Smagulov Dauletkhan Ulyalovich
Doctor of technical sciences
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics
Email: D.Smagulov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
One of the leading scientists of metallurgical materials scientists in Kazakhstan, a teacher with 50 years of experience.
Leader of numerous scientific projects in the field of green energy and theoretical foundations for the development of new materials.
Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council. Author of over 165 scientific publications, including 15 with an impact factor, 2 textbooks in the Kazakh language.
He was awarded the gold medal of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber for high-quality professional activity and the Diploma of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best author".
He is the owner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university", laureate of the state scientific scholarship. Member of the International Group of Experts in the Field of Phase Diagrams MSIT (Max Planck Institute, Germany).
Since 2021, professor of the Department of materials science, nanotechnology and engineering physics
Higher education- in 1969 graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), specializing in Physics of Metals and Metal Science.
Diploma Ц№192916. In 1974 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the MISIS Dissertation Council
In 2001. defended his doctoral dissertation on "Calculation of multicomponent phase diagrams and their use for the development of alloys and improvement of processing technology" at the Dissertation Council of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, specializing in "Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals".
Scientific projects
Research work - is the head of scientific and technical projects:
1.Scientific and technical project for grant funding, theme №747. MONGF.12.18- "Creation of nanostructured organic, polymer solar cells (Solar Cells) for converting solar energy into electrical energy". Priority: 1. Energy. 1.3. Renewable energy sources (photoelectricity). Customer - Science Foundation, MES RK .. Executors: KazNTU, University of Texas (USA). (2012-2014)
2. Scientific and technical project on grant funding, theme No. 747. MONGF.12.17 - "Development of theoretical foundations for the creation of new promising alloys and functional materials with a given level of properties." Priority: 5. Intellectual potential of the country. 5.1 Basic research in the natural sciences. Customer - Science Foundation, MES RK. 2012-2014
3. Scientific and technical project under the program "Targeted development of university science for 2012-2014", topic №740 MON.11- "Development of technology for the production of organic fluorocells and nanocomposite materials based on carbon nanotubes."
4. Commercialization project No. 100-GK-16 - "Creation of pilot production of innovative aluminum alloys from domestic raw materials and finished products from them with a nanostructured protective ceramic coating", 2017-2019.
Author of over 165 scientific publications, including 15 with an impact factor. 13 were published in prestigious foreign publications. Has 2 textbooks in the Kazakh language, has 3 patents of the Republic of Kazakhsatn, was awarded with Diplomas for scientific discoveries of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, the International Association of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Moscow. 2014
Scientific results:
Научные результаты:
Yeshmanova, G., Blawert, C., Serdechnova, M., Wieland, D. F., Starykevich, M., Gazenbiller, E., ... & Zheludkevich, M. L. (2024). Effect of electrolyte composition on the formation of PEO coatings on AA2024 aluminium alloy. Surfaces and Interfaces, 44, 103797.
Akhmetova, G. E., Kozha, E., Vyatkina, A. K., Smagulov, D. U., & Kudrya, A. V. (2020). Assessment of the Effect of Electrolytic-Plasma Treatment on the Structure of Steel 45G. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 61, 687-690.
Kudrya, A. V., Sokolovskaya, E. A., Perezhogin, V. Y., Smagulov, D. U., & Akhmetova, G. E. (2019). Measurement of banded microstructure characteristics in sheet steels. Metallurgist, 62, 1225-1231.
Aliya Amenova, Dauletkhan Smagulov. Quantitative analysis of the Al – Ni – Fe – Mn – Zr – Si phase diagram as base of heat-resistant cast aluminum alloys of new generation. IХ Международная научно-практическая конференция «Новости научного прогресса – 2013». Бял ГРАД-БГ (г. София, Болгария). ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6.
Aliya Amenova, Nikolay Belov, Dauletkhan Smagulov, Ainagul Toleuova. Scientifically based choice of heat-resistant cast aluminum alloys of new generation. 2013 the 2nd International Conference on Advance Materials Design and Mechanics. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Journal "Applied Mechanics and Materials" [ISSN: 1660-9336, Trans Tech Publications]. Indexing: EI Compendex, Scopus, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Google Scholar.
Аменова А.А., Смагулов Д.У., Достаева А.М - Оптимизация состава новых промышленных экономнолегированных термостойких сплавов алюминия. IX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные научные достижения–2013». Publishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o. (Чехия, Прага).
Аменова А.А., Белов Н.А., Смагулов Д.У. Расчетный анализ влияния железа, марганца и кремния на неравновесную кристаллизацию алюминиевых сплавов, содержащих 2%Ni. Журнал Металловедение и термическая обработка металлов, Россия, г. Москва. Журнал «Metal science and heat treatment», изд-во Springer.
Zharkynay Kuanyshbekova, Dauletkhan Smagulov, Anyar Zakhidov. Lightweight Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Doped Carbon Nanotube Charge Collectors. Second International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Energy and Space, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia, august, 3-5, 2011.
Толеуова А.Р. Аменова А.А. Prospecting Aluminum Alloys with Zirconium and Scandium Additives. Технический журнал Nauka i studia, Польша, №12 (43), 2011, стр. 86 - 92
Толеуова А.Р. Аменова А.А. On the calculation and representation of multicomponent systems. Материалы 8-ой международной научно-практической конференции «Образование и наука без границ - 2011», 7-15 декабря 2011 года, Польша, стр. 31-36
Толеуова А.Р. Сравнительный анализ легирующих добавок применительно к изготовлению термостойких заготовок на основе алюминия. Журнал «Metalscience and heat treatment», изд-во Springer, импакт-фактор 0,2
Toleuova A.R., Smagulov D.U. «Prospecting aluminum alloys with zirconium and scandium additives». Scientific magazine “Nauka and studia”. №12 (43), 2011, ISSN 1561 – 6894, Польша. Раздел: Технические науки. Стр.86-92.
Zharkynay Kuanyshbekova, Chi Huynh, Stephen Hawkins, Samat Malayev and Anvar Zakhidov. Dry Drawn Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Sheet as a Counter Electrode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Multilayer Optimization. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 622-623 (2013) pp 833-837© (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.622-623.833
Aliya Amenova, Nikolay Belov, Dauletkhan Smagulov, Ainagul Toleuova. Perspective high-strength aluminum alloys of new generation based on Al–Ni–Mn–Fe–Si–Zr system. Online ISSN: 1433-075X. on February, 2014. Impact Factor: 0,321.SRJ2: 0.300; SNIP2: 0.29. Abstracted in: Scopus.
Aliya Amenova, Dauletkhan Smagulov. Optimization of the compositions of the high strength casting aluminum alloys based on nickel eutectic. 2014 4th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials. International Journal “Advanced Materials Research”. 2013. Bali, Indonesia. [ISSN: 1662-8985, Trans Tech Publications]. Indexing: Scopus
Aliya Amenova, Dauletkhan Smagulov. New method of phase transformations calculation in metals with structural features of the initial and new phases. Key Engineering Materials. International Journal “Advanced Materials Research”. 2013. Bali, Indonesia. [ISSN: 1662-8985, Trans Tech Publications]. Indexing: Scopus
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Development of theoretical methods for calculating phase transformations and constructing phase diagrams of multicomponent metal systems.
2. Development of technologies for the production of innovative aluminum alloys from domestic raw materials and finished products from them with a nanostructured ceramic coating.
3. Development of technology for the production of electrical wires with high mechanical strength and heat resistance.
4. Obtaining fundamentally new solar cells and interface materials based on perovskite structures and carbon nanotubes.