Surkova Tatiyana Yuriyevna
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Researchers of Satbayev University holding
Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation
Email: t.surkova@satbayev.university
Professional biography
Surkova T.Yu., specialty - chemist, candidate of technical sciences. She has over 170 scientific papers, among them about 30 inventions. For several years the main direction of scientific activity Surkova T.Yu. was a circle of theoretical and applied questions connected with the laws of extraction of gallium from unconventional gallium-containing raw materials using electrochemical methods. The research findings have undergone industrial tests and introduced into production at several aluminous subindustry enterprises, in particular, at “Glinozyom” Pikalyovo Production Association, Ural Aluminum Smelter, Pavlodar Aluminum Smelter, Achinsk Alumina Refinery Plant. Since 2000, the main direction of scientific activity - theoretical and applied research of extraction of rare, rare-earth and noble metals from ore materials and technogenic wastes. A rich research experience, in particular, in the field of electrochemical and sorption processes, will allow us to offer new technological solutions for the extraction of noble and associated metals in this project.
Surkova T.Yu. in the period from 2012 to 2014 - was the head of the project on the line of NATR - National Agency for Technological Development: "Obtaining technical zirconium dioxide from the industrial product of uranium production and organization of the production of its pilot batch", completed project
In 2013 - Project Manager: " Heap leaching column testing of gold-containing ore from taskara deposit "– commercial contract, completed project.
From 2012 to 2014 - Project Manager: " Development of technological parameters for recovery of uranium and associated elements from unconditioned raw materials of manybai uranium ore cluster ", completed project, as well as a head of the section of “Development of technology for recovery of rare-earth elements from ore of the northern uranium province, Manybai deposit” under the program of «Scientific and technological justification for the rare metal industry development in Kazakhstan for 2011-2014», completed project.
2018-2020 - Head of the topic of the project "Program-targeted financing": "Improvement of the method of opening HME and concentration of rare earth elements" in the framework of the scientific and technical program "Development and implementation of innovative technologies that ensure an increase in the extraction of non-ferrous, noble, rare, rare earth metals and the solution of production problems of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan (BR05236406) "
2020-2022 - the executor of the project on the budgetary program of grant financing of scientific research for 27 months: Development of methods for modifying natural sorbents for the extraction of uranium using technogenic raw materials (AP08856246).
2020-2023 - the executor of the project under the budgetary program of grant financing of scientific research for 36 months: Development of a technology for processing pyrite cinders with the extraction of valuable components and preliminary chemical activation of the feedstock (AP09259455).
by specialty - chemist, candidate of technical sciences (Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi)Scientific projects
2020-2022 - the executor of the project on the budgetary program of grant financing of scientific research for 27 months: Development of methods for modifying natural sorbents for the extraction of uranium using technogenic raw materials (AP08856246).
2020-2023 - the executor of the project under the budgetary program of grant financing of scientific research for 36 months: Development of a technology for processing pyrite cinders with the extraction of valuable components and preliminary chemical activation of the feedstock (AP09259455).
1. B. K. Kenzhaliyev, T. Yu. Surkova, D. M. Yesimova Concentration of rare-earth elements by sorption from sulphate solutions // Complex use of mineral raw materials, №3, 2019.S.5-10. https://doi.org/10.31643/2019/6445.22
2. B. K. Kenzhaliyev , D. M. Yesimova , T. Y. Surkova , A. Soemowidagdo , L. U. Amanzholova , N. B. Egorov Transformation of the rare earth elements and impurity elements combinations in the course of pH pregnant solution modification// News of the National Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences – 2020. №2. –Р. 87-95. https://doi.org/10.32014/2020.2518-170X.35
3. B.K. Kenzhaliyev, T.YU. Surkova, B.E. Abdikerim, A.N. Berkinbayeva, YE.B. Abikak, D.M. Yessimova. Research on sorption properties of phosphoric production slag-waste // METALURGIJA Volume 61 (2022) 1, 209-212 https://hrcak.srce.hr/262421
4.T.Yu. Surkovа, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, M.N. Azlan, S.B. Yulusov, B.M. Sukurov, D.M. Yessimova, Black Shale Ore of Big Karatau is a Raw Material Source of Rare and Rare Earth Elements // Hydrometallurgy, Volume 205, November 2021, 105733 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2021.105733
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