Tazhiyev Yeleussiz
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: y.tazhiyev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2013 - 2015 - Engineer, Assistant of the Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
2015 - 2019 - Junior Researcher, Researcher of the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
2020 - 2021 - Tutor of the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Since 2021 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
2007 - 2011 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, 5B070900 - Metallurgy, Bachelor. № 0226384
2011 - 2013 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayeva, 6М070900 - Metallurgy, Master of Engineering and Technology. № 0032382
2015 - 2018 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayeva, 6D070900 - Metallurgy, PhD. № 0000041
Scientific projects
2012 - 2014 – №751.MES.GF.12.14 «Development of high technology for obtaining new carbon-containing granular material»
2015 - 2017 – №757.МES.GF.15.RUMR.14 «Scientific research of direct reduction of metals and development of technology for producing a new manganese-chromium-containing alloy from accumulated industrial waste»
2015 - 2017 – №757.MES.GF.15.RUMR.15 «Development of technology for the deep processing of complex iron ore»
2018 - 2020 – «Development of the technology for the preparation and processing of Lisakovsky phosphorous iron ore concentrate» according to the scientific and technical program No. BR05235618 «Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and mining industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2021 - 2023 – № АР09058297 «Development of a new waste-free technology utilization of galvanizing waste with complex extraction of valuable metals».
1. S.M. Tleugabulov, B.S. Tleugabulov, G.M. Koishina, D.Kh. Altybaeva, E.B. Tazhiev. Regulation of High Temperature BlasttFurnace Processes by Adjusting the FuellAdditive Supply. Steel in Translation (United Kingdom), 2015, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 578–583. (translation version) ISSN 0967–0912, Scopus (IF-0.232).
2. S.M. Tleugabulov, B. S. Tleugabulov, G.M.Koishina, D. Kh. Altybaeva, E. B. Tazhiev. Smelting reduction of a monocharge. Scientific and Production Technical Journal Metallurgist (Russia), Vol. 60, Nos. 1–2, May, 2016, (translation version) ISSN0026-0894 (Print), ISSN1573-8892 (Online), Web of Science Core Collection (IF-0.243)
3. S.M. Tleugabulov, E. B. Tazhiev. Energy-saving ferroalloy production / Steel in Translation, 2017, Vol. 47, №10, pp. 682–687. Scopus (IF-0.24).
4. С.М. Тлеугабулов, Б.С.Тлеугабулов, Г.М.Койшина, Д.Х. Алтыбаева, Е. Б.Тажиев. Управление процессами в фурменной и противоточной зонах доменной печи регулированием расхода топливных добавок. Научно-производственный технический журнал «Сталь», 2015, № 8, – C. 16–2, ISSN 0038–920X
5. С.М. Тлеугабулов, Б.С.Тлеугабулов, Г.М.Койшина, Д.Х. Алтыбаева, Е. Б.Тажиев. Восстановительная плавка моношихты. Научно-производственный технический журнал «Металлург», 2016, №1, - С. 35-40, ISSN 0026–0827
6. С.М.Тлеугабулов, Е.Б. Тажиев. Энергосберегающая технология производства ферросплавов / Международный научно-технический и производственный журнал «Сталь», - № 10, 2017, 13-18 с.
7. Е.Б. Тажиев, С.М. Тлеугабулов, Д.И. Рыжонков, Г.М. Койшина. Восстановительная плавка металлсодержащих промышленных отходов без науглероживания металлического сплава / Комплексное использование минерального сырья. 2018. №4. C. 71-76.
8. С.М. Тлеугабулов, Е.Б. Тажиев. Марганец-ванадий құрамды қорытпа мен болат алудың сандық технологиясы / Вестник Казахстанского-Британского Технического Университета, №3 (46), 2018, - С. 47-53.
9. С.М.Тлеугабулов, Е.Б.Тажиев, Б.С.Тлеугабулов. Системный подход к разработке технологии восстановительной выплавки стали / ЧЕРНАЯ МЕТАЛЛУРГИЯ. Бюллетень научно-технической и экономической информации. №9, 2018, - С. 40-47.
10. Tleubagulov, S.M., Aitkenov, N.B., Koishina, G.M., Tazhiev, E.B. Technology Production of Ore Coal Pellets from Converter-Coal Slag Mix and Reduction Smelting of Steel / Steel in Translationthis link is disabled, 2021, 51(1), стр. 65–67
11. Koishina G.M., Zholdasbay E.E., Kurmanseitov M.B., Tazhiev Ye.B., Argyn A.A. Study on the behavior of zinc and associated metal-impurities in the process of chlorinating roasting of dross // Complex Use of Mineral Resources. Volume 3, Issue 318, 2021, P. 71-80. eISSN-L 2616-6445, ISSN 2224-5243. Q3 https://doi.org/10.31643/2021/6445.30
12. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan A., Zholdasbay E.E., Koishina G.M., Tazhiev Ye.B., Argyn A., Kuldeyev, Y.I., Kaplan, V. Processing dross from hot-dip galvanizing by chlorination roasting / Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(22), 12530. eISSN: 2071-1050, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212530 Percentile-86, Q2
13. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbai E.E., Koishina G.M., Kaplan A.V., Kurmanseitov M.B., Tazhiev E.B. Chlorination Roasting of Oxidized Component Obtained from Dross at a Temperature of 1000°C / Metallurgist, 2022, 66(3-4), P. 335–342. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11015-022-01333-y Percentile-45, Q3
14. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Zholdasbay E.E., Argyn A., Kuldeyev Y.I., Koishina G.M., Tazhiev Ye.B. Chlorination Treatment for Gold Extraction from Refractory Gold-Copper-Arsenic-Bearing Concentrates // Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14(17), №11079, 2022, eISSN: 2071-1050, https://doi.org/10.3390/su141711019. Percentile-86, Q2
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