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Satilkhanova Zulkhumor Ulugbekovna

Satilkhanova Zulkhumor Ulugbekovna

Master of pedagogical Sciences


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: z.satilkhanova@satbayeva.111

Professional biography

She has been working at Satbayev University since 2023. 

September 2023 – present – English teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages.

2020-2021 – English teacher at Almaty Auto-mechanical college. 

2019-2020 – English teacher at International Kazakh-Chinese Language college. 


2018-2020 – Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, specialty “Educational measurement”, qualification: “Master of Educational measurement”.

2017-2018 – Mississippi Valley State University, specialty “Bachelor of Art”, qualification: “Teacher of English language”. 

2014-2018 – Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, qualification: “Teacher of English language”.


“Modern methods of teaching English” International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, underground and young scientists “Actual problems of literary criticism and linguistics, methods of teaching language and literature”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist, literary critic, Professor Sadykov Halim Nurgazinovich, 271-277. “Комплекс упражнений при оценивание учебных достижений учащихся вузов” Science and Life of Kazakhstan, International Scientific Journal, No. 4/3 2020. “Communicative competence: exercises for evaluating educational achievements of bachelor students” Program of the international scientific and practical conference “Modern ethnopedagogy: trends and prospects” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Kaliev Sergazy Kaliuly, November 1, 2019.
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