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Shaikenova Altynay

Shaikenova Altynay

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of "General Physics"

Email: a.shaikenova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

2019 – present: Senior Lecturer at the Department of General Physics at Satbayev University.

2023-2024: Research Internship under the “500 Scientists” Program at the University of Lincoln, UK.

2019: Research Internship at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China.

2011 – present: Research Fellow at LLP «Institute of Physics and Technology» LEPRS named after Yu. V. Gorelkinsky.

2012 – 2013: Expert at the Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


1. 2005-2010: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Physics Department. Bachelor's degree in Nuclear Physics.

2. 2014-2015: University of Sheffield, UK. Master's degree in Advanced Control Systems Engineering.

3. 2016-2019: PhD at Satbayev University in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.

4. 2019: Research Internship as part of the PhD Program at the Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang, China.

5. 2023-2024: Research Internship under the "500 Scientists" Program at the University of Lincoln, UK.

Scientific projects

Participation in scientific projects:

№АР09058002 «Investigation of the properties of dynamic memory based on Si3N4/Si and the formation of silicon nanoclusters with increased photoluminescence intensity» 

№АР09562076 «Synthesis of Si3N4/SiO2/Si   heterostructures and study of the properties of paramagnetic centers which are stable at the different annealing temperatures»

№ AP05132763 «Development and study of graphene based heterostructures for photocatalytic systems and gas sensors applications»

№ AP05135273 «Development of highly efficient self-supported 3-D porous photocatalytic anodes for water splitting  applications»


A.G. Umirzakov, A.L. Mereke, A.A. Shaikenova, B.A. Rakhmetov, M.A. Yeleuov, R.E. Beisenov, R. Ebrahim, B.A. Mansurov // Porous Nickel Based Half-Cell Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Thin-Film Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Electrolyte. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 23.1 (2021). SJR 0.23, DOI:

Murzalinov D.O., Muratov M.D., Rakymetov B.A., Umirzakov A.G., Shaikenova A.A. //ENHANCEMENT OF LUMINESCENCE INTENSITY AND INCREASE OF NONRADIATIVE RECOMBINATION CENTERS IN SILICON NITRIDE FILMS IMPLANTED WITH NITROGEN IONS. International Scientific Conference оf Students and Young Scientists «FARABI ALEMI» Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-8, 2021

Муратов Д.А., Ракыметов Б.А., Шайкенова А.А. // WS2 ҰНТАҚТАРЫН БУЛАНДЫРУ АРҚЫЛЫ Si/SiO2 ТӨСЕНІШ БЕТІНЕ WS2 ҚАБЫРШАҚТАРЫН ӨСІРУ. «ФАРАБИ ƏЛЕМІ» атты cтуденттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық ғылыми конференция Алматы, Қазақстан, 6-8 сəуір 2021 жыл

Шайкенова А., Федосимова А., Ракыметов Б., Мурзалинов Д., Бондарь Е. // ФОТОЛЮМИНЕСЦЕНЦИЯ ОБРАЗЦОВ SiO2/Si, ОБЛУЧЕННЫХ БЫСТРЫМИ ИОНАМИ. Международной научной конференции студентов и молодых ученых «ФАРАБИ ƏЛЕМІ» Алматы, Казахстан, 6-8 апреля 2021 года


Zhang Jian, Yiting Liu, Xinglai Zhang, Zongyi Ma, Jing Li, Cai Zhang, Altynay Shaikenova, Beisenov Renat, Baodan Liu. High‐Performance Ultraviolet‐Visible Light‐Sensitive 2D‐MoS2/1D‐ZnO Heterostructure Photodetectors //Chemistry Select. – 2020. – Т. 5. – №. 11. – С. 3438-3444. CiteScore2.60, Hindex25, SJR0.45,Q2,

 R.E.Beissenov, A.L.Mereke, A.G.Umirzakov, Z.A.Mansurov, B.A.Rakhmetov, Y.Y.Beisenova, A.A.Shaikenova, D.A.Muratov. Fabrication of 3D porous CoTiO3 photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution application: Preparation and properties study //Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - Volume 121, January 2021, 105360. IF2.82, Hindex49, SJR0.63, Q2.

Д.А. Муратов, А.А. Шайкенова, А.Л. Мереке, А.Г. Умирзаков, Б.А. Ракыметов, Р.Е. Бейсенов. Мыс төсеніш бетінде химиялық буфаза әдісі арқылы өсірілген графен қабаттарын көшіру //Вестник КазНИТУ – 2019. № 6 (136). C. 168-172.

А.А. Шайкенова, Р.Е. Бейсенов, Д.А. Муратов, Г.К. Турлыбекова, К.С. Астемесова. Синтез многослойного графена на медной подложке при атмосферном давлении методом химического осаждения из газовой фазы (CVD) //Вестник КазНИТУ. – 2020. №2 (138). - C. 143-151.

A.A. Shaikenova, B. Liu, R.E. Beisenov, B.A. Rakhymetov, D.A. Muratov. Synthesis and optical study of WS2 single crystals on sSiO2/Si substrate //XI International Symposium «Combustion and Plasmochemistry» November 20-22, 2019 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Мереке А.Л., Бейсенов Р.Е., Умирзаков А.Г., Рахметова Б.А., Муратов Д.А., Алмасов Н.Ж., Шайкенова А.А. Технология получения халькогенидов WS2 и исследования их структур //XI International Symposium «Combustion and Plasmochemistry» November 20-22, 2019 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Shaikenova A., Beisenov R., Muratov D. Studying the mechanism of graphene formation by chemical vapor deposition synthesis // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, Vol.15, No.2(30), 2018, Karaganda, ISSN 1811-1165 (Print), ISSN 2413-2179 (Online).

Shaikenova A., Beisenov R., Muratov D. Chemical vapor deposition growth of WS2 crystals //Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, Vol.15, No.2(30), 2018, Karaganda, ISSN 1811-1165 (Print), ISSN 2413-2179 (Online).

Shaikenova A., Beissenov R., Muratov D., Mansurov Z.A. //Synthesis of WS2 crystals by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method on a SiO2 substrate. International Symposium “The Physics and Chemistry of Carbon and Nanoenergetic Materials", September 12-14, 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Altynay Shaikenova, Renat Beissenov, Dauren Muratov. //PMMA wet transferring of CVD graphene onto the target substrate. The 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems, 8-10 August, 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan.

Altynay Shaikenova, Renat Beissenov, Dauren Muratov. //Synthesis of WS2 crystals by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method on a SiO2 substrate. The 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems, 8-10 August, 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan.

A.A. Shaikenova, R.E. Beissenov, Zh.O. Mukash, Z.A. Mansurov. //Development and study of graphene and WS2 based heterostructure for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. 6th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science (Nano and Materials Science-2018), April 16-18, 2018, Valencia, Spain.

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