Shynara Sarkambayeva
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Email: sh.sarkambayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
September 2023 - hitherto Deputy Director of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies at Satbayev University
2022 - hitherto an associate professor at the Department of Management and Mathematical Economics at Satbayev University
2016 - 2022 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor at the International University of Information Technology
2013-2016 lecturer at the Department of Industrial Economics, Kazakh National Research Technical University
PhD in Economics, Kazakh National Technical University | Kazakhstan
Master in International Relations, Kazakh National University | Kazakhstan
Bachelor of Economics, Kazakh National Technical University | Almaty| Kazakhstan
Bachelor of Regional Studies, Kazakh National University | Almaty| Kazakhstan
Heriot Watt University | Great Britain;
Szent Istvan University | Hungary American University of Northern Cyprus | TRNC
Scientific projects
2023 - hitherto Project on grant financing of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Creation of a national model of engineering education in the context of implementing sustainable development goals"
2022 - hitherto Project on grant financing of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Development of productive models for managing the portfolio of development of small and medium-sized businesses for the conditions of Kazakhstan based on the ideas and principles of Agile technologies"
2022 Grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Development of a software and tool complex for supporting strategic decisions in the development, modernization and production of military products in the interests of national security and defense"
2019-2020 Grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Creating an adaptive model for integrating project management of an enterprise of the military-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the development of guidance and the implementation of a project management system for the effective implementation of military and dual-use projects”
2018 - Project “Development and pilot implementation of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education based on professional standards”, educational program “Innovation Management” | joint project of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan
2013-2015 Parametric Control Center, Kazakh National Research Technical University | Almaty| Kazakhstan Program for the development of effective economic policy methods based on the theory of parametric regulation Software package for forecasting, macroeconomic analysis and development of recommendations in the field of planning and implementing an effective economic policy of the EAEU countries based on the theory of parametric regulation and development of multi-country macroeconomic mathematical models
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Akzambekkyzy, A., Vasa, L., Forrest, J. Y. L., Sarkambayeva, S., & Singh, S. (2024). Impact of Projects with Future Potential on the Global Competitiveness Index of Countries. Emerging Science Journal, 8(2), 557-573. Q1
Forrest, J. Y. L., Gong, Z., Li, Z., Sarkambayeva, S., & Golden, J. (2024). Budget and Demand Correspondence. In Systemic Principles of Applied Economic Philosophies I: Producers,Consumers, and the Firm (pp. 367-384). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Forrest, J. Y. L., Shao, L., Sarkambayeva, S., Shaw, D.,& Sunita Mondal, S. (2023). Completed extensions and set-theoretical structures of an individual’s consumption preferences. New York Economic Review, 5.
Forrest, J. Y. L., Darvishi, D., Clark, R. S., Seyedian, M., Liu, J., Shao, L., ... & Mondal, S. (2024). Consumption Preferences and Utilities. In Systemic Principles of Applied Economic Philosophies I: Producers, Consumers, and the Firm (pp. 311-345). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Ussenova, A., Sailaubekov, N., Sarkambayeva, S., Spanov, M., & Ussenov, S. (2023). A New Approach for Measuring Human Capital and Business Activity at the Enterprises of Chemical and Petrochemical Industry. Economic Studies journal, (4), 88-102. Q3
Tulembayev, A., Jumadilova, S., Adilova, A., & Seidaliyeva, D. (2019). Introducing project management system into enterprises of defense industry in kazakhstan. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(2), 527-540. doi:10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.41 10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.41 S. Jumadilova (2017). Company’s Financial State Forecasting: Methods and Approaches. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2017 10.21511/imfi.14(3).2017.09
B. Mukhanov, Zh.Omirbekova, M. Alimanova, Sh.Jumadilova, D.Kozhamzharova, O. Baimuratov (2015). A Model of Virtual Training Application for Simulation of Technological Processes. Procedia Computer Science. P. 177-182 10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.192 N.T. Sailaubekov, Sh.G. Jumadilova (2013). Estimation of Competitiveness of Oil and Gas Companies based on the Normative Model. Proceeding (799) Modelling, Identification and Control / 801: Advances in Computer Science. 10.2316/P.2013.799-048
N.T. Sailaubekov, Sh.G. Jumadilova, Zh. Dildebaeva (2013). Management of financial and economic sustainability of oil & gas enterprises. Actual Problems of Economics. P. 265-273 S. Jumadilova (2012). The Role of Oil and Gas Sector for the Economy of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 6 (3), P. 295
Tulembayev A.N., Jumadilova Sh.G. AdilovaA.M., Shildibekov Y. Z. (2018) Project Management at the Enterprises of the Defense Industry. AUPET Heralds. 3(42). Pp. 122-128 Jumadilova Sh., Atabay B. Zh. Reforming Pension System in Kazakhstan. AUPET Heralds. 2018. 3(42). Pp. 128-136
Jumadilova Sh., Atabay B. Zh. The Development of the Banking System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Statistics, Account and Audit. 2018. 4(71). Pp. 178-183
Jumadilova Sh., Atabay B. Zh. Dynamics of the population savings in Kazakhstan. News of the NAN RK. Series of Social and Human Sciences. 2018. 6(322). Pp. 33-42
Сайлаубеков Н.Т., Джумадилова Ш.Г., Темиралиева Г. Оценка рисков проектов внедрения энергоэффективных технологий на основе возобновляемых источников энергии на базе имитационного моделирования// Вестник КазНУ. Серия экономическая. N 5 (117). 2016. pp. 50-55
Джумадилова Ш.Г., Сайлаубеков Н.Т. Рейтинговая оценка конкурентоспособности компании на основе нормативной модели. Вестник КазНУ. Серия экономическая. №6. - 2015
Sh. Jumadilova, Sailaubekov N.T., Dildebaeva Zh.T. Liquidity and Solvency Management of Oil and Gas Enterprises. Доклады НАН РК. - №2. – 2014. – с.122-125.
Джумадилова Ш., Сайлаубеков Н.Т. Дильдебаева Ж.Т. Қазақстандағы мұнай және газ кәсіпорынының өзіндік құнының өсуін талдау. Известия НАН РК. Серия общественных и гуманитарных наук. 2(294). – 2014. – с. 101-105.
Джумадилова Ш. Экономическое содержание финансовой устойчивости предприятия в современных условиях. Вестник КазНУ, серия экономическая. – №1(83). – 2011. – C. 46-50.
Джумадилова Ш. Основные методы анализа финансовой устойчивости предприятия в современных условиях. Поиск, серия гуманитарная. – №2(1). – 2011. – C. 95-99.
Нарибаев М.К., Джумадилова Ш. Совершенствование технологий производства нефтепродуктов – важный фактор инновационного развития экономики Казахстана. Аль-Пари. – №1(65). – 2011. – C. 170-173.
Макыш С.Б., Джумадилова Ш. Оценка и SWOT-анализ состояния нефтегазовой отрасли Республики Казахстан. Высшая школа Казахстана. – №4. – 2011. – C.248-254.
Джумадилова Ш. Стратегические приоритеты развития нефтегазовой отрасли Республики Казахстан. Вестник Университета Международного Бизнеса. – №3(21). – 2011. – C. 37-40.
Сайлаубеков Н.Т., Джумадилова Ш. Измерения различных форм плавания национальной валюты Республики Казахстан // Материалы ХIV Ежегодной международной научной конференции «Современные глобальные тренды: вызовы и риски для Центральной Азии» КНУ (г. Алматы, 26 апреля 2018 г.). — Алматы, 2018. – С. 55-63.
On one of the ways to improve the effectiveness of the “Employment Center for the Population”// III International Conference Digital Technologies in Science and Industry-2017. - Вестник КазНИТУ. Спецвыпуск. - С. 138-141
Джумадилова Ш.Г., Сайлаубеков Н.Т. Рейтинговая оценка технологий с использованием возобновляемых источников энергии по экологической значимости//Innovations in Education and Science; Kaskelen, SDU, October 14, 2016
Сайлаубеков Н.Т., Джумадилова Ш.Г. Модель оценки экономической эффективности проектов внедрения энергоэффективных технологий на основе ВИЭ (ветровые энергоустановки)// Innovations in Education and Science; Kaskelen, SDU, October 14, 2016
Sh. Jumadilova, L. Vasa. Determinants of the Economy of Kazakhstan. International scientific and practical conference, VII ed. «Economic growth in conditions of globalization». – Chisinau, 2012. – P. 215-219.
Джумадилова Ш., Сайлаубеков Н.Т., Дильдебаева Ж.Т. Оценка финансово-экономической устойчивости предприятия нефтегазовой отрасли по блоку показателей оценки положения на рынке ценных бумаг. Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции «Устойчивое развитие экономики Казахстана: императивы модернизации и бизнес-инжиниринг». – Алматы, 2012. – C. 177-182.
Sh. Jumadilova, Sailaubekov N.T. Capital Structure Management of Oil and Gas Company. Materiály VIII mazinárodní vědecko-praktickà conference “Dny vědy - 2012”. – Díl 14. Ekonomické vědy. – Praha: Publishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o., 2012. – P. 10-13.
Абдыгаппарова С.Б., Джумадилова Ш. Системная технология управления финансово-экономическим состоянием предприятия. Известия Кыргызского государственного технического университета им. И. Раззакова. №32 (Часть 2). Материалы международной научно-технической конференции «Наука, образование, инновации: приоритетные направления развития»- Бишкек, 2014 - C. 421-424.
Сиваченко Л., Багитова С.Ж., Джумадилова Ш. Технологические резервы национальной экономики. Международный форум «Инженерное образование и наука в XXI веке: проблемы и перспективы», посвященный 80-летию КазНТУ имени К.И. Сатпаева, Алматы. - 2014. – с. 597-603
Baranyai, Z. et al. Innovations and Sustainable Development. Actual Research Problems in Eastern Europe. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, 2014
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Economic issues, project management