Ospanova Asel Tilekteskyzy
Master of Technical Sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: Assel.Ospanova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
February 2021 - Engineer of the Department of Construction and Building Materials, Institute of architecture and construction named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University.
From 01.06.2021 to 31.08.2021 - Technical Secretary of the admissions committee of the Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University.
since 01.09.2021 - Assistant of the Department of Construction and Building Materials, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University.
1) 2015-2019 - Pavlodat state university named after S. Toraygyrov, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences, specialty - 5В072000 «Chemical technology of inorganic substances». Qualification - Bachelor of Engineering and technology;
2) 2019-2021 -Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. Qualification - Master in the Educational program 7M07110 "Chemical processes and production of chemical materials".
Scientific projects
Development of metal corrosion inhibitors based on organomineral compositions.Publications
1. Manapova S.N., Ospanova A.T. Development of new metal inhibitors // Mat. XXI International Conference "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies in the XXI Century". - Tomsk 2020.-T.2. - P.107-108.
2. Zhunusbekova N.M., Ospanova A.T. New corrosion inhibitors based on heterocyclic compounds // Mat. XXII International Conference “Chemistry and Chemical Technologies in the 21st Century”. - Tomsk 2021.- T.2- P.49-50.
3. Ospanova A.T. G.A. Aliev. Clay and the application of its definition in construction // Mat. International conference “Satbayev oculars -2022 Kazakhstani gylymi zertteulerdin trendsteri”. -Almaty 2022. 4. D.D. Gapurov, A.T. Ospanova. Turgyn үylerdin resource үemdeytin energy tiіmdi kurylys sheshimderin kalyptastyrudy ontaylandyru.International scientific and practical conference "INTERNATIONAL SATBAEV CONFERENCE 2023" (Satpayev Readings - 20 23). 75-78 art.
5. J.O. Sergali, A.T. Ospanova. Optimization of resource-saving energy-efficient technologies for the construction of buildings with cyclic greening. International scientific and practical conference "INTERNATIONAL SATBAEVSKAYA CONFERENCE 2023" (Satpaev Readings - 2023). 131-135 p.
6. Ospanova A.T. Tolegenova D., Tops of materials and products from recycled materials/ Proceedings of the Satbayev International Conference – 2024: «Integration of science and technology: the pathway to sustainable development».-Almaty-2024. P-1174-1178.
7. Tolegenova D., Ospanova A.T. ., Tops of materials and products from secondary raw materials / Proc. International conference "International University of High Technologies" / Scientific and information journal. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - 2024, p. 305.
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