Nurlan Sarsenbayev
Candidate of technical sciences
Head of Department
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Automation and сontrol
Email: n.sarsenbayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Nurlan Sarsenbaev was born on March 16, 1975 in the Aktobe region, Shalkar district, Togyz station.
In 1992 he graduated from high school No. 30, art. Togiz. In the same year he entered the Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurova, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty: "Power supply for industrial enterprises." In 1997 he successfully graduated from the above university.
He began his career as an assistant at the Department of Power Supply at Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baykonurova.
From 1998 to 1999 he served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1999, he was hired as an assistant at the Department of Power Supply at Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baykonurova.
From 2000 to 2003 he studied in full-time postgraduate study at the Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Technological Complexes of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev.
In 2003, he was accepted as a lecturer in the Department of Automation and Telemechanics of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev.
In 2008, he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Theme of the dissertation: “Development of a twin-engine electric drive of coordinated rotation on the basis of an asynchronous-valve cascade and a dual-power machine”.
In 2008, he became the owner of the diploma of young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2009 to 2011 he worked as deputy director of the Institute of Automation and Telecommunications.
Currently, I work at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. Satpayev, an assistant professor at the Department of Automation and Control and conduct all types of training for undergraduate and graduate courses in the disciplines of "Executive devices of automation systems", "Power electronic automation devices", "Technical automation equipment ”,“ Executive devices of mechanisms, machine tools and machines ”,“ Computer-aided design systems ”,“ Installation and commissioning of automation systems circuits ”. In these disciplines, I have prepared and published educational and methodical complexes and course programs (Syllabus), guidelines for the implementation of practical and laboratory classes in Kazakh and Russian.
In addition, I am the head of undergraduates and bachelors in the implementation of diploma projects and master's theses, under my guidance more than 20 undergraduates in the specialty "Automation and Management" were graduated.
Since the beginning of scientific and pedagogical activity, I have published more than 50 scientific, educational and methodological works, including 1 patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an invention, 1 textbook in the state language recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 textbook in English recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. Higher, 1992-1997, Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurova, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty "Power supply and electrification of industrial enterprises", qualification - electrical engineer, ZhB-II No. 0159377
2. Graduate School 2000-2003 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Department of Electric Power and Automation of Technological Complexes, Diploma of Candidate of Technical Sciences Zh.№0002542 from 01/26/2009
Scientific projects
Participated in scientific projects as an artist:
1. Scientific research on the guarantor program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contractor under contract No. 747.MON.GF.12.9 “Study of the solar battery-inverter-power grid system” in 2013-2014.
2. Low-speed generator of combined excitation for wind turbines and small hydroelectric power stations, in 2017-2020
3. Development of intelligent robust control systems for complex energy facilities.
Currently I am conducting research in the framework of initiative topics: “Development of a generator according to the scheme of a dual-power machine for wind turbines and small hydroelectric power stations” and “Mobile biogas plant with a control system”.
According to the results of scientific research published scientific articles. Under my leadership, 5 undergraduates work on a scientific topic related to renewable energy facilities.
1. Н.Т. Исембергенов, Н С Сарсенбаев. Двухдвигательный электропривод тягодутьевых механизмов котельной установки. Международная конференция «Вычислительные и информационные технологии в науке, технике и образовании», Павлодар, Казахстан, 20 – 22 сентября 2006 года
2. N Sarsenbayev. Energy-saving electric drive for capacity regulation of the blowing fans of the kiln - Information Technologies, Management and Society, 2018
3. Сарсенбаев Н.С., НурумовА.А., НурмаковЕ.Н. Моделирование двухдвигательного автоматизирванного электропривода синхронного вращения в среде Matlab. Труды Сатпаевских чтении «Инновационные решения традиционных проблем: инженерия и технологии»: КазНТУ имени К.И. Сатпаева, Алматы, 2018 г.
4. N.Sarsenbayev. Computer research of the influence of the replacement circuit parameters in transient processes in a twin-engine electric drive. The 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT 2019, April 25-26, 2019, Information Systems Management Institute, Riga, Latvia
5. Сарсенбаев Н.С., Шыныбай Ж.С., Кезембаева Г.Б., Нурмакова С.М. МОБИЛЬНАЯ БИОГАЗОВАЯ УСТАНОВКА С СИСТЕМОЙ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ В ОСНОВНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ МАТЕРИАЛЫнаучной конференции ИИВТ КН МОН РК «Инновационные IT и Smart-технологии»,посвященной 70-летнему юбилею профессораУтепбергенова И.Т.Алматы, 2019 г.
6. Сарсенбаев Н.С., ЧарибаеваС.К , Гайноллаев М.Ж.Регулирования производительности дутьевых вентиляторов обжиговой печи в производстве серной кислоты. Труды Сатпаевских чтении «Инновационные решения традиционных проблем: инженерия и технологии»: КазНТУ имени К.И. Сатпаева, Алматы, 2019 г.
7. Сарсенбаев Н.С., Токмолдаев А. Б., Бейсенғалиев Б.Б. Динамические характеристики двухдвигательного электропривода. Международная агроинженерия, №3, 2018.
8. Сарсенбаев Н.С., Құсайынбек Қ. Обзор существующим системам стабилизации частоты и интеграция ветроэнергетических установок в электрические системы. Высшая школа Казахстана, 4(1)/2018, Алматы, 2018 г.
9.Сарсенбаев Н.С., Кызырбек Д. Основные характеристики синхронного генератора ветроэнергетической установки. Высшая школа Казахстана, 4(1)/2018, Алматы, 2018 г.
10.Сарсенбаев Н.С., Камзанов Д. Электропривод согласованного вращения по каскадной схеме для конвейрных линий. Вестник КазАТК имени К. Тыншпаева, 2017, №3.
11. Сарсенбаев Н.С., Омаров Т.Ф., Молдабаев А., Шанбаев М. Электропривод по схеме асинхронно-вентильного каскада для регулирования дутьевх вентиляторов обжигивой печи. Журнал. Поиск.Алматы, 2017.№4.
12. Сарсенбаев Н.С., Агабекова Ы., Жапатова А. Технико-эконимические показатели энергосберегающих электромеханических систем на базе асинхронных двигателей. Журнал. Поиск.Алматы, 2017.
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