Shayakhmetov Saulet Berlikashevich
Doctor of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Head of Department
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: s.shayakhmetov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1. KazATK them. M. Tynyshpaeva, the position of professor of the Department of Transport Construction. 2000-2021 years.
2. KazATK them. M. Tynyshpayeva, Dean of the Faculty of Transport Construction. 2000-2021 year.
3. Satbayev Unersity, position of professor of the Department of Construction and Building Materials. From 2021-2024.
4. Head of the Department of Construction and Building Materials, Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University. Aug. 2024 - present.
KazATK University named after M. Tynyshpaeva, specialty "Construction of railways, track and track facilities". Graduated in 1998
Scientific projects
1. Development of NTD. Technological maps (part 1). Track alignment, 2013. - with. 254. 2. Development of NTD. Rules for the organization of work to eliminate abysses and subsidence of the railway track. - Astana. year 2014. - with. 106. 3. Development of NTD. Instructions for the preparation of track facilities and water supply facilities for the drift of ice and the passage of spring and storm water. - Astana. 2015 year. - p. 34. 4. Recycling of ST RK 1677-2015 Elastic fastening of rails with elastic clips such as SKL 12 (with pads) and SKL 14 (without pads). Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Gosstandart) - Astana. 2015 year. 5. Development of ST RK 2796-2015 requirements for fencing devices, excluding the exit of unauthorized persons, livestock and the exit of motor vehicles onto railway tracks in unidentified places. Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Gosstandart) - Astana. 2015 year. 7. Development of NTD. Typical flow charts for sand control work on the main railway network were approved by the order of the Director of the branch of the National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” - “Directorate of the backbone network” T. Kenzhebekov dated December 05, 2018 No. 336-TsZhS. 6. Calculations of the temperature intervals for fixing the strings of the continuous welded track of JSC "NK" KTZh "with various types of intermediate rail fastenings and taking into account the circulation of new and modernized locomotives. Head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shayakhmetov S.B. Performers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Makhmetova N.M. Stage 1: Interim report - May 31, 2017. Stage 2: Interim report - 31.12.2017. Stage 3: Final report - 31.05.2018 7. Development of a system for monitoring defects and ultimate stress of deformation of a continuous welded track in real time (experimentally and by calculation). Head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shayakhmetov S.B. Executors: Ph.D., Associate Professor A.K. Ibraimov, Ph.D., Associate Professor K.K.Dzholdasova Stage 1: Interim report - May 31, 2017. Stage 2: Interim report - 31.12.2017. Stage 3: Final report - 31.05.2018 8.Calculation of temperature intervals for fixing continuous welded track strings for all branches. Head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shayakhmetov S.B. Performers: Ph.D., associate professor Zhadraev R.Zh., Ph.D., associate professor Mukasheva K.V., Ph.D., associate professor Bikhozhaeva G.S. Stage 1: Interim report - May 31, 2017. Stage 2: Interim report - 31.12.2017. Stage 3: Final report - 31.05.2018 9. Development of NTD. Standard flow charts for work on the current maintenance of the continuous welded track were approved by the order of the Director of the branch of the National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” - “Directorate of the backbone network” dated December 05, 2020.Publications
Проектирование железнодорожного земляного полотна в барханных песках с учетом аэродинамического моделирования // Журнал «Вестник КазАТК», 2010. Биттибаев С.М.,Шаяхметов С.Б. Методика расчета резьбовых соединений промежуточных рельсовых скреплений.
Казахский университет путей сообщения. Журнал «Промышленный транспорт Казахстана», 2005.,№1. Алматы, 2005. Биттибаев С.М.,Шаяхметов С.Б. К вопросу расчета промежуточных рельсовых скреплений продольному сдвигу.
Журнал «Промышленный транспорт Казахстана», 2005.,№1. Алматы, 2005. Биттибаев С.М.,Шаяхметов С.Б., Хасенов С.С. Конструктивные особенности промежуточных рельсовых скреплений бесстыкового пути.
Журнал «Вестник Кыргызского отделения Международной академии энергетики имени Альберта Эйнштейна», 2006, №1. Биттибаев С.М., Шаяхметов С.Б., Толстунова Т.С. Повышение усталостной износостойкости рельсов путем удаления волнообразных неровностей комбинированным методом.
Журнал «Вестник КазАТК», 2007, №4. Шаяхметов С.Б., Жатканбаева А.О., Түйіспесіз рельс бунақтарын төсеу арқылы темір жолдың беріктігін және жұмыстық сипаттамаларын арттыру жолдары.
Журнал Магистраль№ 10 (84) Алматы-2007. Шаяхметов С.Б. Исследование демпфирующих свойств промежуточных рельсовых скреплений. Казахский университет путей сообщения. Журнал «Промышленный транспорт Казахстана», 2007, №4. Алматы, 2007.
Журнал «Промышленный транспорт Казахстана», 2007, №4. Алматы, 2007. Шаяхметов С.Б. Особенности расчета промежуточных рельсовых скреплений.
Научный журнал министерства образования и науки «ІЗДЕНІС» №1/2008г. Алматы, 2008. Шаяхметов С.Б. Усталостные разрушения элементов промежуточных рельсовых скреплений КБ-65 в процессе эксплуатации и их причины.
Научный журнал министерства образования и науки «ІЗДЕНІС» №1/2008г. Алматы, 2008. Биттибаев С.М., Шаяхметов С.Б., Тлеубаева А.К. Усталостные разрушения элементов промежуточных рельсовых скреплений КБ-65 в процессе эксплуатации и их причины.
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