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Sholpan N Kubekova

Sholpan N Kubekova

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Head of Department

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Email: s.kubekova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Kubekova N. Sholpan has been engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities since 1997. Over the years, she participated in Scientific and technical progress № 723 UGM.09 "New technologies for the hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors and related service industries" section 3.1.2 "Synthesis of new flotation reagents and flocculants for the enrichment of oxidized and sparsely disseminated non-ferrous and precious metal ores"; №749.MES.PTF 12.1 "Development of a new highly efficient environmentally friendly technology for the production of metallic antimony and its compounds from waste and intermediate products of non-ferrous metallurgy."

In 2015-2017, she was the head of research work №757.MES.GF.15. RUNR.43 "Development of technology for processing waste of non-ferrous metal ores in Kazakhstan into silicophosphate sorption materials."

In 2018-2020, she was the Chief Researcher of the PTF project № BR05236302 "Scientific and technical substantiation of innovations in the chemical cluster in the field of creating new materials and technologies to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production".

h-index Scopus 6, has over 80 scientific articles and abstracts of reports at various international conferences, including those included in the Scopus database, Web of Science, 2 textbooks, 2 patents and 3 acts of introducing scientific results into the educational process.

Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council for Chemical Technology Specialties.

She awarded: anniversary medal “85 years of KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satbayev" (2019);

badge Enbek Danky III degree (certificate No. 2172, issued No. 717-k dated 10/20/2022);

badge Enbek Danky II degree (certificate No. 0081, issued No. 390-k dated August 19, 2024).


Candidate of Technical Sciences (05.17.01 – Technology of Inorganic Substances)

Associate Professor in a Chemical Technology (05.17.00 – Chemical Technology)

1990 - 1994

Kyzyl-Orda pedagogical Institute named after Korkyt-ata

Specialty: Chemistry and biology

Scientific projects

Researcher at PCF No. BR05236302 “Scientific and technical substantiation of the innovation of the chemical cluster in the field of creating new materials and technologies to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production” (2018-2020);

Scientific director of section 3 of the targeted funding program for project No. BR21881939 on the topic: “Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center” (scientific director of the program Rysbekov K.B., 2023-2025);

Scientific director of the GF project AP23489432 on the topic: “New conversion anti-corrosion coatings based on waste from the enrichment of manganese ores of Kazakhstan” (2024-2026).


1. Sholpan N. Kubekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, Shamil A. Telkov. Silicophosphate sorption materials based on hogh-grade mill wastes / International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. - 2016, vol. 11, №12, Р.4985-4996; ISSN 13063065

2. Sholpan N. Kubekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, Gulnur T. Ibraimoiva etc. Enrichment Wastes' Processing of Manganiferrous Ores with the Use of Mechanochemical Methods// International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. - 2016, vol.11, №.11, P. 4855-4869; ISSN 13063065;

3. Sholpan N. Kubekova, Gulnur T. Ibraimova, Viktoria I. Kapralova. Study of silicophosphate materials based on enrichment wastes // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 52, 3, 2017. – Р.590-594. ISSN 13-14-7471 (print);

4. Aubakirov Y.A., Sassykova L.R., Tashmukhambetova Zh.Kh., Akhmetova F.Zh., Sendilvelan S., Sharipov K.O., Batyrbayeva A.A., Kubekova Sh.N. ect. Thermo-catalytic processing of polymer waste over catalysts on the basis of natural zeolite from the Tayzhuzgen field (KAZAKHSTAN) modified by Molybdenum // RJC. - Vol. 12, No. 4. – Р.1701 – 1709, October – December. – 2019 (ISSN: 0974-1496 | e-ISSN: 0976-0083, CODEN: RJCABP;

5. Sassykova L.R., Sendilvelan S., Bhaskar K., Zhumakanova A.S., Aubakirov Y.A., Kubekova Sh.N. ect. Norms of emissions of harmful substances generated from vehicles in the different countries of the world // NEWS of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – Almaty: NAS RK, 2019. – №2 (434), March – April. – Р.181-190. ISSN 2224-5278;

6. Sassykova L.R., Sendilvelan S., Aubakirov Y.A., Tashmukhambetova Zh.Kh., Batyrbayeva A.A., Kubekova Sh.N ect. Metal block catalysts for complex cleaning of harmful emissions of transport and the industry // NEWS of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – Almaty: NAS RK, 2019. – №4 (436), July – August. – Р.12-23.

7. Kapralova V.I., Kubekova Sh.N., Ibraimova G.T., Kussainova M.Zh., Raimbekova A.S., Sharipov K. Research of the possibility of the using of wastes enrichment of gold-containing ores in the process of receiving silicophosphate fertilizers by mechanochemical activation // NEWS of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series Chemistry and Technology. – Almaty: NAS RK, 2019. – №1 (433), January – February. – Р.21-27. ISSN 2224-5286.

8. T.V. Shakiyeva, L.R. Sassykova, U. N. Dzhatkambayeva, A.A. Khamlenko, N.K. Zhakirova, A.A. Batyrbayeva, R. N. Azhigulova, Sh. N. Kubekova, Zh. M. Zhaxibayeva, M. A. Kozhaisakova, L. A. Zhusupova, S. Sendilvelan and K. Bhaskar. Optimization of the oxidative cracking of fuel oil on catalysts obtained from Kazakhstan raw materials // RJC. - Vol. 14, No. 2. – Р.1065 – 1071, April – June. – 2021.

9. L.R. Sassykova, A.R. Sassykova , Sh. N. Kubekova , A.A. Batyrbayeva, R. N. Azhigulova, Zh. M. Zhaxibayeva, M. A. Kozhaisakova, L. A. Zhusupova, S. Sendilvelan and O.I. Ponomarenko. Hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds to amines on nickel and iron-containing catalysts // Rasayan J. Chem., 14(2), 1223-1229(2021)

10. L.R. Sassykova, A.R. Sassykova, B.T. Dossumova, M. S. Ilmuratova, N. E. Maximov, A.Y. Yerzhanov, A.A. Batyrbayeva, A.T. Raiyssov, Sh. N. Kubekova, S. M. Bazilbayev and T. S. Abildin. Supported palladium catalysts for selective liquid-phase hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds // RJC, Vol.14, No.3, 2021.

11. Sholpan N.Kubekova, Victoria I.Kapralova, Gulnur T.Ibraimova, Ainur S.Raimbekova, Saulet K.Ydyrysheva. Mechanically activated silicon-phosphorus fertilisers based on the natural and anthropogenic raw materials of Kazakhstan, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 162, March 2022, 110518, 2022,

12. Ainur S. Raimbekova, Viktoria I.Kapralova, Angelina K. Popova, Sholpan N. Kubekova. The study of manganese phosphate materials based on enrichment wastes, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2022. Volume 57, Iss.1,

13. Ainur Raimbekova, Victoria Kapralova, Sholpan Kubekova. New anticorrosion materials based on wastes of mining enterprises of Kazakhstan // 5 th International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference “Innovative development of resource-saving technologies and sustainable use of natural resources”. Book of Abstracts. - Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2022. Р.78-81. ISSN 2734-6935.

14. Kayrat K. Kadyrzhanov, Artem L. Kozlovskiy, Kamila B. Egizbek, Sholpan N. Kubekova, Inesh E. Kenzhina and Maxim V. Zdorovets. Investigation of the Prospects for the Use of Iron-Containing Nanocomposites Doped with Rare Earth Elements as Catalysts for the Purification of Aqueous Media // Magnetochemistry, 2023, 9, 87.

15.   A.S. Raimbekova , V.I. Kapralova , A. Dalbanbai , Sh.N. Kubekova , A.K. Popova . Effect of various phosphate inhibitors on corrosion of low carbon steel in 3% sodium chloride solution. Engineering Journal of Satbayev University. Volume 145 (2023), Issue 4, 25-31

16. Raimbekova, A., Kapralova, V., Popova, A., ... Yermekbayeva, S., Myrzabekova, S. Сorrosion behavior of mild steel in sodium sulfate solution in presence of phosphates of different composition // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. Том 59, Выпуск 2, Страницы 367 - 377, 2024.    

17. Х.Р. Садиева, А.К. Қожахан, Ш.Н. Кубекова, Г.З. Жанасова, И.К. Әлімғалиев, Ж.М. Нығметов. Азотты-фосфорлы-күкіртті кешенді тыңайтқыштарды синтездеп алу // Механика және технологиялар / Ғылыми журнал. – 2024. – №3(85). – Б.328-337.

18. Х.Р. Садиева, А.К. Қожахан, Э.И. Шукур оглы, Ш.Н. Кубекова, А.Н. Нурлыбаева, И.К. Әлімғалиев, Ж.М. Нығметов. Азотты-фосфорлы-калийлі кешенді тыңайтқыштарды синтездеп алу // Механика және технологиялар / Ғылыми журнал. – 2024. – №4(86). – Б.246-252.

19. А.С. Раимбекова, В.И. Капралова, Ш.Н. Кубекова, Л.А. Жусупова Исследование возможности переработки техногенных отходов месторождения Жайрем на растворы фосфатирования/ Горный журнал Казахстана. – 2024, №9 (233). – С.44-50

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 А.С. Раимбекова, В.И. Капралова, Ш.Н. Кубекова, Л.А. Жусупова Исследование возможности переработки техногенных отходов месторождения Жайрем на растворы фосфатирования/ Горный журнал Казахстана. – 2024, №9 (233). – С.44-50 Қазақстанның кен журналы. Горный журнал Казахстана Жер туралы ғылымдар 2024
2 Х.Р. Садиева, А.К. Қожахан, Ш.Н. Кубекова, Г.З. Жанасова, И.К. Әлімғалиев, Ж.М. Нығметов. Азотты-фосфорлы-күкіртті кешенді тыңайтқыштарды синтездеп алу // Механика және технологиялар / Ғылыми журнал. – 2024. – №3(85). – Б.328-337. Механика және технологиялар Құрылыс технология, жеңіл өнеркәсіп технологиясы, химиялық технологиялар, тамақ өнімдерінің технологиясы 2024
3 Х.Р. Садиева, А.К. Қожахан, Э.И. Шукур оглы, Ш.Н. Кубекова, А.Н. Нурлыбаева, И.К. Әлімғалиев, Ж.М. Нығметов. Азотты-фосфорлы-калийлі кешенді тыңайтқыштарды синтездеп алу // Механика және технологиялар / Ғылыми журнал. – 2024. – №4(86). – Б.246-252. Механика және технологиялар Құрылыс технология, жеңіл өнеркәсіп технологиясы, химиялық технологиялар, тамақ өнімдерінің технологиясы 2024

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Research of properties and development of technology for obtaining sorption-filtering materials from domestic raw materials