Saule M Nurmakova
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department
Email: s.nurmakova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
After graduating from the University from 1999 to 2000, she worked at Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baiknurov as a trainee researcher.
In 2000, she entered the master's program of the Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications with a degree in Applied Ecology and graduated in 2001 with a Master's degree in Applied Ecology.
She defended her master's thesis on the topic: "Analysis of the existing system of environmental monitoring in Almaty and development of recommendations for its optimization." From 2001 to 2003, she worked as a leading environmental engineer of the Environmental Protection Department at Kazmekhanobr.
Since 2002, she worked at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev at the departments of Applied Ecology, Applied Ecology and Biotechnology, Biotechnology, Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology. During her work, she conducted classes in special disciplines (Technique and technology for the treatment of natural and waste water, Environmental and regulatory documentation at the enterprise, Industrial ecology, Environmental monitoring, Air protection, etc.) for educational programs - "Ecology", "Life Safety and environmental protection”, “Biotechnology”, “Chemical and biochemical engineering”, “Engineering ecology”, as well as the course “Ecology and Sustainable Development” for students of engineering specialties. According to the readable disciplines, EUMKD and syllabuses have been developed.
From 2019 to 2022, she worked as the chief specialist of the “Water Resources and Rationing” department of the Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology LLP, Almaty.
Scientific and pedagogical experience from trainee teacher to associate professor - more than 20 years. About 50 scientific papers and 20 educational and methodological developments have been published, there are 2 patents.
Since 2014 she has been a performer on the following projects:
1. Target program "Development of energy efficient technologies based on alternative energy sources" for 2014-2016.
2. Contract for design and research work No. 10-19 dated 10.10.2022. "Reduction of methane emissions in agriculture" (customer - Public Foundation "Bilim barine").
Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baykonurov, Applied Ecology, Environmental Engineer, ZhB-I-0016658
Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications (Master's program), Master's degree in Applied Ecology, MTB No. 0000371 dated 11/13/2001.
Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev (postgraduate study), Candidate of Technical Sciences, 25.00.36.- Geoecology, FK-0001122 dated 11/22/2007
Scientific projects
Design and research work "Reduction of methane emissions in agriculture" (customer - Public Foundation "Bilim barine"), 2022
1.Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation controlling characteristics of the Shu-Sarysu basin. A.S. Zhumagulov, M.T. Manzari, G.B. Kezembayeva, S.M. Nurmakova, D.B. Mukanov ИзвестиянациональнойакадемиинаукРеспубликиКазахстан. Серия геологии и технических наук. №5(455),2022 г., 289-306
2. Мониторинговые исследования морской воды казахстанской части Каспия. Ж.А. Дюсенова, Г.Б. Кезембаева, С.М. Нурмакова Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность-2018, 383-388
3. Утилизация золошлакоматериала от сжигания экибастузских углей Республики Казахстан. С.С. Нуркеев, А.С. Нуркеев, Г.Б. Кезембаева, С.М. Нурмакова Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность-2018, 904-906
4. Методы по интенсификации процессов метанового сбраживания в биогазовых технологиях для отходов агропромышленного сектора Казахстана. С.С. Нуркеев, Г.Б. Кезембаева, С.М. Нурмакова, А.Т. Усербаева, Вестник современной науки, 19-23. 2015г. 5. Л.С. Курбанова, Б.Х. Тусупова, С.М. Нурмакова, А.К. Мекебаева, Б.К. Жаксылык Алматы қаласы ауасының азот диоксидімен ластануын ГАЖ технологиясын қолдану арқылы бағалау. Журнал Гидрометеорология иэкология, Алматы, №2, 2020, с.7-15.
6. Л.С. Құрбанова , Б.Х. Түсүпова , М.К. Нақыпбек , С.М. Нурмакова , Б. Асылбекова Мұнаймен ластанған топырақты тазарту әдістерінің тиімділігін эколого-экономиялық талдау. Вестник Евразийского технологического Университета, 2(44),2021 г.,с.83-89
7. Нурмакова С.М., Нурулдаева Г.Ж., А. Шаханова, Ч. Паржанов Комплексная переработка золошлаковых отходов ТЭС с получением высокотехнологичных продуктов. Proceedings of the 3 th International Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY: INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, HAMBURG, GERMANY, 16-18.03.2021
8. A.S. Zhumagulov, M.T. Manzari, S.M. G.B. Kezembayeva, Nurmakova, D.B. Mukanov “TECTONIC EVOLUTION AND HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION CONTROLLING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SHU-SARYSU BASIN” News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences 5 (455), с. 289-305. October 2022
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