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Nurgaliyeva Aigul Mardanovna

Nurgaliyeva Aigul Mardanovna

Master of humanities

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: a.nurgaliyeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

13.09.2024 to the present - KazNITU named after Satpayev, Institute of Project Management, Department of Foreign Languages ​​as a senior teacher of the Korean language at levels A1~A2.

2022~13.09.2024 - Online tutor on the website at levels A1~C2, Freelance translator of the Korean language.

02.09.2019 - 28.11.2022 - Almaty, Suleyman Demirel University, as a senior teacher of the "Tildik bilim beru" department.

10.09.2018 - 03.06.2019 - Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, Faculty of Oriental Studies, accepted to the position of senior teacher of the Oriental Studies Department.

01.09.2016~01.09. 2018 – Almaty (Kaskelen) SDU, senior part-time teacher of Korean language levels A1~B2

23.10.2015~2018 – Individual Entrepreneur Educational Center “Speak up”, teacher of Korean language levels A1~B2, teacher of Russian language for foreigners, teacher of English for preschool children, freelance translator.

01.06.2015~08.2015 – Astana, translator in the supply department for internal purchases, business translation with suppliers and subcontractors, according to the project of Talan Towers, KUKBO Design.

01.10.2014 – 07.04.2015 – Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, transferred to the position of senior lecturer of the Department of Translation Studies (Eastern direction).

02.09.2014 – 01.10.2014 – Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, transferred to the position of lecturer of the Department of Translation Studies (Eastern direction)

12.11.2010 – 02.09.2014 – Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, transferred to the position of lecturer of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

01.09.2009-12.11.2010 – Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, accepted to the position of teacher of the Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Oriental Studies.

02.09.2008-18.08.2009 – Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, Faculty of Oriental Studies, accepted to the position of teacher of the Korean language, Department of Oriental Studies.


01.09.2006 ~22.08.2008 – Republic of Korea, Daegu, Daegu University, Master's degree in Korean Language and Literature (honors degree)

01.09.2002~26.06.2006 – Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan, Bachelor of Linguistics, Teacher of Korean Language (honors degree)

01.09.2004-18.06.2005 – Republic of Korea, Seoul (Ansong campus), Chung-Ang University, exchange student (Korean language).

Scientific projects

2008-2015 – International project “Development of Korean studies in Kazakhstan”.


Master's thesis:

“한국어와 Русский어 관용구의 아이연교”, 대구대학교 대학원, 국어국문학과, 정다교 국어 정인호, 2008.

"A study on comparing Korean and Russian Phraseologisms", Daegu University, Department of Korean and Literature, Supervised by prof. Jung, In-Ho, 2008.

Nurgalieva A.M., "Comparative analysis of the phraseological component "head" in the Korean and Russian languages", Abylai Khan KazUMOiMIA, Almaty, Koreevedenie Kazakhstan, issue 2, p. 63-71.

Nurgalieva A.M., "Food-related Proverbs in Korean, Kazakh and Russian", Abylai Khan Kazakh State University of Korean Studies, Almaty, Korean Studies of Kazakhstan, issue 3, pp. 71-82.학술지/카자흐스탄_한국학_3/KSK_3_0_Soderjanie.pdf

Nurgalieva A.M., "Difficulties of Teaching Academic Korean as a Second Foreign Language in Higher Education", Abylai Khan Kazakh State University of Korean Studies, Almaty, Korean Studies of Kazakhstan, issue 15, pp. 209-222.

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