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Ogan Atkeldi

Ogan Atkeldi

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: a.ogan@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2002-2004, Assistant of the Department of Computer Engineering, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University

2002-2008, Lecturer of the Department of Computer Engineering, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University

2008-2016 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Security, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University

2016-2020 Deputy Director, Institute of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University

2020-2021 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity, Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications

2021-2022 lecturer of the department Cybersecurity, information processing and storage, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University

2022- present Senior lecturer of the department Cybersecurity, information processing and storage, K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University


1. Kazakh National Technical University, specialty, qualification: 3701 "Computing machines, systems and networks", system engineer, ZHB 0318026, 1997-2002

2. Almaty University of Humanities and Technology (AUHaT), specialty, qualification: 6M070300-Information Systems, Master of Technical Sciences, JOOC-M No.0033776, 2011-2013

Scientific projects

2014. Researcher of project No. 753.MON.GF.13.13 "Research of implementation options and development of an existing laboratory sample of an ON-LINE system of biometric depersonalization of electronic medical records for a medical institution" head Akhmetov B.S.

2015. Researcher of project No. 757.MON.GF.15.IIT.6 "Research, harmonization, modification and registration of a group of standards for biometric support of information security" head Akhmetov B.S.


1. Viktoriya Sidorenko, Ogan Atkeldi. The methodology of the study of the criticality of the informational systems in the context of the otsinuvannya risikiv informatiynoi bezpeki. Proceedings of The 6th International Scientific Conference ITSEC, May, 17-19 2016, Kyiv, National Aviation University. – pp. 123-125

2. Ogan A., Saydibek O. Kazak arypterin pernetaktada kaytadan ornalastyru. Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings "Competitiveness of Technical science and education", Volume II, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 12, 2016 - pp. 353-355

3. Blidar A.I., Ogan Atkeldi, Internet Banking in Ukraine: the main threat of the methods of the Ministry of Finance. "Actual food for bezpechennyakiberbezpeki ta zahistuinformatsiii": tezidopovidei uchasnikiv II mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktichnoi konferencii, 2016. - pp. 36-41

4. Seylova N.A., Alimseitova Zh.K., Ogan A., Baltabai A. Application of biometric fingerprint authentication in the training of specialists. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information security in the light of the Strategy Kazakhstan-2050" 2015. - pp. 287-293

5. Turym A.Sh., Seylova N.A., Ogan A. Computerlik zhelilerde insiderlerden korganu technologiyalary. Bulletin of KazNITU, 2015. - No. 5. pp. 80-83

6. Turym A.Sh., Ogan A., Madizhanov M.M. Derekterdin syrtka ketuinen korganu kezinde akparatty sanattandyru adisteri. Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science Search 2015. - № 3(2). - Pp. 261-265

7. Ogan A., Zhandybayeva M.A., Hamit U.G. Review of existing algorithms for digital processing of fingerprint images. Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan", volume IV, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 10-11, 2015 - pp. 590-593

8. Ogan A., Tashev A.A., Amankeldi A. Arduino-NANO microcontrollerimen baskarylatyn 4x4x4 zharykdiodty LED cubes. Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan", volume IV, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 10-11, 2015 - pp. 613-617

9. Seylova N.A., Ogan A. Simsyz zhelini zhobalau kezenderi. Bulletin of KazNTU 2015, No. 1(107). pp. 126-131

10. Seylova N.A., Alimseitova Zh.K., Ogan A. Load calculation for local network subscribers on the central router. V. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014, 5.2014. pp. 103-108

11. Ogan A., Hamit U.G. Cryptographic protocols and widespread attacks on protocols. Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Volume III, Almaty 2014. pp. 426-430

12. Ogan A., Tashev A.A., Kenzhebekov A.L. Radio-electronic heart with timer control Ha17555. Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Volume III, Almaty 2014. pp. 421-426

13. Ogan A., Baymagambetova A.R. Ensuring information security of networks. Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Volume III, Almaty 2014. pp. 417-421

14. N.Seilova, Zh.Alimseitova, A.Ogan Management of information stream in communication networks. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014, 3.2014. pp. 113-117

15. Turym A.Sh.,Seylova N.A., Ogan A. IPsec zhane L2TP – computerlik zhelilerdin negizgi kauipsizdik hattamalary. Bulletin of KazNTU 2014, No.2(102). pp. 126-131

16. Zhangisina G.D., Ogan A., Almagambetova A. About legal methods and means of protection. Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science Search 2013, No. 2(2).

17. Seylova N.A., Mynbaeva L.N., Ogan A. Estimation in the distribution of data flow in a switching element. Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science Search 2012, No. 4(2). pp.333-338

18. Yubuzova H.I., Ogan A. Problems of information protection in fiber-optic communication lines from unauthorized access. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and Telecommunication technologies: education, science, practice", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of IITT. Volume 2, Almaty, KazNTU, 2012. pp.463-466

19. Turym A.Sh., Alimseitova Zh.K., Ogan A. Auani zheliler – zhelilik kauipsizdikti kusheytudin bazalyk kuraldarynyn biri. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and Telecommunication technologies: education, science, practice", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of IITT. Volume 2, Almaty, KazNTU, 2012. pp.428-430

20. Ogan A., Aitmagambetova A. Legal methods and means of information protection. Material for the VII International scientific practical conference "ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL – 2011" 17-25 November, 2011 volume 29 of the Time technologies on information Physical culture and sports, Sofia "Byal GRAD-BG", 2011

21. Turym A.Sh., Ogan A. Symsyz zhelilerdin areket et radii zhane tasymaldau zhyldamdygy. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "High Technologies – the key to sustainable development", Almaty, KazNTU, 2011. pp.315-319

22. Turym A.Sh., Ogan A. Zhuldyz torabyn turgyzu adisi. "Zhas galymdar - gylymnyn keleshegi" Republikalyk gylymy konferenciyasynyn enbekteri. 2 bolim, - Almaty: KazUTU, 2004.

23. Turym A.Sh., Ogan A. MSMK algorithminin komegimen ontaily bagdargyny anyktau. Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Information technologies and automation of production processes" - Almaty, KazNTU, 2002, pp. 386-388

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