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Seitkaliyeva Nurgul Zharilkaganovna

Seitkaliyeva Nurgul Zharilkaganovna

Doctor of Chemistry

Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department

Email: n.seitkaliyeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

In 1999 she graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev with a degree in chemical technology of polymers”. In 1999-2001, she worked at the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry as a research intern, and in 2001-2004, she studied full-time postgraduate studies in the specialty “high molecular compounds” at the Department of Chemistry (KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, scientific supervisors – Academician of NAS RK Shaikhutdinov E.M., Professor Khusain S.H.).

In 2006, she defended her PhD thesis by specialty 02.00.06 – high molecular weight compounds on the topic: "New copolymers based on 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate sodium and  vinyl esters".

In 2007, she completed an internship under an Individual Grant from UNESCO and the Italian Ministry under the ICTP (International Center for Theoretical Physics) program at Italian Laboratories (University of Lacville, Italy; 2007 January -2008 January.).

In December 2008, she participated in the competition of young scientists "Zhas Talap" and received the award for "The best invention".

Scientific and pedagogical experience from trainee teacher to associate professor – more than 20 years.


1994 - 1999 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev

Specialty: chemical technology of polymers. Chemical engineer-technologist

2001 - 2004 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.

Postgraduate study. Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

Scientific projects

1. No. BR05236302 "Scientific and technical justification of chemical cluster innovations in the field of creating new materials and technologies to improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production". Topic: "Optimization of conditions for the synthesis of new surfactants used as flocculants, structural agents and biocidal materials" Contract No. 259 dated March 28, 2018 with the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. AR14870286 New polymer biocidal compounds: synthesis and investigation of properties. 2022-2024

3. AR19678114 Synthesis and investigation of the properties of environmentally friendly surfactants from natural raw materials. 2023-2025


Author of more than 40 scientific articles in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in foreign scientific publications, at international conferences and symposiums. (including 6 copyright certificates and 1 textbook).

1. Patent RK № 34204 на изобретение по заявке № 2018/0614.1. «Сополимер N-[(3-диметиламино)пропил]метакриламида с N,N-диметил-N,N-диаллиламмоний хлоридом». Авторы: Абдиев К.Ж., Орынбаев Б.Е., Сейткалиева Н.Ж., Токтарбай Ж., Журсумбаева М.Б. Application data: 05.09.2018.

2. 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid/allylamine polyampholytic copolymers: synthesis and flocculating properties. Polymer Bulletin (POBU).2021. K.Zh. Abdiyev, Milan Maric, B.Ye. Orynbayev, Zh. Toktarbay, M.B. Zhursumbaeva, and N.Zh. Seitkaliyeva.

3. New flocculants with biocidal proprties: synthesis and investigation of flocculating and biocidal properties. //XXI-Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Saint Petersburg, 9-13 September 2019. Book of abstracts in 6 volumes. Volume 2b. Section 2. P. 29. Abdiyev K.Zh., Orynbayev B.E., Toktarbay Zh., Zhursumbaeva M.B., Seitkaliyeva N.Zh., Seilkhanov T.M.

4. New Polymer biocides for protection of metal constructions from microbiological corrosion. //Global Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry Congress. November 12-13, 2019. Las-Vegas, USA. P. 54. Kaldibek Abdiyev, Yerbol Dauletov, Nurxat Nuraje, Milan Maric, Zhexenbek Toktarbay, Baurzhan Orynbayev, Mariamkul Zhursumbaeva, Nurgul Seitkaliyeva.

5. Синтез полимерного поверхностно-активного вещества на основе N,N-диметил-N,N-диаллиламмоний хлорида и N-[(3-диметиламино)пропил]метак-риламида. //Труды сатпаевских чтений «Инновационные решения традиционных проблем: инженерия и технологии». Том II. Алматы: КазНИТУ им. К.И. Сатпаева, 11-12 апреля 2019. С. 544-547. Б.Е. Орынбаев, М.Б. Журсумбаева, Н.Ж. Сейткалиева, Ж. Токтарбай, К.Ж. Абдиев.

6. Flocculating properties of 2‑acrylamido‑2‑methyl ‑1‑propane sulfonic acid‑ co‑allylamine polyampholytic copolymers. Polymer pulletin. 2022. Vol.79. Issue 1. ( IF 2.870). K. Zh. Abdiyev., Milan Maric.,B. Ye. Orynbayev., Zh. Toktarbay.,M. B. Zhursumbaeva N.Zh.Seitkaliyeva.

7. Structure formation in suspensions and biocidal properties of copolymer of 2-acryl-amido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid and allylamine. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022. K.Zh. Abdiyev, Zh. Toktarbay, B.Ye. Orynbayev, M.B. Zhursumbaeva, N.Zh. Seitkaliyeva, U. Nakan.

8. A Novel Cationic Polymer Surfactant for Regulation of the Rheological аnd Biocidal Properties of the Water-based Drilling. Polymers 2023, 15(2), 330

Kaldibek Abdiyev, Milan Marić, Baurzhan Orynbaev, Mariamkul Zhursumbaeva, Nurgul Seitkaliyeva, Zhexenbek Toktarbay.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Synthesis and characterization of new water-soluble polymers: Research of new synthesis methods, improvement of existing ones. Optimizing water solubility properties for specific applications. Experimental and theoretical aspects of polymer chemistry. Application of water-soluble polymers in medicine: Development of biocompatible water-soluble polymers for medical applications. Creation of polymer carriers for drug delivery. Environmentally sustainable surfactants: Research into the possibility of replacing traditional surfactants with more environmentally friendly options. Development of biodegradable surfactants. The influence of the structure of polymers on their properties: Analysis of the influence of structural changes on the chemical and physical properties of polymers. Study of the interaction of polymers with other substances. Water treatment technologies: Development of effective polymer coagulants for water purification. Study of the influence of surfactants on the surface properties of water. Simulation of polymer properties: Using computer modeling to predict the properties of water-soluble polymers. Interaction of polymers with other molecules in aqueous solution. Development of new analysis methods: Development of methods for analyzing the structure and properties of water-soluble polymers. Application of new characterization methods for more precise control of synthesis processes.