Shneider Elina
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: e.shneider@satbayev.111
Professional biography
She graduated the Kazakh head architectural and construction academy with a degree in "Designer-architect", in 1994. After the graduation of KazHACA, she worked in "Kiik" LLP, as a designer, as well as a teacher at the faculty of Design in KazHACA, as an assistant of professor. She taught the following disciplines: "Production of design objects", "Printing design", "Graphic language and visual culture", "Creation of design objects", " Spec.types of advertising", was engaged in the management of graduate design in the specialties of architectural and graphic design, was an adviser. Since 2011 taught at the Department of "Architecture and design "(KazNTU). Led the discipline "design objects of design", "Production of design objects", "Ergonomics and equipment of interiors", "POAD", and was engaged in the management of graduate design. For organizing the participation of students in the International design week "Almaty design week 2012" in the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan, noted by the organizers of the competition with a letter of thanks. During his creative activity has published about 20 works including teaching materials and Syllabus. "Letter of appreciation" for contribution to strengthening of material-technical base Satbaev University, and for the training of engineering personnel and scientific-pedagogical staff and organization of academic work. 2017Education
Designer-architect, Kazakh head architectural and construction Academy, specialization: "Design of architectural environment and landscape", Almaty, 1994.Scientific projects
"Increasing the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to rational architectural planning and spatial organization of territories and infrastructure facilities for mass recreation, external and internal tourism". Program 217 "development of science", sub-program 102 "Grant financing of scientific research", Priority: "Intellectual potential of the country", Almaty 2017.
She took part in the work on the theme "Creating energy-efficient technological solutions in the design for the construction and operation of residential buildings in accordance with the program in the Republic of Kazakhstan "Affordable housing-2020" worked on the theme "energy-Saving technologies in architecture and urban planning".
Organization and development of conceptual interiors projects KazNTU with students and postgraduates of the specialty "Architecture" and "Design". The work was carried out jointly with the teachers of the Department "Architecture": L. V. Sidorenko, A.V. Khodzhikov, V. V. Yaskevich.
1 "Transforming furniture in the organization of children's room space". M. J. Kapushev, E. V. Schneider (proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "the Scientific heritage of Shahmardan Yessenov", Almaty 2017.)
2 "Principles of organization of the subject environment of the children's room". Schneider E. V. (Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "scientific heritage of Shahmardan Esenov", Almaty 2017.)
3 "Tables-transformers". O. Lobanova, E. V. Schneider (Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings "scientific heritage of Shahmardan Esenov", Almaty 2017.)
4 "The history of the formation of furniture-transformer". Schneider E. V. (West Siberian scientific center, international practical conference "Fundamental scientific research", Kemerovo 29-30 January 2017, RSCI)
5 "Specifics of the organization of living space for children taking into account the basic requirements (ergonomics, safety, color-light-psychology, etc.)" Schneider E. V. (West Siberian scientific center, international practical conference "Fundamental scientific research", Kemerovo 29-30 January 2017, RSCI)
6 "The transformation of public spaces". Schneider E. V., Mokshaeva A. A. (Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "New construction trends in the 21st century", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of academician Kulibayev Askar Altynbekovich), 2016.
7 "Methods and principles of formation of the subject-spatial environment". Schneider E. V. (Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "New construction trends in the 21st century", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of academician Kulibayev Askar Altynbekovich), 2016.
8 "Innovative technologies in the design of children's restaurants". Schneider E. V., Elchishcheva A.D. (Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "New construction trends in the 21st century", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of academician Kulibayev Askar Altynbekovich), 2016.
9 "Multifunctional furniture - " furniture-transformer". Schneider E. V. (Novosibirsk (NGUADI) Novosibirsk state University of architecture, design and arts (NGUADI) electronic magazine "Creativity and modernity" 2018)
10 "History and development of transformable furniture". Schneider E. V. (Novosibirsk (NGUADI) Novosibirsk state University of architecture, design and arts (NGUADI) electronic magazine "Creativity and modernity" 2018)
11 «Water reuse». M. Zh. Mamelbaeva, E. V. Schneider (Materials of international Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology"), 2018
12 «Solar panel. Main directions of solar energy conversion". D. B. Almukasheva, N. N. Nurdauletova, E. V. Schneider (Materials of international Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology"), 2018.
13 "Technologies of construction of wood-frame houses". Kozhakhmetova M. H. E. V. Schneider «Geothermal heat pump». Tumatay D. A. E. V. Schneider (Materials of the international Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology"), 2018
14 "Glass double facades". Shamsudinova Z. B. E. V. Schneider (Materials of international Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology"), 2018
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