted chitosan with metal as slow release fertilizers. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(1): 89-94, 2015.
66. Negim E.S.M, Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Niyazbekova R., Rakhmetullayeva R., Mamutova A.A., Iskakov R., Sakhy M., Mun G.A. Studying physico-mechanical properties of cement pastes in presences of blend polymer as chemical admixtures. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(3): 297-302, 2015.
67. Khalil ES, Saad B, Negim E.S.M., Saleh MI. Novel water-soluble chitosan derivative prepared by graft polymerization of dicyandiamide: synthesis, characterization and its antibacterial property. Journal of Polymer Research, 22(6): 1-12, 2015.
68. Aisha Nurlybayeva, Mussylmanbek Sakhy, El-Sayed Negim, Ergali Rustem And Assem Shinibekova. Synthesis and research of copolymers on the basis of methyl methacrylate and their application in paint and varnish coverings. Int. J. Chem. Sci., 13(2): 922-934, 2015.
69. Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Misni Surif, El-Sayed Negim, Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Effect of liquid seaweed extract on growth and chemical composition of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill). Sylwan, 159(11): 43-63, 2015.
70. P.I. Urkimbaeva, U.M. Yessimkanova, R.K. Rakhmetullayeva, Zh.R. Urkimbaeva, A.K.Toktabayeva, El-Sayed Negim, G.A. Mun. Physical-Chemical Analysis of MC-co-PAAm and Application. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(7): 197-202, 2015.
71. R.K. Rakhmetullayeva, U Nakan, A.K. Kurmanbekova, A.A. Mamutova, A.K. Toktabaeva, E.S.M. Negim, M.E. Nursultanov. The new hybrid copolymers based on N-isopropylacrylamide. Full Paper Proceeding MISG-2015, 1: 75-85, 2015.
72. K Syrmanova, E Negim, J Kaldybekova, M Suleimenova, Sh Baizhanova. Study of modification process of the epoxylitane composites. Industrial Technology and Engineering, 3: 75-83, 2015.
73. C. Egenti, J.M. Khatib, E. Negim. Performance of Compressed Earth Brick in Comparison with the Prevailing Sand-Cement Wall Construction in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews, 3(4): 37-41, 2015.
74. Negim E.S.M., Nurlybayeva A., Irmukhametova G.S., Makhatova A., Basharimova A., Serikkali A., Sakhy M., Iskakov R., Mun G.A. Effect of methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate copolymer on the physico-mechanical properties of Acryl syrup paints. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 8(2): 60-65, 2015.
75. El-Sayed Negim, Nurlybayeva Aisha, Grigoriy A. Mun, Rinat Iskakov, Galiya S. Irmukhametova, Mussylmanbek Sakhy. Preparation and Characterization of Acrylic Primer for Concrete Substrate Application. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2016: 1-9, 2016.
76. El-Sayed Negim, Ketegenov Tlek, Alibek Narimanov, Medet Zhangaliyev, Hadicha Rafikova, Irmukhametova Galiya, Rinat Iskakov, Mun Grigoriy. Development of polyurethane dispersion based on aromatic isocyanat: influence of NCO/OH ratio on physico-mechanical properties of PUD. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 9(1): 73-78, 2016.
77. K. Syrmanova, E. Negim, J. Kaldybekoekova, A.M. Tuleuov. Epoxylitane compositions modification with using thermoplastic polyurethane. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 32(1): 1-7, 2016.
78. U Nakan, R.K. Rahmetullaeva, G.A. Mun, E.M. Shaihutdinov, G. ZH. Yeligbaeva and EL-Sayed Moussa Negim. Linear Copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-hydroxyethylacrylate: Synthesis, Characterization and Monomer Reactivity Ratios. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 32(5): 2347-2354, 2016.
79. Negim E.S.M., Ketegenov T., Irmukhametova G.S., Sultanbekova I.N., Tastambekova T.N., Mun G.A. The effect of TDI, PTMG and DMPA on the physico-mechanical properties of polyurethane dispersion containing aromatic isocyanate. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 9(1): 68-72, 2016.
80. A.K. Kovaleva, M.Zh. Burkeev, E.-S.M. Negim, Ye.M. Tazhbaev, T.S. Zhumagalieva, G.K. Burkeeva, Zh.A. Tolendi. Research of the radical copolymerization of polyethelene glycol maleate phtalate with methacrylic acid. Bulletin of the University of Karaganda-Chemistry, No 3(83): 22- 27, 2016.
81. EL-Sayed Negim, Niyazbekova Rimma, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Utelbayeva Akmaral, Bengin M. Herki, Nursultanov Merey, Iskakov Rinat, Gulzhakhan Yeligbayeva. Effect of Methyl cellulose/poly(acrylic acid) Blends on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Pastes. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 33(1): 450-457, 2017.
82. M.Zh. Burkeev, Е.М. Tazhbaev, S.Zh.Davrenbekov, E.M. Negim, А.Т. Kazhmuratova, Т.О. Khamitova, L.Т. Ibrayeva, G.Е. Kozhabekova, Zh.K. Imanbekova, А.S. Shaiahmetova. Simulation of the synthesis reaction conditions of organic compounds and the behavior of the polymer complex under these conditions. Bulletin of the University of Karaganda-Chemistry, No 3(87): 50-55, 2017.
83. Darmenbayeva, A.S., Zharmagambetova, A.S., Auyezkhanova, A.I., El-Sayed Negim. Synthesis and catalytic properties of supported polyacrylamide-stabilized Pd-Ag Catalysts. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series Chemistry and Technology, 6(426): 46 – 54, 2017.
84. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Irmukhametova G.S., Orazgaliyeva Assem, Ainakulova Dana, Zhodaspekova Indira, Yeligbayeva G., Mun G.A. Utilization of styrene copolymer lattices (DBSS/POE) as chemical admixture for mortar. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 10(2): 49-53, 2017.
85. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Irmukhametova G.S., Ainur Kuzhantayeva, Dilara Sultanova, Aziza Suleimenova, Utilization of styrene copolymer lattices (DBSS/PVA) as chemical admixture for mortar. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 9(2): 27-31, 2017.
86. Ulantay Nakan, Raikhan Rakhmetullaeva, Grigory A. Mun, Gulzhakhan Zh. Yeligbaeva, Aigul A. Amitova, Balgyn Tolkyn, Erengayf M. Shaihutdinov, Merey E. Nursultanov, El-Sayed Moussa Negim. Synthesis of water soluble copolymers and their interpolymer complexes with poly(acrylic acid) . Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 53(1): 83-87, 2018.
87. El-Sayed Negim, Galiya S. Irmukhametova, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Ayazhan Bekbayeva, Grigoriy A. Mun. The Effect of Poly vinyl chloride-co-vinyl acetate Crosslinking Agent on Mechanical Properties of Acrylic Primer for Concrete Substrate Application. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(1): 234-239, 2018.
88. El-Sayed Negim, L. Bekbayeva, K. Omurbekova. Synthesis and characterization anticorrosion emulsion latexes for metal. Kompleksnoe Ispolʹzovanie Mineralʹnogo Syrʹa, 4: 140-148, 2018.
89. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Hanan Adam, Yeligbayeva G., Eshmaiel Ganjian, Muhammad Saleh, Bahruddin Saad. The effect of blend ratios on physico-mechanical properties and miscibility of cross-linked poly (vinyl alcohol)/urea blends. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1123, 012066: 1-12. 2018.
90. О. Лисюков, К.К. Кишибаев, С.В. Нечипуренко, С.А. Ефремов, Г.С. Ирмухаметова, Негим Эль-сайед Мусса Эль-Ашмави. Способ получения ненасыщенных полиэфирных смол для современных композитных материалов. Вестник Казахстанской Национальной Академии Естественных наук (Вестник КазНАЕН), 1: 31-35, 2018.
91. Негим Аттиа Эльсайд Муса Эльишмави. Разработка состава самоуплотняющегося бетона. Журнал «Инновации в науке» 5(81): 73-75, 2018.
92. El-Sayed Negim, L. Bekbayeva, K. Omurbekova, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Effect of polyol on physico-mechanical properties of polyurea film. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2124(1): 020051-6, 2019.
93. Lisyukov D.O., El-Sayed Negim, Efremov S.A., Nechipurenko S.V., Irmukhametova G.S. producing sustainable unsaturated polyester for fiberglass application. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2124(1): 030011-4, 2019.
94. Myrzakhanov Maxat, El-Sayed Negim, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Synthesis and characterization of vinyl acrylate graft polymers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2124(1): 030016-4, 2019.
95. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Nabiyeva Aizhan, Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan, Eshmaiel Ganjian. Utilization of copolymer based on poly (vinyl alcohol) and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate as admixture for cement pastes. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 12(1): 189-200, 2019.
96. Bekbayeva L., El-Sayed Negim, Yeligbayeva G., Ganjian E. The effect of blend copolymers on physico-mechanical properties of mortar. Kompleksnoe Ispol’zovanie Mineral’nogo Syr’a (Complex Use of Mineral Resources), 4(311): 5–11, 2019.
97. Myrzakhanov Maxat, El-Sayed Negim, Mohammad Nasir. Synthesis and characterization of vinyl acetate graft copolymers. Kompleksnoe Ispol’zovanie Mineral’nogo Syr’a (Complex Use of Mineral Resources), 4 (311): 19-25, 2019.
98. Kaliaskarova, Z.K., Aliyeva, Z.N., Ikanovа, A.S., Negim, E.S.M. Soil pollution with heavy metals on the land of the karasai landfill of municipal solid waste in Almaty city. Soil pollution with heavy metals on the land of the karasai landfill of municipal solid waste in Almaty city. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 6(438): 256-267, 2019.
99. Zakariyya Uba Zango, Nonni Soraya Sambudi, Khairulazhar Jumbri, Noor Hana Hanif Abu Bakar, Nor Ain Fathihah Abdullah, El-Sayed Moussa Negim, Bahruddin Saad. Experimental and molecular docking model studies for the adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto UiO- 66(Zr) and NH2-UiO-66(Zr) metal-organic frameworks. Chemical Engineering Science 220,115608, 2020.
100.Bekbayeva, L., Negim, E., Gulzhakhan, Y., Ganjian, E., Utilization of Poly(Polyvinyl Alcohol-g- 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate) as Admixture for Mortar. International Journal of Technology, 11(2): 259-268, 2020.
101. Lyazzat Bekbayeva, El-Sayed Moussa Negim, G Yeligbayeva, Eshmaiel Ganjian. Modification of chitosan as chemical admixture for cement pastes. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 63(4): 1497- 1508,2020.
102. El-Sayed Moussa Negim, Urkimbaeva PI, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Muhammad BHO, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad, Galiya Irmukhametova, Mun GA. Effect of acrylic acid on the mechanical properties of PVA/starch films. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 63(5): 1911-1919, 2020.
103. Myrzakhanov Maxat, El-Sayed Negim, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Synthesis and characterization of non-ionic graft copolymers. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, (55)5: 979-989, 2020.
104.El-Sayed Negim, K Omurbekova, L Bekbayeva, Abdassalam A. Alfergani. Effect of NCO/OH ratio on the physico-mechanical properties of polyurethane-polyurea hybrid spray coatings. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 63(11): 4503 – 4508, 2020.
105. Nakan Ulantay, Grigoriy A. Mun, Yerengaip M. Shaikhutdinov, Gulzhakhan Zh. Yeligbayeva, Bieerkehazhi S, El-Sayed Negim, Bagadat S. Samatovna, Saule Z. Nauryzova. Hydrogels based on N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-hydroxyethylacrylate: Synthesis, characterization and investigation its antibacterial activity. Polymer international, 69(12): 1220-1226, 2020.
106.Zakari Z. Bekbayeva L., Goncharova A.V., Negim E.-S. Effects of blended polyvinyl alcohol/urea on the growth, yield and chemical content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill). International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 13(2): 59-68, 2020.
107.El-Sayed Negim, Konysbay A.M., Irmukhametov G.S., Kalugin S.N. Synthesis and characterization of polypropylene glycol-graft-styrene. Kompleksnoe Ispol’zovanie Mineral’nogo Syr’a, 3(318): 5-11, 2021.
108.Nakan U, Mun GA, Rakhmetullayeva RK, Balgyn T., Shayahati B., Gulzhakhan Zh Y., El-Sayed Negim. Thermosensitive N-isopropylacrylamide -CO-2-hydroxyethyl acrylate hydrogels interactions with poly(acrylic acid) and surfactants. Polym Adv Technol., 32(7) : 2676-2681, 2021.
109.Nakan, U.; Bieerkehazhi, S.; Tolkyn, B.; Mun, G.A.; Assanov, M.; Nursultanov, M.E.; Rakhmetullayeva, R.K.; Toshtay, K.; Negim, E.-S.; Ydyrys, A. Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Application of Copolymers Based on N,N-Dimethyl Acrylamide and Acrylic Acid. Materials, 14, 6191, 2021.
110.Bekbayeva L., Zakaria Z., Karpenyuk T., Goncharova A., Negim ES., Kaldanay K. Effects of NPK Fertilizers on the Growth, Yield and Chemical Content of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4513-6_4, 37-50, 2021.
111.Nakan, U., Tolkyn, B. , Mun, G. , Yeligbayeva , G. , Tileubekov, N., Serikbay, N. and Negim, E.- S. 2021. Swelling Studies of Poly(N, N-dimethyl acrylamide / acrylic acid) Hydrogels. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry. 14(2): 82-87, 2021.
112.Bekbayeva, L., Negim, E., Niyazbekova , R., Kaliyeva, Z., Yeligbayeva, G., Khatib, J., 2022. The Effects of Modified Chitosan on the Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar. International Journal of Technology, 13(1): 125-135, 2022.
113.Ulantay Nakan , Balgyn Tolkyn, Dinara Adikanova, El-Sayed Moussa Negim, Gulzhakhan Yeligbayeva, Tulegen Seilkhanov, Bibigul Kenzhebayeva, Kaldybek Zh Abdiyev. Characterization and swelling properties of copolymer Poly(N, N-dimethyl acrylamide -co-acrylic acid) and homopolymer Poly (acrylic acid). Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022, DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2021.95005.4465
114.El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Galiya Irmukhametova, Abdassalam A. Alfergani. Kalugin S.N. The effect of poly (propylene glycol – g – styrene) on the physicomechanical properties of unsaturated polyester resin. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022, DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2021.93860.4419.
115.Ibzhanova, A., Niyazbekova, R., Al AZZAM, K., Negim, E., Akibekov, O. Biodegradability of Non-wood Packaging Paper. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2022.110548.5033, 2022.
116. Bekbayeva, L., Negim, E., Niyazbekova , R., Kaliyeva, Z., Yeligbayeva, G., Khatib, J.The Effects of Modified Chitosan on the Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar. International Journal of Technology, 13(1): 125-135, 2022.
117. Ulantay Nakan , Balgyn Tolkyn, Dinara Adikanova, El-Sayed Moussa Negim, Gulzhakhan Yeligbayeva, Tulegen Seilkhanov, Bibigul Kenzhebayeva, Kaldybek Zh Abdiyev. Characterization and swelling properties of copolymer Poly(N, N-dimethyl acrylamide -co-acrylic acid) and homopolymer Poly (acrylic acid). Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65(4): 767-773, 2022.
118. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Galiya Irmukhametova, Abdassalam A. Alfergani. Kalugin S.N. The effect of poly (propylene glycol – g – styrene) on the physicomechanical properties of unsaturated polyester resin. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65(4): 715-722, 2022.
119. Al Azzam KM, Negim ES, Aboul-Enein HY. ADME studies of TUG-770 (a GPR-40 inhibitor agonist) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes using Swiss ADME predictor: In silico study. J Appl Pharm Sci., 12(04) :159-169, 2022.
120. Tulegenovna, K.P., Negim, E., Azzam, K.M.A., Bustam, M.A. Modification of Xanthan Gum with Methyl Methacrylate and Investigation of Its Rheological Properties. International Journal of Technology. Volume 13(2): 389-397, 2022.
121. Ibzhanova, A., Niyazbekova, R., Al AZZAM, K., Negim, E., Akibekov, O. Biodegradability of Non-wood Packaging Paper. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65(10) : 131-139, 2022.
122. Al Azzam, K., Al Omari, R., aburoub, A., Bekbayeva, L., Negim, E., Aboulenein, H. Nigella sativa L. as a potential natural product for the treatment of COVID-19, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65(10): 141-151, 2022.
123. Myrzakhanov, M., Negim, E.-S., Nasir, M., Azzam, K. Synthesis and application of nonionic graft copolymers P(mPEG-g-MMA). Kompleksnoe Ispol’zovanie Mineral’nogo Syr’a (Complex Use of Mineral Resources), 324(1): 64-70, 2022.
124. A.T. Olzhabay, A.T. Olzhabay, Z.A. Kenessova, Sh.O. Yespenbetova, El-Sayed Negim. Development of a technology for processing waste plastic bottles and bags to obtain various types of biodegradable polymer films. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 15(1): 107-115, 2022.
125. L. Bekbayeva, Z. Zakaria, El-Sayed Negim, K.M. Al Azzam, G. Yeligbayeva. The effect of mixed fertilizers on the vegetative growth and reproductive characteristics of tomatoes (L. esculentum Mill). International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 15(1): 31-47, 2022.
126. Serekpayeva, M., Niyazbekova, R., Al Azzam, K.M., Negim, E., Yeleussizova, A., Ibzhanova, A.Investigation of the Properties of Metallurgical Slags and Dust of Electro Filters to Obtain Protective Anticorrosive Coatings. International Journal of Technology, 13(3): 544-552, 2022.
127. Rima H Al Omari, Khaldun M Al Azzam, Mansour H Almatarneh, Asma M Ghazzya, Ahmad A Ahmad, Asmaa Y Alnajajrahb, Naeem M Shalan, Nida O Karameh, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, El-Sayed Moussa Negim. Computational Studies on the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters of Unimolecular and Bimolecular Dissociation of Propylene Glycol Ethyl Ether in Binary 1-Butanol and Isobutanol Solvent Mixtures, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
128. Uleimenova, F., El Sayed, N., Sharipov, R., & Suleimenov, E. Investigation of the microstructure of the oil pipeline pipes destroyed as a result of corrosion. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 323(4): 60-67, 2022.
1. Dual Curing Compositions, Korean Patent No. KR 20090027406 A.
2. Waterproofing Composition Having Permeation Mechanism, Korean Patent No. KR 20080054054 A.
3. Flooring With Acrylic Resin, Korean Patent No. KR 100973984 B1. Manufacturing Method Of Polyurethane-Epoxy Hybrid Resins, Korean Patent No. KR 100982480 B1.
4. Waterproofing Composition Having Permeation Mechanism, Korean Patent No. KR 100973984 B1 Silicon Modified Polyurethane Waterproofing Paint and Manufacturing Method Thereof, Korean Patent, KR1020090013971.
5. Silicone-Based Permeable Waterproof Composition with Excellent Durability, Korean Patent, KR1020090124534. Self-compacting concrete mixture. Patent. Kazakhstan No. 2016/1104.1.
6. Method for producing water-soluble polyurethane paint compositions. Kazakhstan No. 2017/ 04302. Superplasticizer for cement based on modified molasses № 2020/34507.
7. Water-based nanocomposite polyurea coating, Patent Kazakhstan No. 2020/5292 Biodegradable plastic based on corn starch. Patent. Kazakhstan No. 2020/5420.
8. Unsaturated polyester resin based on polyethylene terephthalate glycolysis. Patent. Kazakhstan No. 2020/5357
9. Anticorrosive nanocomposite coating for metal pipes and method for production thereof, Patent Kazakhstan No. 2022/35593
Books, Research monographs, chapters:
1. Ye.Ye.Yergozhin, Ye.M.Aryn, I.E.Suleimenov, G.A. Mun, N.M. Belenko, O.A. Gabrielyan, I.T. Park, Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed M. El-Ash. Negim & K.I. Suleymenova “Nanotecnology versus the global crisis” Hollym Corporation Publishers,13-13 Gwansheol-Dong, Jongno-ku, Seoul 110-111, Korea in August 2010, 230 p.
2. El-Sayed Negim. Synthesis of hydrophilic polymers and its application in cement. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Dudweiler Landstraße 99, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011, 158 p (Russian Language).
3. Syrmanova K.K., Sakibaeva S.A., Negim E.S. Polymer composite materials. ISBN 978-601-255-129-7. Textbook / Shymkent: Ed. “Alem”, 2013 - 188 P (Russian Language).
4. Sakibaeva S.A., Syrmanova K.K., Negim E.S. Elastomer technology. ISBN 978-9965-19-013-1. Textbook / Shymkent: Ed. “Alem”, 2013 - 252 p (Russian Language).
International Conferences:
1. Negim S. M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Influence of chemical admixtures on properties of Portlandcement pastes. III International Symposium Physical and Chemistry of Carbon Materials/ Nano-Engineering. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 58-62, 2004.
2. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Synthesis of water soluble poly[acrylic acid-co-butylmethacrylate] and its application in cement admixtures. III International Symposium Physical and Chemistry of Carbon Materials/ Nanoengineering. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 183-187, 2004.
3. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Synthesis of water-soluble copolymers based on acrylic acid-2-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate and its application in cement admixtures. III International 11 Symposium Physical and Chemistry of Carbon Materials/ Nano-Engineering. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 188-192, 2004.
4. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Synthesis of water-soluble copolymers based on acrylic acid and their application in cement admixtures. XVIIIth National congress of chemistry. Turkish.– Kars, P. 1115, 2004.
5. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Synthesis of hydrophilic copolymers based on 2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate and their application in cement admixtures. XVIIIth National congress of chemistry. Turkish. – Kars, P. 1114, 2004.
6. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Influence of types of admixture on the morphology of cement hydrates. 7th international seminar «Scientific advances in Chemistry: heterocycles, catalysis and polymers as driving forces». Russia. – Ekaterinburg, P. 207, 2004.
7. Negim S.M., Mun G.A. Influence of types of admixture based on acrylic acid on the morphology of cement hydrates. II- International Conference «Results of Science and New Technology in XXI age». – Almaty, Kazakhstan, P. 111-112, 2004.
8. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Influence of superplasticizers on properties of Portland cement pastes. II- International Conference «Results of Science and New Technology in XXI age». – Almaty, Kazakhstan, P. 112-113, 2004.
9. Negim S.M., Kim M.D., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic poly [2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate-co-butyl acrylate] and its applications in cement admixtures. II- International Conference «Results Science and New Technology in XXI age». – Almaty, Kazakhstan, P. 111, 2004.
10. Negim S.M., Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S. Influence of types of admixture on the morphology of hydrates. IV International Science- Practical Conference Young scientist. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, P. 48, 2004.
11. Negim S.M. and Ayoub M.M.H. Synthesis of hydrophilic poly[2-hydroxy ethyl acrylate-co-vinyl butyl ether] and their application in cement admixtures. 1st International Conference of chemical industries research division under the theme of chemical industries: role and future aspects. National Research Center. – Egypt, Cairo, P. 15, 2004.
12. Negim S.M., Kim M.D. Mun G.A., Nurkeeva Z.S., Ayoub M.M.H and Darweesh H.H.M. Synthesis and characterization of new hydrophilic copolymer and their application as modifying additives to cement. 3rd International Symposium & Plasmo Chemistry. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, P. 84-93, 2005.
13. Negim S.M., H.Y. Cho, M. M.H. Ayoub and S.H. Han. Effects of emulsifiers on the properties of styrene/methacrylate –type superplasticizer in cement paste. 4th International Symposium & Plasmo Chemistry. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 12-14 September, p. 135-139, 2007.
14. Negim S. M., Reziek N., Synthesis of water-soluble polyethylene glycol grafted with maleic anhydride and its applications in cement admixtures. Proceedings of KichE Full meeting “Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering”, Korea, 26-27 October, 13(2):1281, 2007.
15. Negim S.M., M.M.H. Ayoub, Synthesis and evaluation of water-soluble polymer for applications in concrete, 4th Micro-symposium of PMM, Polymer colloids: from design to biomedical and industrial applications, institute of macromolecular chemistry academy of sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 20-24 July 2008.
16. Negim, S.M.; Bahruddin S.; Ayoub, M. M. H. and Idiris, M. S. Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane dispersion. 4th International Conference of Chemical Industries Research Division. 30 Nov. – 2 Dec, 2010, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
17. El-Sayed Negim; Mahyuddin Ramli; Bahruddin Saad and Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrophilic Copolymer for Cement Pastes as Chemical Admixture. 4th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2010), Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 01-02 December 2010, pp. 978 – 990.
18. El-Sayed Negim, Mahyuddin Ramli, Jamal Khatib, Mohammed Muhanna Mohammed, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Effect of hydrophilic copolymers on the physico-mechanical properties of Portland cement mortar. 5th International Conference on Built Environment in 12 Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2011). Volume 1-ISBN No. 978-967-394-061-5. Penang, Malaysia, 06-07 December 2011, 363- 370.
19. J. M. Khatib, C. Humphries1, Mahyuddin Ramli, El-Sayed Negim. Concrete containing high volume of metakaolin as cement replacement. 5th. International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries. Volume 1-ISBN No. 978-967-394-061-5. 2011, 531-538.
20. J. M. Khatib, A Y Shaaban, Mahyuddin Ramli, El-Sayed Negim. Capillary water absorption of self-compacting concrete containing fly ash. 5th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries. Volume 1- ISBN No. 978-967-394-061-5. 2011, 539-549.
21. B. A. Herki, J. M. Khatib, Mahyuddin Ramli, El-Sayed Negim. Early age capillarity of concrete incorporating foundry sand as replacement of sand. 5th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries. Volume 1-ISBN No. 978-967-394-061-5. 2011, 550-558.
22. Aesh Muhana, Baharuddin Salleh, El-Sayed Negim, Laith Khalil.T, M.A.E. Hassan, Muhammed Idiris Saleh, Utilization of amino-azines polymers as antifungal activity for banana. 1st USM –KAZNU International Conference on: “challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 29.
23. El-Sayed Negim, Aisha Alfituri M., Bahruddin Saad Muhammad Idiris Saleh. The effect of MMA and 2-EHA on the physic-mechanical properties of tri-polymer. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 38.
24. El-Sayed Negim, Hanan Almahdi M. Adam, Mahyuddin Ramli, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Influence of types of admixture on the morphology of cement hydrates. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 39.
25. Esra Suliman Khalil, Bahruddin Saad, El-Sayed Negim and Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Synthesis and Characterization a new water-soluble chitosan derivative by the grafting of phenyl aniline onto chitosan. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 40.
26. Laith Khalil T., El-Sayed Negim, Aeshah Mhana M., Baharuddin salleh, Muhammed Idiris Saleh. Antifungal activity of novel binary grafting polymers. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 44.
27. Mun G.A., Negim E.S.M., Toktabaeva A.K., Yakiyaeva M.A. Research of physical and chemical properties of stimuli sensible polymers with modern methods. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 47.
28. Nurul Nur Afiqah M. A., Zhansaya N., Saniya R., Nakan U., Mun G. A., Negim E.S.M., Muhammad Idiris Saleh. The effects of metals on the physico- mechanical properties of grafted chitosan with maleic acid. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 50.
29. Lyazzat Bekbayev, El-Sayed Negim, Misni Surif, Bahruddin Saad, Muhammad Idiris. Utilization of grafting chitosan with vinyl monomers as slow release fertilizers for Malaysian tomato. 1st USM – KAZNU International Conference on: “Challenges of teaching and chemistry research in institutions of higher learning” 11 – 13th July 2012 Penang, Malaysia, P 45.
30. J. M. Khatib, G. Zh. Yeligbayeva, E.S.M. Negim, E Gjonbalaj. Replacing cement with high volume metakaolin in mortar. International Scientific Conference «AUEZOV READING – 11: «Kazakhstan on the way of social education: Innovative directions of research, education and culture», M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, pp. 100-102, 6-7 December 2012.
31. El-Sayed Negim, Jamal Khatib, Gulzhakhan Zh. Yeligbayeva, Mun G.A. Muhammad Idiris Saleh. Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol-urea adduct, and it is application in cement paste. International Scientific Conference «AUEZOV READING – 11: «Kazakhstan on the way of 13 social education: Innovative directions of research, education and culture», M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, pp. 66-69, 6-7 December 2012.
32. El-Sayed Negim, Urkimbaeva Perizat Ibragimovna, Jamal Khatib, Abetayeva Saltanat Abulgazievna, Muhammad Idiris Saleh. The effect of tri- polymers on physic-mechanical properties of cement. International Scientific Conference «AUEZOV READING – 11: «Kazakhstan on the way of social education: Innovative directions of research, education and culture», M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, pp. 60-63, 6-7 December 2012.
33. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Gulzhakhan Zh. Yeligbayeva, Kulash Syrmanova. Grafted Chitosan-Maleic Acid with Metal Some Ions. International Scientific Conference «AUEZOV READING – 11: «Kazakhstan on the way of social education: Innovative directions of research, education and culture», M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, pp. 63-66, 6-7 December 2012.
34. E.S.M. Negim, J. M. Khatib, E. M. Shaikhutdinov, G. Zh. Yeligbayeva, A. S. Abulgazievna, U. Nakan. The effect of chain extension on the mechanical properties of polyurethane dispersions. International Symposium (Modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 30-31, ISBN 978-601-04-0008-5, p. 21-24, 2013.
35. J M Khatib, E.S.M. Negim, E. M. Shaikhutdinov, G. A. Mun. Waste plastic inclusion in cement- stabilized rammed earth. International Symposium (Modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 30-31, ISBN 978-601-04-0008-5, p. 153-154, 2013.
36. J.M. Khatib, E.M. Shaikhutdinov, K.K. Syrmanova, E.S.M. Negim. Investigating selected mortar properties containing high volume metakaolin. International Symposium (Modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 30-31, ISBN 978- 601-04-0008-5, p. 155-156, 2013.
37. C. Egenti, J. M. Khatib, E.S.M. Negim. Performance of compressed earth brick in comparison with the prevailing sand-cement wall construction in physico-mechanical properties. International Symposium (Modern chelenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 30-31, ISBN 978-601-04-0008-5, p. 157-158, 2013.
38. Saber E. Mansour, El-Sayed Negim, Mohammed M. Asfor. Removal of Pyrogallol from Drinking Water by Alternating Current Electrocoagulation Technique. International Symposium (Modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 30-31, ISBN 978-601-04-0008-5, p. 397-400, 2013.
39. E.S.M. Negim, J. M. Khatib, R. Raikhan, U. P. Ibragimovna, G. Irmukhametova, G. A. Mun. The effect of grafted copolymer on the properties of Portland cement mortar. International Symposium (Modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 30-31 May 2013, ISBN 978-601-04- 0008-5, p. 148-150.
40. E.S.M. Negim, J. M. Khatib, K. K. Syrmanova, Sh. B. Baizhanova, N. E. Botabaev, A. M. Tuleuov. Effect of vinyl acetate water-soluble graft polymer on the rheological properties of Portland cement mortar. International Conference & Exhibition. (Application of Efficient & Renewable Energy Technologies in Low Cost Buildings and Construction. Ankara-Turkey, 16- 18 September 2013, p. 42-48.
41. E.S.M. Negim, J. M. Khatib, K. K. Syrmanova, Sh. B. Baizhanova, N. E. Botabaev, A. M. Tuleuov. Effect of polymer latex on the physico-mechanical properties of ordinary Portland cement. International Conference & Exhibition. (Application of Efficient & Renewable Energy Technologies in Low Cost Buildings and Construction. Ankara-Turkey, 16-18 September 2013, p. 62-66.
42. J M Khatib, C Halliday, E.S.M. Negim, S Firat. Lime activation of fly ash/metakaolin paste. International Conference & Exhibition. (Application of Efficient & Renewable Energy Technologies in Low Cost Buildings and Construction. Ankara-Turkey, 16-18 September 2013, p. 275-281.
43. K.K. Syrmanova, El-Sayed Negim, A.M. Tuleuov, G.Sh.Erkebayeva, A. Bitemirova. The development of composite polymer materials for anti- corrosion protection of oil and gas pipelines. 14 International Conference & Exhibition. (Application of Efficient & Renewable Energy Technologies in Low Cost Buildings and Construction. Ankara-Turkey, 16-18 September 2013, p. 498-501.
44. JM Khatib, E S M Negim, U Nakan, G.Zh. Yeligbayeva. “Rammed earth Incorporating waste Plastic and Stabilised with 6% Cement and Cured for Seven Days”, Proceedings of the VII International Symposium, Combustion & Plasm-chemistry, to the memory of Academian A.G. Merzhanov, Almaty, Khazakhstan, 18-20 September 2013, 255-258, ISBN 978-601-04-0134-1.
45. Khatib J.M., Halliday C., Negim E.S.M., Khatib S.M., Syrmanova K.K. Activation of Fly Ash-Metakaolin Paste Using Lime. International Scientific-Particle Conference. Development of Science, Education and Culture of Independent Kazakhstan in Conditions of Global challenges of Modernity. Shymkent, Kazakhstan, p. 127-131, October 2013.
46. J.M. Khatib, E.S.M. Negim, G. Yilmaz, K.K. Syrmanova, S. Shilibekov. Incorporation of Shredded waste plastic in cement stabilized rammed earth. International Scientific-Particle Conference. Development of Science, Education and Culture of Independent Kazakhstan in Conditions of Global challenges of Modernity. Shymkent, Kazakhstan, p. 226-229, October 2013.
47. Negim S.E.M, J.M. Khatib, L. Bekbayeva, G. Zh Yeligbayeva, E.M. Shaikhutdinov, G.A. Mun, “Utilization of methoxypolyoxyethylene-g-poly maleic anhydride as polymeric admixture to Portland cement mortar”, Proceeding of International Forum on “Engineering Education and Science in the XXI Century: Challenges and Perspectives” – Devoted to the 80th Anniversary of Satpaev Kazntu, Volume 1, 22–24 October 2014, Kazakh National University under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty City Akimat, Kazakhstan, p. 524-527, ISBN 978-601-228-666-3.
48. J.M. Khatib, E. Onaidhe, S.E.M. Negim, G.A. Mun, K. Zhantasov, “Fly ash paste activated with lime incorporating metakaolin”, Proceeding of International Forum on “Engineering Education and Science in the XXI Century: Challenges and Perspectives” – Devoted to the 80th Anniversary of Satpaev Kazntu, Volume 1, 22–24 October 2014, Kazakh National University under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty City Akimat, Kazakhstan, p. 501-504, ISBN 978- 601-228-666-3, 2014.
49. J.M. Khatib, C. Halliday, E.S.M. Negim, S. Khatib, “Аctivation of fly ash paste with lime in the presence of small amount of metakaolin”, Proceeding of International Forum on “Engineering Education and Science in the XXI Century: Challenges and Perspectives” – Devoted to the 80th Anniversary of Satpaev Kazntu, Volume 1, 22–24 October 2014, Kazakh National University under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty City Akimat, Kazakhstan, p. 504- 506, ISBN 978-601-228-666-3, 2014.
50. Negim S.E.M., J.M. Khatib, L. Bekbayeva, G.A. Yeligbaeva, E.M. Shaikhutdinov, U., Nakan, G.A. Mun, S.A. Abetayeva, “Studying the workability and strength of self-compacting concrete containing novel superplastizer based on food waste/itaconic acid blended”, Proceeding of International Forum on “Engineering Education and Science in the XXI Century: Challenges and Perspectives” – Devoted to the 80th Anniversary of Satpaev Kazntu, Volume 1, 22–24 October 2014, Kazakh National University under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty City Akimat, Kazakhstan , p. 528-532, ISBN 978-601-228-666-3, 2014.
51. J.M. Khatib, E. Onaidhe, S.E.M. Negim, G.A. Mun, K. Zhantasov (2014), “Fly ash paste activated with lime incorporating metakaolin”, International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering ICITE 2014, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Abstract Book, p. 21, ISBN 978–9965–03-319–3, 2014.
52. J.M. Khatib, C Halliday, E.S.M. Negim, S.M. Khatib, K.K. Syrmanova, “Activation of fly ash- metakaolin paste using lime”, International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering ICITE 2014, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Abstract Book, p. 21-22, ISBN 978–9965–03-319–3, 2014.
53. E.M. Negim, J.M. Khatib, L. Bekbayeva. Effect of novel superplasticizer on the workability of self- compacting concrete containing high volume fly ash. III. International Workshop on 15 Earthquake and Sustainable Materials (IWESM) Anadolu University, Porsuk Vocational School, 24 June 2014, p. 157-162.
54. E.M. Negim, J.M. Khatib, L. Bekbayeva. Investigating the flowability of self-compacting concrete containing novel superplasticizer. III. International Workshop on Earthquake and Sustainable Materials (IWESM) Anadolu University, Porsuk Vocational School, 24 June 2014, p. 170-176.
55. . M. Khatib, L. Wright, P. S. Mangat, S. Firat, S. M. Negim. Long-term curing effect of simulated desulphurised waste on porosity and pore size distribution of cement pastes. III. International Workshop on Earthquake and Sustainable Materials (IWESM) Anadolu University, Porsuk Vocational School, 24 June 2014, p. 177-181.
56. Negim E.S.M., Iskakov R., Mun G.A., Yeligbayeva G.Zh, Syrmanova K.K., Khatib J.M. Effect of copolymer latexes on workability and strength properties of mortar containing high volume fly ash as a replacement material of cement. International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE 2015), Shymkent, Kazakhstan, p. 76-81, 2015.
57. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Yeligbayeva G., Eshmaiel Ganjian, Jamal Khatib. Modification of molasses as novel superplasticizer for self-compacting concrete application. Books of works, International Scientific and Practical Conference. Architectonic Trends of the 21st Century. 1th of July 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
58. El-Sayed Negim, Lyazzat Bekbayeva, Yeligbayeva G., Eshmaiel Ganjian, Jamal Khatib. Modification of molasses as novel superplasticizer for self-compacting concrete application. Books of works, International Scientific and Practical Conference. Architectonic Trends of the 21st Century. 1th of July 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan, p. 125-129.
59. Bekbayeva L., El-Sayed Negim, Yeligbayeva G., Eshmaiel Ganjian, E.M. Shaihutdinov. Synthesis, characterization of chemical admixture for cement paste. Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern trends of higher education and science in the field of chemical and biochemical engineering” Almaty, 15 September 13-14, 2018, ISBN 978-601-04-3552-0, P. 80-87.
60. El-Sayed Negim, L. Bekbayeva, K. Omurbekova, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Effect of polyol on physico-mechanical properties of polyurea film. 6th International Conference on Environment, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 11-13 December 2018.
61. Lisyukov D.O., El-Sayed Negim, Efremov S.A., Nechipurenko S.V., Irmukhametova G.S. producing sustainable unsaturated polyester for fiberglass application. 6th International Conference on Environment, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 11-13 December 2018.
62. Myrzakhanov Maxat, El-Sayed Negim, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Synthesis and characterization of vinyl acrylate graft polymers. 6th International Conference on Environment, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 11-13 December 2018.
63. Lyazzat Bekbayeva, El-Sayed Negim, Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan, Eshmaiel Ganjian, Mun G.A. The effect of poly(chitosan grafted acrylic acid) as admixture on properties of mortar. International Conference “Modern Problems of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances and Materials” 5-6 October 2019, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.6.
Organization of international conferences:
1. Organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Polymer Science & Technology, 1-5 Sept., 2001, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
2. Organizing committee of 2nd International Conference of Chemical Industries Research Division under the theme of “Chemical Industries: Role and Future Aspects”, 21-23 Nov. 2006, NRC, Cairo-Egypt.
3. Organizing committee of 1st workshop of the Advanced Materials & Applied Nanotechnology Group (Nobel Project) under the theme of “Relevance between Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology”, 26-27 Nov. 2006, NRC, Cairo- Egypt 16
4. Organizing committee of International conference “Problems and potential academic mobility: towards international and interdisciplinary cooperation”, 28 to 30 Nov. 2011, University of Energy and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
5. Organizing committee of International scientific conference «AUEZOV READING – 11: «Kazakhstan on the way of social education: Innovative directions of research, education and culture», 6-7 December 2012 M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan.
6. Organizing committee of 1st USM-KAZNU International Conference on “Challenges of Teaching and Chemistry Research in Institutions of Higher Learning” 11-13th July 2012, School of Chemical Sciences, Penang-Malaysia.
7. Organizing committee of international symposium «modern challenges of higher education and science in the field of chemistry 29-31st May 2013, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty- Kazakhstan
8. Monitor international Workshop on UK Research Collaboration with Kazakhstan (Utilization and Treatment of Wastes Arising from Mining Activities, Oils and other Industries), 27-31 January 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 9. International advisory committee of IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, 21- 23 August 2019, Putraiaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 10. Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 13 – 15 July 2021, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
Participation in industrial innovation:
1. Participated in producing unsaturated polyester resin as composite materials and established start-up company, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2. Participated in producing special type of coating (self-cure coating at -30 oC, chemical and weather resistance) and established start-up company, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
3. Environmentally friend UV/EB curing acryl modified polyurethane paint, project between Jindo Chemical Co., LTD and Faculty of Science-Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty-Kazakhstan (10/01/2008-31/12/2009). Fully funded by Korean government (150.000 $).
4. Synthesis and Application of Luminescence Compounds for the Production of flexible OLED, project, School of Chemical Science, USM, Malaysia (08/02/2010-07/02/2011). Fully funded by Malaysian government (100.000 $).
5. Chemically Modified Cellulose as Novel Chemical Admixtures for the Construction Industry project, School of Chemical Science, USM, Malaysia (11/03/2011-15/10/2012). Fully funded by Malaysian government (100.000 $).
6. Production of Sustainable Self Compacting Concrete” (ProSec), project, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Wolverhampton, UK (19/02/2013-31/03/2015). Fully funded by Marie Curie Foundation (280.000 GBP).
7. Producing sustainable unsaturated polyester resin (UPR), project between VASTE company and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (04/09/2017-31/12/2020). Fully funded by Kazakh government (800,000 $).
9 .Producing sustainable polyurea anticorrosion for metal, project, KBTU (13/09/2018-31/12/2020). Fully funded by Kazakh government (70,000 $).
11. Producing biodegradable plastic bags based on corn starch fully funded by world bank (110 million tenge) (2021-2022). Established startup company (elbatyr). http://elbatyr-biopolymer.kz/#
Mentoring activities:
Supervisor 4 PhD and 3MSc students.
Supervisor 1 project fully funded by Kazakh government.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology
Editorial Board Member of Journal Complex Use of Mineral Resources,
Editorial Broad member of SPE polymer Journal,
Reviewer in Journal of Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. Reviewer in International Journal of Technology. Reviewer in Oriental Journal of Chemistry
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