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Smagulov Dauletkhan Ulyalovich

Smagulov Dauletkhan Ulyalovich

Doctor of technical sciences


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics



PhD count:

Professional biography

One of the leading scientists of metallurgical materials scientists in Kazakhstan, a teacher with 50 years of experience.

Leader of numerous scientific projects in the field of green energy and theoretical foundations for the development of new materials.

Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council. Author of over 165 scientific publications, including 15 with an impact factor, 2 textbooks in the Kazakh language.

He was awarded the gold medal of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber for high-quality professional activity and the Diploma of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best author".

He is the owner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university", laureate of the state scientific scholarship. Member of the International Group of Experts in the Field of Phase Diagrams MSIT (Max Planck Institute, Germany).

Since 2021, professor of the Department of materials science, nanotechnology and engineering physics


Higher education- in 1969 graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), specializing in Physics of Metals and Metal Science.

Diploma Ц№192916. In 1974 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the MISIS Dissertation Council

In 2001. defended his doctoral dissertation on "Calculation of multicomponent phase diagrams and their use for the development of alloys and improvement of processing technology" at the Dissertation Council of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, specializing in "Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals".