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Sarzhanov Niyaz

Sarzhanov Niyaz

Master of Science in Arts

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: n.sarzhanov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Sarzhanov Niyaz, tutor of the Department of Architecture, Institute of architecture and construction.T. K. Basenova, Satbayev University. Today, he is undergoing PhD doctorate at Satbayev University under the program "Architecture and urban planning". 

Within six years, he has implemented a number of projects: individual houses, small architectural forms, recreation areas, 2017, successfully defended his thesis on " Architecture of social housing in the conditions of dust storms (for example, the cities of Kyzylorda and Aralsk), received a master's degree in art history.

After working for six years in design organizations and designing residential buildings, deeply engaged in the topic of comfort of living space.


PhD doctorate. Educational program: 8D07302 - Architecture and urban planning, Satbayev University, Almaty. 2019-2022

Master of arts, Specialty - "Architecture", Satbayev University, Almaty. 2015-2017 

Bachelor of arts, Specialty - "Architecture", Satbayev University, Almaty. 2010-2015

Scientific projects

Housing architecture, bioclimatic architecture, comfortable living environment, adaptation of apartments to modern comfort conditions.

The contractor will research grant funding of MES RK on the theme № 757.Mon.GF.15. IPS.1 "Improving the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan through rational architectural planning and spatial organization of territories and infrastructure facilities for mass recreation, external and internal tourism" (final report 2017).

Projects of residential buildings in Kyzylorda.

Sketch projects of recreation centers on lake Alakol

Recommendations for the design of social residential buildings in the hot-dry climate zone of Kazakhstan.

Researcher of the scientific project of IRN "AP08955550" on the topic: "Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity" (October 2020-September 2021).


1 Principles of formation of residential buildings in a hot-dry climate. PROCEEDINGS Of the international Satpayev readings "scientific heritage of Shahmardan Esenov" - Almaty: KazNTU, 2017. - Pp. 1061-1065.

2 Practice of housing design in the IV climatic region of Kazakhstan. Higher school of Kazakhstan magazine. No. 1(1) / 2017. – Almaty.: "Higher school of Kazakhstan", 2017. - P. 55-60, co-authors: Abilov A. Zh.

3 Reconstruction of cultural and entertainment buildings in the city of Almaty. Student and science: a look into the future: proceedings Of the XV annual Republican scientific student conference, Part 1. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2015, pp. 63-67, co-authors: Lebedeva S. N., Nurtayeva M. S.

4 Features of landscape art in Renaissance Italy. Proceedings Of the international Satpayev Readings "the Role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan", Volume 3, Almaty: KazNTU 2015, pp. 673-677, co-authors: Tsoi V. G.

Features of interpretation of the traditional life of the peoples of Kazakhstan in the modern housing . Journal "Science and education today". No. 11 (46) - Moscow: "OLIMP LLC", 2019, co-authors: K. I. Samoilov.

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