Smailov Nurzhigit

Smailov Nurzhigit


Associate Professor


Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies

Email: n.smailov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Smaylov Nurzhigit Kuralbayuly - PhD doctor , professor of the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies, specialist in the field of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications.

PhD - Smailov N.K. Order on awarding the PhD Doctor of Philosophy degree, No. 0001927, 10.07.2017

According to the order No. 334 dated August 12, 2022 of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the awarding of scientific titles", Nurzhigit Kuralbayuly Smailov was awarded the scientific title of " docent" .

From the beginning of 2022-2023. He was invited twice to become a temporary member of the dissertation council of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KazNU named after al-Farabi in the specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications". Also, in the last 3 years, he was directly involved in the publication of articles and was the executor of the following scientific projects within the framework of the republican programs of basic and applied scientific research.

During this time, he trained 10 masters of science and 30 bachelors. Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of 3 master's and 3 doctoral students. Under his leadership, 2 doctoral students successfully defended their defenses. :

No. 783-d, 22.06.2022, on awarding the Doctor of Philosophy PhD degree to Askhat Batyrgaliev in 2022 ;

- Koshkinbaev Sauletbek, Doctor of Philosophy, Order No. 597 on awarding the scientific degree of PhD , dated 04/20/2023;

Scientific and organizational work. Smailov N.K. scientific and pedagogical experience of - 11 years. In the last academic year, the author of 1 educational tool for bachelors in the specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications", 3 teaching-methodological complexes, under his leadership 19 dissertations in the specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" were completed and defended.

Smailov Nurzhigit Kuralbayuly gives lectures and conducts practical classes in Russian and Kazakh languages in a clear and understandable language to students, masters and doctoral students of "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" specialty. All lectures and practical classes are held in a computer laboratory using COM SOL , MatLab, Mathcad, Python , Autocad, Proteus and Cisco Packet Tracer software products.

He regularly participates in national and international scientific competitions and conferences. According to the results of the student survey, the teaching rating is high. Students describe him as a responsible teacher with good theoretical and practical knowledge.

Smailov N.K. has proven himself as a conscious, active and independent researcher who knows how to correctly compile reports, perform practical work well and process the obtained data .

He actively continues his scientific work in new topical areas. According to the application No. 2020/0247.2, the utility model "Mobile intelligent road sign" was received, as well as the innovative patent "Sensor element of the microelectronic temperature sensor" according to the application No. 2022/0678.2, according to paragraph 2 of Article 23. Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the application No. 7347, an innovative patent was obtained for the utility model "Recognizer of the capacity of oil and water in oil wells".


1. KazNTU im.K. I. Satpayeva. Satpayev, Institute of information and telecommunication technologies, computer engineering and software, 2006-2010.

2.KazNTU im.K. I. Satpayeva. Satpayev, Institute of information and telecommunication technologies, master's degree in computer Science, 2010-2011.

3. KazNTU im.K. I. Satpayeva. Satpayev, Institute of information and telecommunication technologies, PhD doctoral student in the field of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications 2013-2016.

Scientific projects

In 2020, under the leadership of Smayilov, N.K. Winners of the competition for grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022:

AP 08052850 "Development of projects and technologies for the creation of small-sized fiber-optical combined pressure and temperature sensors for space infrastructure."

2023-2025, as well as AP 19679041 won the grant funding competition on the topic "Research and application of fiber-optic strain sensors for monitoring the stress state of metal and concrete structures". 12 teachers, masters and doctoral students of the department are actively working on this topic.

Official scientific reviewers:

Tolegenova Akmaral Alibekovna - master of technical sciences, senior lecturer of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.

Gulbakhar Bazarbaevna Dosymbetova is a senior lecturer at Kazakh National University named after Dr. Al-Farabi.

Skabylov Alisher Aliuly - master of technical sciences, senior lecturer of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.


Seydalieva, U.; Ilipbaeva, L.; Taisariyeva, K.; Smailov, N.; Matson, ET Advances and Challenges in Drone Detection and Classification Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review. Sensors 2024, 24, 125. Smailov N. and so on. Numerical modeling and measurement of deformation wave parameters using different types of sensors //Sensors. - 2023. - Vol. 23. - No. 22. - 9215 p. Kizevetter, D., Krivosheev, S., Magazinov, S., Malyugin, V., Smailov, N., Koshkinbaev, S. (2023, October). Using fiber Bragg gratings to measure the speed of light. 2023 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics ( EExPolytech ) (pp. 374-376). IEEE. Smailov N. and so on. IMPROVING THE ACCURACY OF THE DIGITAL SPECTRAL CORRELATION INTERFEROMETER METHOD THROUGH DIRECTIONAL MOUNTING THROUGH ANALYTICAL SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION FOR INCOMPLETE SPECTRUM PROCESSING OF A SIGNAL. - 2023. - Vol. 125. - No. 9. Smailov N. and so on. A new deep CNN-RNN approach for real-time impulsive sound detection for hazardous event detection // International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. - 2023. - Vol. 14. - No. 4. fiber Br egg grids as sensors for pulsed mechanical action Journal Sensors 2022, 22, 7289. 9 Published: 26 September 2022 ISSN 1424-8220 Instrumentation ; Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2021 Scopus ; "Determination of Elongation Using Finite Element and Boundary Element Method" (Scopus) International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2015, Vol. 61, no. 4, p. 389-394 Improving the accuracy and performance of the digital spectral correlation method for measuring the delay and direction of radio signals East European Enterprise Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies 1/9 (115) 2022 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2022.252561 Adaptation of optical methods for recording high-speed displacements using a pulsed magnetic field 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus) | 978-1-6654-0993-3/22 / ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus54750.2022.9755851 A time allocation method for environmental monitoring using UAVs in reverse priority Journal of Ecological Engineering 2022, 23(11), 179–187 ISSN 2299–8993, licensed under CC-BY 4.0 Study of the effectiveness of the ozonator in the process of water purification based on corona discharge Journal of Environmental Engineering 2022, 23(11), 179–187 DOI 10.12911/22998993/156610 ISSN 2299–8993, licensed under CC-BY 4.0 Rapid detection and classification of hazardous urban sounds using deep learning Computers, Materials and Continua , 2023, 75(1), pp. 2191–2208. DOI 10.32604/cmc.2023.036205 Prediction of oil sorption capacity in shungite carbon mixtures using artificial neural networks Proceedings, 2023, 11(2), 518. DOI 10.3390/pr11020518 Development of inertial navigation software for vehicles Vestnik PGU Energy series published since 1997 No. 5 (2018) Pavlodar P. 40-51 ISSN 1811-1858 "Temperature behavior of optical parameters in (Ag3AsS3)0.3(As2S3)0.3 thin films", (Scopus) spy - Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering 2015 "Some Approaches to Assessing the Noise Interference Hiding Quality of Spatial Noise Generators" (Scopus) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 15 Sep 2020. T. 98. No. 17 "Methods for evaluating the quality of masking noise interference" Scopus) Intl Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2021, VOL. 67, NO. 1, PP. 59-64. " Classification of Loaded and Unloaded UAV Images Based on Deep Residual Neural Network " (Scopus) 2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) 2020/11/9. IEEE 465-469. "Development of inertial navigation for vehicles " , Vestnik PSU energy series Published since 1997 No. 5 (2018) Pavlodar ISSN 1811-1858 pp. 40-51 "Comparative analysis of characteristics of domestic and foreign spatial noise generators", KazNITU Vestnik. No. 2 (132), March 2019, Almaty. ISSN 1680-9211. Pages 202-208. "On the basis of GPON technologies in the city of Ekibastuz, permission to run the network", PSU Bulletin, ISSN: 1811-1858. Series energy No. 1. "Investigation of Br egg -based temperature sensors pleases the journal Scientific Research, reports and reports on achievements in various scientific fields", No. 4 (2017) ISSN 1748-7110 P.62-67 "Review of the methods of assessing the quality of staggered noise. Polish Journal of Science", No. 14 (2019), Vol. 1, Warsaw, Poland. ISSN 3353-2389. Pages 33-36. "Mathematical Model of Dynamics of Two Bodies Connected in Space", 2(54), Part 2020-5 East European Scientific Journal (Warsaw, Poland) Journal registered and published in Poland. Vol. 45-54. "Study of spectral characteristics of temperature fiber-optic sensors", Scientific and technical journal " Mechanical engineering science, youth and space as factors of innovative development based on international cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia" International scientific and practical conference Oral-2019 2 (22) ) C .395 -399 "Smart Crossover Simulation of Microcontroller Control" International Process Control and Research Conference Birmingham, UK (Novotel Birmingham Centre, 30 November 2019) M67 "Thermocouple Diagnostic Methods", 9th International Conference Zakopane, Poland, June 23 - 26, 2016 ISBN: 978-83-7947-124-9

Basic rules and results of scientific research Smailova N.K. presented at international conferences:

- 17th International Scientific Conference , Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2019.

- International Conference "Process Management and Scientific Development", Birmingham, England, 2019

- LX International scientific and practical conference, October, Russian Federation, 2019

- 2nd International Zholdasbekov Symposium , Almaty, Kazakhstan, 20 21

- 8th International scientific and practical conference "Science and education in the modern world, problems of the 21st century", Nur -Sultan, Kazakhstan, 20 21

- Article with scientists of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 2022, Sensors magazine , Q 1;

6) Domestic monograph: single author, Modeling of fiber-optic temperature sensors, 2021, ISBN 978-601-80757-2-8 , 180 p., circulation 500 copies.

7) Scientific publications ( Q 1, Q 2, Q 3 – 16 articles) in Scopus database and Web of Science . KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Article 23. (Bulletin)

 Patents : 4

- utility model "Mobile intelligent traffic sign" according to the application No. 2020/0247.2;

- to the application No. 2022/0678.2 according to " Microelectronic temperature sensor sensor element " ;

- Patent for utility model "Oil and water capacity detector in oil wells" according to application No. 7347, 2022.

No. 36250 for the invention of microelectronic temperature sensors

9) Act of implementation.

- FAO Kazteleradio, 8.11.2022;

- KTZ NC JSC "Main lines", 11/18/2022

10) Textbook on state unitary enterprise UMO of RUMS MNiVO RK. Theory of electrical engineering, 2023, 350 p.

11) State language textbook "Wireless communication networks", ISBN 978-601-323-326-0. Publishing house of KazNTU, 2022