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Saitova Nadira Kurvanzhanovna

Saitova Nadira Kurvanzhanovna

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of "General Physics"

Email: n.saitova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

From 2018 - to present - Lecturer, Satbayev University, Almaty

08/2017 - 05/2018 - co-tutor, Satbayev University, Almaty

08/2016 - 05/2017 - co-assistant, Satbayev University, Almaty 

07/2016 – Scientific internship at ETU "LETI", Saint Petersburg

03/2016 - 01/2018 - deputy director for research and postgraduate education, institute of high technology engineering, Satbayev University, Almaty

03/2007 - 09/2015 - specialist of higher education, department of IT, KazNTU named after KI Satpayev

01/2006 - 05/2006 - physics teacher, school №121, Almaty


2015-2018 - Satbayev University, PhD doctoral program, specialty 6D074000 - nanomaterials and nanotechnology

2013-2015 -  KazNRTU named after KI Satpayev, master's degree, specialty 6M072300 - technical Physics, academic degree - master of engineering

2006-2009 - KazNTU named after KI Satpayev, full-time postgraduate study, specialty 04/01/07 - condensed matter physics

2002-2006 - Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty "030240-Physics and Computer Science", qualification - teacher of physics (and computer science). Graduated with honors

Scientific projects

03/2018-12/2020 - Responsible person for the research work “Theoretical and experimental study of radiative processes in nanostructured carbon-containing objects”, GF MES RK for 2018-2020. (Project manager: doctor of physics and mathematics, professor S. Kumekov)

03/2016-12/2017 - Junior Research Employee for the research work “Development of methods for producing thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors”, GF MES RK for 2015-2017. (Project manager: Dr. PhD, associate professor L. Gritsenko)


1. S.E. Kumekov, N.K. Saitova. Diffusive spectra of antistokes wing of photoluminescence of carbon nanostructures//Eurasian physical technical journal. – 2019 - Vol 16, No. 1(31). - P. 30-342.    

2. S.E. Kumekov, N.K. Saitova. Relaxation of the energy of optically excited states in the carbon quantum dots//Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal– 2018. – V.20, №3.– Р. 209-212  

3. K.A Abdullin, M.T. Gabdullin, V.V.Kudryashov, S.E. Kumekov,  N.K. Saitova. The Influence of Ultraviolet Exposure and Humidity on the Photoluminescence Spectra of Zinc Oxide//Technical Physics Letters – 2018. – V.44, №7. – Р. 591-594   

4. S.E. Kumekov, N.K.  Saitova, E.O. Syrgaliyev. Spectra of photoluminescence of carboncontaining nanostructured objects//Eurasian physical technical journal. – 2017. - Vol 14, No. 2(28), P. 63-66. 

5.  S.E. Kumekov, N.K. Saitova, E.O.Syrgaliyev. Migration of optical excited states of the modified chromium chromium complexes of collagen//Eurasian physical technical journal. – 2016 - Vol 13, No. 2(26). - P. 69-73 

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